


Right as their eyes met, Emery could feel the atmosphere immediately tensed up, and the air was filled with heat from the fire energy gathering right above Morgana's palms. It was no question that she was furious.

"Whoa, wait, wait!"

Emery lifted up both hands with a panicked expression. Slowly, he approached the redhead girl, careful not to set her flaming temper ablaze.

Step by step, he walked closer and he dispelled the [Shapeshifting] skill in hopes that some familiarity would calm her down.

"I am sorry… No, I truly apologize for taking way too long…"

"Too long?" Morgana raised her eyebrows. "I seem to remember that you said hours, or was I deaf!?"

"It wasn't a purposeful delay, I have a very good reason for-"

"Hah!" Morgana scoffed and gave Emery a sarcastic smile. "You and your excuses, as usual."

"I am serious, you know…" Emery approached her close, looked her in the eyes and said "I was in a fight and I got hurt very badly. Then I was taken to the High Priestess to be healed, it was so bad it took the high priestess a few days to fully heal me."

Emery can see her expression start to change. He steps even closer and said.

"Morgana, I am sorry. I came as soon as I healed, really. You can ask your sisters later."

Morgana's rage slowly has turned to worry, before it turned once more into another burst of emotion.

"Hmph! Suits you for not taking me to help you!."

"Yes, yes, it is my fault… I am an idiot!"

"You are."

Finally, she let the fireball above her palm disperse.

Once again, Emery was able to calm her rage. Now, he felt a big relief. Even though she was angry, she seemed to be able to accept his reasoning.

This incident somehow made him feel like he finally reached a new stage in understanding women. This is an even harder achievement than those battle art stages.

Now that the main threat had calmed down, Emery started to look around the room she was trapped in and asked with a serious expression.

"Did they hurt you in any way?"

Morgana merely shook her head.

"No, they're just giving me a ton of questions I don't even bother answering."

Emery breathed out a long sigh in relief. "That's great, then."

"So, are we going now?"

Emery glanced at the room's structure. The place didn't seem too strong and if he really wanted to break through it, it would take almost no effort. Besides, he knew of a few spells that could easily help both of them get away.

But, he shook his head.

"No, not just yet!"

"Are you leaving again?" Morgana glared at him.

It was a simple question, but the thought of breaking his promise yet again bothered Emery far more than he thought it would.


Emery looked at the old magician and said. "I'm not leaving. In fact, I will be staying here with you."

Hearing Emery's remark instantly made Gaius a bit panicked. When he was about to complain, though, Emery's glare made him decide to shut up and let him be.

"Understood, I will tell Prince Arthur that you are waiting for him here."

The old magician walked outside and informed Gawain that his apprentice was currently teaching the fey woman the Britons language.

Emery then walked to the corner of the room, sat there and spent some time thinking. He looked at Morgana, who was still enjoying the warmth of the setting sun. He was hesitant for a moment but he finally spoke.

"Morgana… I think it would be better if you know more things about me."

Morgana glanced at him, stood up from the chair and took a seat on the floor next to him.

Silence reigned between them for a few moments, before Emery braved himself and started to tell his story. He started at how and where he was raised, he spoke of his father in a fond, easy tone. He bared everything he could, even the spotty memories regarding his mother.

Finally, he talked about the incident, the massacre of his family estate by the marauders.

Not wanting to trigger the restriction spell again, he decided to skip the part about the academy. Instead, he talked about how during his travels, he was fortunate enough to meet a being willing to teach him magic.

"What being?"

"A dragon!"

Emery described the dragon Killgragah and Morgana's eyes lighted up in excitement the more she heard about it. Though she kept muttering how unbelievable Emery's story sounded, there was no denying she was interested.

"Is the dragon the reason you were late?"

"Not really," Emery shook his head. "As much as I wanted to tell you, I can't tell you anything at the moment. But I promise, someday, you will know."

He continued to talk about the mission given by Gaia, and his reason for disguising himself as someone named Lanzo. Under this guise, he joined the Divine Order Tournament to find more information about the quest. Not only that, he talked about the information regarding the situation between the Fey and the seven kingdoms that he came across during his travels.

Lastly, he talked about Maeve, the mage who critically wounded him a few days ago.

Emery half-expected Morgana to not believe him, but she listened and responded without too much fuss. It seemed she rather easily believed him, regardless of whether he was telling the truth or not.

It was in that moment Emery realized that perhaps, being a fey alpha would make her a potential member of his pack, a little bit too trusting towards him.

Either way, Emery had promised himself he would take care of the girl and he would do so, no matter the drawbacks he would suffer.

They talked until the sun shining through the window started to dip lower before disappearing under the horizon.

When the night arrived. Arthur came in, urging Emery to go. Emery took one last look at Morgana before leaving with the golden prince leaving her with Gaious and Gawain.

To be continued