

•THE REVENGE• Theme: Crossing paths with a murderer TAGS»•» Secrets, Death, Betrayal, Revenge, Romance and Envy. ★★★★ Imagine being birthed in a cruel world where killing is your daily food. You don't want to imagine right? Well that's where Damon Salvatore is. A handsome and cold hearted person. He kills with no mercy and he does it only because his father ask him to do it. He was made this way because of his ruthless father. Little Brianna & her twin, wealthy, happy and fulfilled life, taken away by Damon and the ruthless mafia clan grows up and seeks REVENGE but does the merciless behaviors turn upside down? DOES THE MERCILESS BEHAVIORS TURN INTO LOVE? Will she melt his cold heart? EXCERPT: She felt a presence in the room and she looked back to see Damon standing behind her with his hands behind his back. "Sexy devil." Damon walked towards her and she stood up so they were inches away from each other. "How do you do? Mouse?" She said with a smirk Damon punched her, and she retaliated immediately. They fought hard till Brianna was on the ground and Damon was on top of her. "How dare you! Have you lost it!" Brianna snarled. "One day, we'll be in this same position, and you know what? I'll kiss you." He said with a smirk and she pushed him away before standing. Follow this book for further details... I hope you'll enjoy it.

Vera_odigie_20 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Chapter 8


Theme: Crossing paths with a murderer

⁠✧⁠ Chapter 8 ✧


The rays of the sun pierced through the eyes of Brianna and she opened it slowly. The room looked different, different from her room.

She sat up immediately but the pain in her head made her wince in pain. She looked around and saw a picture of Damon on the wall so she guessed it was his room.

"You're awake?" A voice asked and she swallowed as she recognized his voice.


He brought a cup of tea in a tray and dropped it in front of her.

"What am I doing here?" She asked while glaring at him.

"I brought you here so you'll be treated" he said and put his two hands in his pocket.

"But I was....."

"If I left you unconscious in your room without being treated, you would have died" he said and she bit her lips as she remembered her dead grandma.

Tears began forming in her eyes and she looked down at her hands.

"But it did and I'll never forgive you for what you did. Never!!" Arianna's words echoed in her head.

"You wouldn't have sent her there. I know you were only trying to help but allowing your grandmother to get involved was stupid of you" Eric voice also echoed in her head and the tears began pouring.

Damon just looked at her and sighed.

'Maybe what I did was too much' he thought.

'But I need her to forgive me else my mum will suffer the same pains I caused her' he thought and groaned inwardly.


"Don't call my name. You did this to me just because I asked a simple question. Why huh??" She yelled with tears pouring from her eyes.

"I'm sorry I was...."

"Save it!! I don't need your sorry cos I know you don't mean it" she said and started getting down from bed.

"How will I make it up to you then?" He asked and she froze on her spot.

A vicious smirk appeared on her lips. She faced him with a frown and walked towards him. She stopped in front of him and their face were inches away from each other.

"You'll let me beat you up for 5 good minutes" she said and he chuckled.

"That's all?" He asked and she folded her arms under her chest.

"Yep!! If you won't agree then forget about me forgiving you" she said.

"Fine!! Tonight by 8pm, come to the underground place..."

"Hell no!! That place is sound proof and no one can hear us. If I need help, how will I call someone" she said and he sighed.

"Then where?" He asked and she smiled.

"The training room" she said and turned around. She walked out of the room.

Immediately she got out, she held her chest tightly as her heart beat became normal.

She walked to her room and entered the shower. When she was done, she put on a black short hand crop top and a black cargo pants. She wore a black bunny slippers and walked out of her room.

She saw Arianna and Eric talking and eating with the people there. She bit her lips when Arianna looked at her.

Arianna stood up and walked away. Brianna followed her till they got to the garden.

"Anna!!" She called and Arianna stopped walking. She didn't look back but she stopped walking.

"I'm so sorry Anna. I didn't want this to happen" Brianna said but Arianna didn't reply.

"I'm really sorry. I did love Granny and it pains me to see she just died. It's all my fault I know but having you and Eric being angry at me is breaking me. I might just die" she said and Arianna turned swiftly.

"I wish you'll just die so granny can come back!!!" She yelled and Brianna froze. Her heart shattered into pieces immediately she heard those words.


"Don't call me!! You're the very cos of her death. If there's a way to kill you so Grandma will come back, then I'll do it" she said and Brianna started crying.

"You don't mean all what you're saying. You're just hurt" Brianna muttered as she shook her head.

"I mean it Brianna. If you were able to cos grandma death then I'm sure you killed mum and dad" Arianna yelled and walked past her.

She stopped inches away from her and what she said shocked Brianna to the bone.

"I wish you were not in my life. I wish you died instead of mum, dad and grandma" she said and walked away.

Brianna's knees gave up and she fell to the ground. Her eyes were wide as she remembered every word Arianna uttered.

"I wish you were not in my life. I wish you died instead of mum, dad and grandma!!"

"I wish you died instead of grandma!!"

"I wish you died!!"

"Arghhhhhhh!!!" She screamed as she held her head which started banging again.

Blood began bleeding from her nose and bandaged head.

Damon who was watching everything from his room window felt a little bad for Brianna.

"What's your problem Damon. She deserves it" he muttered to himself before closing his the window.

Eric came in and ran to her when he saw her state.

He held her arm and rose her up. Instead of tears, it was blood that was bleeding from her eyes.


"She wish that I'd die so grandma will come back" she muttered.

"She doesn't....."

"She said she meant every word. Maybe I should die and...."

He didn't let her complete her statement cos he hugged her.

"Don't even try dying except you want to kill me" he said and she cried more. She hugged him back and closed her eyes.

"Brianna!!" He called when he felt no movement.

He pulled out of the hug and held her. She was unconscious already so he carried her in a bridal style and took her to her room.

He got all the necessary things and he started treating her.

Few minutes later, she was sleeping soundly with a new bandage on her head. He already cleaned the blood on her body.

He caressed her cheek as he stared at her. She opened her eyes slowly and he smiled.

"I'm sorry!!" That was the first word she uttered.

"For what?" He asked.

"You were angry at me yesterday so I'm apologizing" she muttered.

"I was just disappointed not angry" he said.

"Then am sorry. Please forgive me, I don't want you to avoid me" she said and he smiled.

"It's alright" he said and she smiled as well.

Arianna who was peeping smiled before walking away.

"I'm so happy she's alright" she thought inwardly.

She sighted Damon walking and she smiled before walking to him.

"Hi!" She said.

"What do you want Brianna? Why aren't you resting?" He asked and she scoffed.

"Am Arianna!! Her twin" she said and he nodded.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Why did you hurt my sister that way?" She asked.

"If you don't want to be hurt that way, then avoid me" he muttered coldly and walked away.

Arianna frowned and walked to the training room.

Her sparing partner, Ash was there.

"You're the one the Don said I should fight?" She asked and chuckled.

"Alright!" She said and walked towards him. She got ready and launched a punch at him but he dodged and punched her on the stomach.

She staggered back and glared at him. She ran to him and he gave her a kick to the face. She fell to the ground and she saw a broken piece of glass. Her reflection showed her face already red due to the kick.

"My beautiful face!" She muttered and got up.

She ran to him and punched him heavily on his face, blood came out of his mouth as a result.

She gave him a back flying kick and he flew to the wall there. He got up and launched at her but she dodged giving him a very powerful slap. He fell to the ground and she got on top of him.

She began giving him many punches on his face, though he blocked some but the rest hit his face.

He couldn't take it anymore so....

"I GIVE UP!!!" He screamed and she gave him one more punch before standing up.

"You want to fight, fight but never and I mean never, ever touch my face" she said and glared at him before walking away.

"Boss!! You said she's weak so what was all that?" He asked don through an ear pod in his ear.

"Turns out she's stronger than I thought" he muttered and the guy sighed before resting his head on the ground.


Brianna visited Rihanna's room and saw her crying.

"Rihanna." She called and closed the door as swiftly as she had opened it.

"Why are you crying? You need to get up now! We need to get out of here before morning!" Brianna whispered.

"I don't think that can happen Brianna. I don't want to get caught again" she said and Brianna's eyes widened.

"But why?" She whispered.

"Your grandma died because of me and I suffered enough pains when I came back, I don't want to experience that pain again please" she said and continued crying.


"Bri!! Please listen to me. When the time is right, we'll escape together. We can't escape again please" she said and Brianna nodded.

"I miss my mum" she cried.

"I miss my mum too" Brianna muttered under her breath but Rihanna heard her.

"Your mum? What happened to your mum? You never told me much about your parents." Rihanna questioned.

"Never mind." Brianna said.

"My mum served Don all her life. Yet, Don just separated us, and turned me into a sex slave. I had four kids, then he killed them all! Those kids were his! They were his!!!" Rihanna cried out loud but Brianna covered up her mouth.

"It's okay. Just do everything he ask of you so he won't kill you" she said and Rihanna nodded.

"Be safe!" Brianna said and walked out of the room.


It was 8pm and Damon was already waiting for Brianna in the training room.

The door opened and Brianna came in. She was wearing a red hoodie and a black bum short.

"Before we start I'll have to do this" she said and walked to him. She tied his hands with rope and tied his legs as well.

"You have five minutes" he said and she smiled.

She punched him heavily on his cheek and he spat out blood.

'Why is her punch so painful?' He thought.

She punched him again on his other cheek and he spat out blood again.

"1 minute gone" he said.

She punched his stomach but he didn't make any noise or move. She punched him again on his stomach but he didn't move.

"2 minutes gone" he said and spat out blood.

She grabbed his neck and held it tightly. She was choking him but he didn't move at all. He broke free from the rope and pushed her away. He widened his leg and the ropes cut.

"How did you..."

"I will never tell" he said and rushed towards her.

She started running with Damon chasing her.


Don looked at the woman with a smirk. He was holding a sharp knife which he used to trace on her cheek. He did it really well making it cut her cheek a little and she winced in pain.

"You'll do nothing, bitch! Nothing! You'll die of guilt! You won't see your son before you die." He said and the woman cried but couldn't speak. She put on a pleading look, with tears rolling freely down her cheeks.

"Your innocent looking son is now a fucker!" Don laughed loudly.

"Please, don't harm my son." She said weakly and he slapped her.

"I won't waste much time on your son. We are training those capable. He will be dead." Don burst into another round of laughter.

"Please allow me see my son." She said again, crying bitterly and sniffing. She was so scared, her whole face was pink and her lips looked smashed.

"That won't happen babe!" He said and she got a little strength in her.

"You're a monster!!!!! I hate you!!!!!" She screamed and he pressed a button on the remote he was holding.

"Arghhhhhhh!!!" She screamed as she was being electrocuted.

She kept rolling on the ground as the pain became unbearable.

"FUCK YOU DAMON!" Don heard a voice outside the room.

He stopped pressing the button and smoke erupted from the woman's body.

"That's Brianna's voice. You're lucky but I'll be back." Don said and left in a hurry.

"Don't harm my son please" Daniella muttered and closed her eyes.

She lost consciousness immediately.
