

•THE REVENGE• Theme: Crossing paths with a murderer TAGS»•» Secrets, Death, Betrayal, Revenge, Romance and Envy. ★★★★ Imagine being birthed in a cruel world where killing is your daily food. You don't want to imagine right? Well that's where Damon Salvatore is. A handsome and cold hearted person. He kills with no mercy and he does it only because his father ask him to do it. He was made this way because of his ruthless father. Little Brianna & her twin, wealthy, happy and fulfilled life, taken away by Damon and the ruthless mafia clan grows up and seeks REVENGE but does the merciless behaviors turn upside down? DOES THE MERCILESS BEHAVIORS TURN INTO LOVE? Will she melt his cold heart? EXCERPT: She felt a presence in the room and she looked back to see Damon standing behind her with his hands behind his back. "Sexy devil." Damon walked towards her and she stood up so they were inches away from each other. "How do you do? Mouse?" She said with a smirk Damon punched her, and she retaliated immediately. They fought hard till Brianna was on the ground and Damon was on top of her. "How dare you! Have you lost it!" Brianna snarled. "One day, we'll be in this same position, and you know what? I'll kiss you." He said with a smirk and she pushed him away before standing. Follow this book for further details... I hope you'll enjoy it.

Vera_odigie_20 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Chapter 10


Theme: Crossing paths with a murderer.

⁠✧ Chapter 10 ✧


Brianna was in her room with Eric and she was currently sitting in front of her mirror.

She brushed her hair down and Eric kept looking at her. She turned the swivel chair to face Eric and she smiled.

"How do I look?" She asked.

"Sexy" he said and she giggled.

"Sexy devil" Damon's words echoed in her head and she bit her lips. She smiled before looking at Eric.

"Thanks!" She muttered.

A knock on the door interrupted them and they both looked at the door.

"Who could it be?" Eric asked.

"I dunno!!" She replied and packed her hair in one pony tail, leaving two at the front.

She was actually putting on a black cropped hoodie and a black cargo pants with her canvas.

She walked towards the door and held the door before opening.

Arianna was standing at the door and Brianna just stared at her.

"Can I come in. Please" she muttered and Brianna opened the door wider and she went in. She closed the door behind her and walked to Eric.

Eric looked at her but averted his gaze immediately and Arianna bit her lips.

Brianna went to sit back at the chair as she stared at herself in the mirror. Arianna came to stand behind her as she stared at Brianna's reflection.

"Bri!" She called but got no reply.

Brianna was not looking at her. She was looking at her manicured nails.

"I'm sorry!" Arianna muttered as tears filled her eyes.

"I was extremely stupid with what I did and I no there's no justification for what I made you pass through and I'm sorry" she said.

"But you can't blame me that much. I lost granny and you know that among the both of us, I loved her more. I was so heartbroken when I found out she died and you were the cause of it. I couldn't control the anger and the pain I felt. I'm so sorry" she said as tears poured down her eyes. Brianna closed her eyes as she tried not to cry.

"Bri!" She called.

"Bri, please say something" Arianna said and sniffed.

Brianna stood up slowly and turned to face Arianna. She walked to her and stood in front of her.

"I didn't want her to die. I made a promise to Rihanna's mother to get her out of this hell hole and the only house that was close to the forest was Granny that's why I sent her there. I love grandma a whole lot and her death was very painful. I hoped you understood and let us grieve together but you made me feel like dying together with her. I can actually kill...." Brianna didn't finish when Arianna hugged her tightly.

She sobbed on Brianna's shoulders but Brianna didn't hug her back yet.

"I'm so sorry. I don't want you to die Bri. I just said it out of anger. I didn't really mean it, I was just angry. Please forgive me Bri. Please" she said as she hugged her tightly while crying more.

Brianna's tears finally fell from her eyes as she raised her hands up. She hugged Arianna back tightly and rested her head on her shoulders.

"I forgive. I'm sorry as well. Please forgive me" she said and Arianna smiled.

"I've forgiven you" she said and Brianna smiled.

"I love you!" Brianna said.

"I love you too!" Arianna replied and they broke the hug.

"Thank you" Arianna said as she wiped Brianna's tears.

"Thank you as well" Brianna said and wiped Arianna's tears as well.

Arianna turned to look at Eric and he looked away.

'Talk to him' Brianna thought.

'Okay!' Arianna thought back.

She walked towards him and sat down beside him.

"Eric!" She called.

"I'm sorry!" She said.

"Brianna almost killed herself because of you" Eric said and she bit her lips.

"I'm sorry!" She said.

"It won't happen again? You won't say those harsh words even if you're angry?" He asked.

"It won't. I promise" she said and he nodded.

She stared at him hoping he'll hug her but he didn't. She was about to stand up when he opened his arms widely.

"Come on!" He said and she smiled widely before hugging him tightly.

"Thank you!" She said.

"You're welcome!" He said and placed his hands of her back.

She smiled widely and Brianna pouted.

"What of me huh?" She asked and Arianna broke the hug.

"Come on in then" Arianna said and Brianna jumped on them.

Hugging them tightly.

"You smell good" Arianna muttered.

"Thanks" he replied.

"Let's be happy like this. Always" Brianna said.

"Sure!!" Eric and Arianna muttered.

Irene who was eavesdropping left the door and walked away.


Irene walked into Don's room to see him just coming out of the bathroom. He was wearing a bath robe and when he saw Irene, he smiled.

"Irene!" He called as he went to his closet.

"What brings you here?" He asked.

"The twins were quarrelling a few days ago" she said.

"That's so amazing" he said as he kept checking out the clothes.

"But Eric settled their argument. They're now reunited once more" she said and Don stopped what he was doing.

"Eric!!" He muttered with gritted teeth.

"He's becoming a pain in the neck" he muttered before turning back to look at Irene.

"Keep an eye on them. I'll find a way to break their bond again" he said and she nodded.

"Alright! I'll get going" she said and bowed before leaving the room.

He sighed frustratingly and went to his closet. He brought out a black jean and a black shirt with a black jacket.

He got dressed and went to Rihanna's room. He opened the door and saw her lying down on the ground the way he left her yesterday.

Her face was badly injured. Her stomach was bleeding badly due to all the stabs she received yesterday and her arm was also injured.

"Maids!!!!" He yelled and they ran into the room.

"Yes boss!" They answered and bowed.

"Get her treated!!" He muttered and walked out.

~~~~ FLASHBACK ~~~~

Damon left the room and Don moved back. Rihanna opened her eyes and gasped when Don shot her arm.

"Arghhhhhhh!!!" She screamed and held her arm.

He punched her face and she fell to the ground.

He grabbed her hair and rose her up. He punched her heavily again and she sat out blood.

He kept punching her till he was tired before he threw her to the ground and she groaned in pain.

Her whole face was swollen and she was already bleeding badly. Don carried the knife she used to stab him and began walking to her.

He knelt down beside her and pointed the knife at her stomach.

"Please don't" she pleaded.

"When were you going to tell me that you were pregnant?" He asked and her eyes widened.


"Too bad, we won't get to know which gender the baby is" he said and Rihanna started crying.

"Please don't!! Please" she pleaded and he smirked.

He raised the knife and stabbed her multiple times on her stomach.

"Arghhhhhhh!!!!!!!" She screamed but he didn't stop.

She cried more as her eyes began closing. She lost consciousness but he kept stabbing her till he saw she was unconscious.

His hands were bloody and he stood up.

"Never ever cross me" he said and threw the knife away before exiting the room.

She was bleeding profusely and tears kept pouring out of her closed eyes.


He smirked when he remembered her face before walking away.


"Anna" Brianna called and Arianna looked at her.

They were currently in Brianna's bedroom. They were on her bed and Arianna was laying on Brianna's laps while Brianna was doing Arianna's hair.

She was braiding it.

"I want to ask you something" Brianna said.

"What is that?" Arianna asked as she looked away.

"Do you like Eric?" She asked and Arianna sat up immediately.

"W..why do you ask?" She asked.

"Cos I noticed how you always smile at him. You even get hurt when he avoids you or when he's angry at you. So tell me, do you like him?" Brianna asked.

"Yeah!" she muttered and Brianna squealed but not too loud.

"I'm so happy" Brianna mumbled and Arianna laid back on Brianna.

"I'm also noticing you and Damon!" Arianna said and Brianna pushed her head making Arianna to laugh.

"What are you noticing huh?" Brianna asked.

"Well, you guys always hang out together. Even if he's rude to you at times, I know you really like him" she said and Brianna pushed her again.

"You're lying!!" She muttered with a pout and Arianna laughed.

"If I was, why are you acting all defensive?" Arianna asked and Brianna bit her lips before sighing.

"I do like him" Brianna said and Arianna squealed.

"I knew it!" She said.

"But I don't think he likes me" Brianna muttered.

"Why do you say that?" She asked.

"Cos he said you were hot" Brianna said and looked away.

Arianna looked at Brianna before laughing loudly.

"You're jealous" Arianna said before laughing again.

"You know I don't like him so why bother being jealous?" Arianna said.

"I know. I'm not jealous again tho" she said with a smile.

"Oh really?" Arianna asked.

"Yes!!" She said and Arianna smiled.

"Good!!" Arianna said and laid back on Brianna's laps.

Brianna continued braiding her hair as they kept talking and laughing together.


Brianna could be seen dressed in a black hoodie and a black cargo pants. She put two guns in her pocket and two knifes in her pocket as well.

Damon was looking at her and she looked at him. They stared at each other and Brianna looked away.

"I'm ready!" Brianna muttered.

"Good!" He said and they walked to meet Don who was waiting outside.

"Good luck. You'll need it" he said and Brianna rolled her eyes at him before entering the black Lamborghini.

"Remember what I told you" Don muttered and tapped his son shoulders.

Damon glared at him before entering the car as well and he drove off.

Arianna and Eric came out as well dressed in the same black hoodie and black cargo pants.

"Kill everyone and leave no one alive" He said to them.

"Alright!" Eric muttered and they entered a black Lamborghini.

Eric ignited the engine before driving off.

Don smirked before going into the house with the guards behind him.
