
chapter 10

The two of them ran back to Ming Guang Temple. However, the back of the main hall was already empty. The place where the group of brides used to stand was only a mess of red veils.

Seeing this, Xie Lian thought in his heart, "Not good, not good. I'm going to die, I'm going to die." He quickly picked up the veils on the ground. Just as he finished picking them up, he heard a burst of exclamations coming from outside the temple. The two of them looked out through the window and saw more than ten women in scarlet wedding clothes forming an encirclement. They were slowly approaching the group of villagers.

These women's faces were all green, but they had smiles on their faces. Their hands were raised horizontally in front of them. These were the corpses of the brides from before!

Seeing them getting closer and closer, no one could remain calm. Everyone simply couldn't care less about the bandaged teenager and broke into a run. Little Ying hurriedly went over to support him. Xie Lian helplessly said, "Don't run!" He didn't know how many times he had said this tonight. Every time something happened, he would say it at least thirty or forty times. However, there would always be people who turned a deaf ear to him. He waved his hand and the silk cloth Ruoye flew into the sky. He casually made a hand seal and the silk cloth started spinning in the air on its own. It was as if a celestial maiden was dancing wildly. It was very eye-catching. The group of brides saw that there was a very active thing that was spinning around happily. Its tail would occasionally whip at them. Many of them were attracted over. There were also seven that were attracted by the smell of blood in the depths of the forest and slowly jumped over. Xie Lian said, "Nan Feng, chase them. Don't let them go down the mountain!"

Needless to say, Nan Feng had already caught up. The two brides attacked Xie Lian. Their fingers were bright red and their nails were sharp. Xie Lian took out the red veils he had picked up from the ground and suddenly threw them with both hands. The two veils spun and flew out, covering the heads of the two brides. Their movements instantly became sluggish.

Sure enough, the thick red veil covered the eyes and nose of the bride's corpse. She couldn't see or smell any human aura. Moreover, because their corpses were stiff, they couldn't bend their arms to take off the veils. They could only stretch out their hands and randomly grab everywhere, as if they were playing hide and seek. This scene was truly terrifying and comical. Xie Lian stood in front of them and tentatively waved his hand in front of the two brides. Seeing them blankly groping in another direction, he thought for a moment and finally couldn't help but say, "Excuse me." Grabbing their arms, he placed their hands on each other's necks.

The two brides suddenly touched something. Their bodies trembled, but they couldn't see what it was, so they fiercely pinched each other. Xie Lian hurriedly ran away. With another wave of his hand, the silk Ruoye also flew away in a streak of white light, soundlessly leaving behind a large white ring on the ground. He said to the fleeing crowd, "Get into the circle!"

The group hesitated as they ran, but Little Ying hurriedly helped the bandaged youth to stand up. After thinking for a bit, she ran out of the room and dragged the unconscious youngster inside. At this time, a bride jumped to the edge of the white circle and tried to grab it with her claws, but it was as if she was suddenly blocked by an invisible wall. Little Ying found that she could not jump in no matter how hard she tried. She quickly shouted, "Everyone, come in! They can't enter this circle!"

Seeing this, everyone rushed in like a swarm of bees. Fortunately, Xie Lian had made the silk Ruoye grow several times in advance, so the circle was large enough. Otherwise, he would really be worried that someone would be squeezed out. The brides couldn't jump into the circle, so they knew that they couldn't move. They all turned around and attacked Xie Lian while screaming.

On the other hand, Xie Lian had been waiting for a long time. He took out a handful of veils from his sleeves, and four or five pieces of red cloth flew up and down in his hands. His feet didn't stop moving, and his hands didn't stop moving. He covered one bride after another, and every time he covered a bride, she would begin to slowly fumble around like a blind man touching an elephant. His veil was spinning so fast that it dazzled everyone's eyes. He tossed the veil back and forth between his hands, creating several red shadows in the air. Everyone in the white circle couldn't help but cheer, "Good!" "Amazing, amazing, truly amazing." "He must have practiced this kung fu before!"

When Xie Lian heard this, he habitually blurted out, "It's alright, it's alright. Everyone, if you have money, please support me. If you don't have money, please support me … eh??? " As soon as the words left his mouth, he realized they weren't right. He had unexpectedly blurted out the words he used to say in the acrobatics class. Thus, he hurriedly stopped himself. While he was speaking, several more brides jumped up. One jump was more than seven feet high, and one jump was more than ten feet away. In an instant, they arrived in front of him, bringing with them a putrid smell. Xie Lian's feet tapped the ground, and his body also flew out. In the air, he hurriedly chanted the spiritual password three times before saying, "Ling Wen, Ling Wen knows everything! Let me ask a question. Do you know if the Martial God of the North, General Ming Guang, has any female confidantes? "

Ling Wen's voice rang in his ear. "Your Highness, why are you asking this?"

Xie Lian replied, "Currently, I have a bit of a situation here, and it's a bit dangerous. To tell you the truth, there are a dozen or so dead people currently chasing after me. "

Ling Wen, "Ah? So miserable??? "

Xie Lian, "It's alright. So, is there? I know this question is relatively private and hard to answer, so I didn't ask it inside the spiritual communication array. The mission requirements must never be leaked. "

Ling Wen replied, "Your Highness, you've misunderstood. It's not that this question is hard to answer, it's that Old Pei has too many female confidantes. Since you suddenly asked this question, I don't know which one you're asking about."

Xie Lian's feet almost slanted as he said, "Alright. Then, among these female confidantes of General Pei, is there a possessive, jealous, and disabled woman? "

Ling Wen replied, "Now that you mention it, I indeed think of one."

Another two veils flew out of Xie Lian's head, drawing cheers. He turned around, cupped his hands, and said, "Speak!"

Ling Wen said, "Before Old Pei ascended, he was a general. On the battlefield, he met a female general from the enemy country. She was extremely beautiful, and her temperament was fierce. Her name was Xuan Ji. "

Xie Lian replied, "Mn, Xuan Ji."

Ling Wen continued, "General Pei is a person. When he sees a beautiful woman, even if a knife was held to his neck, he would still go and pester her. This woman led her troops to confront him, and in the end, she was defeated by him. "

Xuan Ji became a captive and was escorted to the enemy camp. Taking advantage of the unprepared defenders, she attempted to commit suicide on the spot. Unfortunately, she didn't manage to kill herself. Instead, she was saved by a general who cut off a three feet long sword. As for this elegant and graceful General Pei of the enemy country, he was the General Ming Guang who ascended later.

This General Pei had always been a person who had tender and protective feelings for the fairer sex. Secondly, the overall situation of the war had already been decided. Even if the war continued, there would be no possibility of a comeback. Thus, he released Xuan Ji. It was easy to imagine what would happen if they kept going back and forth. At this moment, a bride grabbed onto Xie Lian's right leg. Her five fingers gripped tightly, almost piercing into his flesh. Xie Lian was just about to kick out when he discovered that from this angle, he could only kick his face. In his heart, he thought that he couldn't hit a girl's face. Thus, he changed his position and kicked her shoulder instead. With a backhand, another veil flew out. He said, "It sounds like a beautiful story."

Ling Wen replied, "It was originally a beautiful story. However, the bad thing was that Xuan Ji insisted on staying with General Pei for the rest of her life. "

Xie Lian took two steps and leaped up to the roof. Looking down at the five or six brides that continued to approach him, he wiped away his sweat and said, "There's nothing wrong with a woman wanting to stay with a man for the rest of her life."

Ling Wen replied, "That's right. However, when two countries are at war, the battlefield is heartless. Originally, the two of them had already agreed on a marriage of dew. You and I were willing. There would be today, but there wouldn't be tomorrow. They would only talk about romance and not war. Moreover, this Old Pei, I'll tell you the truth. It's already pretty good if he doesn't fly off with you. "

"… …"

"That Xuan Ji is a noble daughter of a family of generals. Her temperament is extremely intense. If she wants something, she would definitely grab it to death and not let go … … "

"Wait, wait!" Xie Lian said. "First, tell me, is Xuan Ji handicapped? Where is she handicapped? "

"It's her … …" At this point, Ling Wen's voice abruptly stopped.

It was truly annoying. Every time he heard the crucial point, the little bit of magical power he borrowed would be completely exhausted. It seemed that next time, he would have to start by asking the main point. While he was flying, Xie Lian quickly reorganized his thoughts. If the bandaged teenager wasn't the ghost bridegroom, and this group of villagers had mutually confirmed that there wasn't a ghost bridegroom among them, then the only place he could hide in was the pile of seventeen brides!

When he sneaked in by himself, the ghost bridegroom wouldn't be able to discover that the number wasn't right. Conversely, when the ghost bridegroom sneaked in, he similarly wouldn't be able to detect that there was an extra corpse. Thinking about it carefully, after the silk Ruoye injured the ghost bridegroom, he only saw a mass of black fog rolling towards the forest. He couldn't guarantee that there was a person inside that mass of black fog. In reality, at that time, he was afraid that when he ran out of the temple to chase after the ghost bridegroom, the ghost bridegroom would still be inside the black fog. The ghost bridegroom would have brushed past him, returned to the back of the temple, hid the leaves in the forest, and mixed in with the corpses of the brides.

In that case, the 'ghost bridegroom' wasn't a 'bridegroom', but a 'bride' — — a woman wearing a bridal wedding dress!

Since it was a woman, then many things could be deduced. For example, why there weren't any Ming Guang temples around Mount Yu Jun? It wasn't that the locals didn't want to build one, but that they couldn't. Little Ying had said, "Every time they wanted to build a Ming Guang temple, it would always catch on fire for no reason." This didn't sound like a coincidence. The only possibility was that the temple had been deliberately set on fire. Why would the temple be set on fire? Under normal circumstances, it would be because of hatred. However, in Mount Yu Jun, there was a Ming Guang temple that was sealed off by a bewildering array. Not a single person came here, and the statue inside the temple was extremely well-carved and well-preserved. Why? The ghost brides were wearing wedding dresses, but they couldn't bear to see the women wearing wedding dresses smiling when they passed by Mount Yu Jun. Why?

Connecting all the dots, besides jealousy and possessiveness, Xie Lian couldn't think of any other answer. As for that strange sound of a wooden stick wrapped in thick cloth, if it was really the sound of footsteps, Xie Lian could only think of one possibility!

The brides that were chasing him had all been covered by the veil. Xie Lian finally landed on the ground. He took a light breath, calmed his mind, and got up to count.

One, two, three, four … ten.

Seven brides jumped into the forest, and Nan Feng chased after them. Ten brides were covered by the veil again, and they were all here. In that case, there was still one that hadn't appeared yet.

At this time, he heard the familiar 'thump thump', 'thump thump' sound coming from behind him.

Xie Lian slowly turned around, and an extremely short figure entered his eyes.

He lightly sucked in a breath, and thought, "Sure enough."

The short woman in front of him was wearing a red wedding dress. There wasn't a happy expression on her face, only a mournful one.

However, the reason why she was short wasn't because of her short stature. Rather, it was because she was kneeling on the ground.

The bones in her legs were broken, but her calves weren't amputated. She had been using her kneecaps to walk on the ground.