
“What am I”

The story of a teen who wakes up with no memory’s and trapped somewhere with a psychopathic killer. There’s so many hidden things that awaits him about himself and the people around him. But for now the main focus is survival! Keep reading to follow his journey to find out the mysteries that become uncovered!

koiwa_senso · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Where am I?

Everything cold but not as cold as the stone floor that I'm plastered on as if I was a meat being prepared, everything's so dark as if the world had just ended, all I hear is faint mumbling and laughter from another room. *click* *a door opens* "ehhhh your finally awake?, your so un-fun when your sleeping, well neverMind that now we can play"

Those sinister words echo throughout my whole body "now we can play". What is this?, why am I here? ,are people looking for me?, so many questions running through my mind due to the tremendous fear of whoever's talking "..." I can't talk?!?, WHY CANT I TALK?!? "So I did some little surgery on you. I hope you like it, now you can't scream" *pulls of a bandanna that was covering my eyes* I was greeted by a sinister smile with a mask that only shows his mouth it also looks like if he cut his checks open so the smile that ran across his face was horrifying. "You know I don't have any friends, they always come and go, come and go, come and go, they're all so boring they all just end up dying...we should see if your different huh?" *takes out a blade from a table nearby and slowly dragging it up my body without cutting me* "boss there's an emergency that requires your assistance" *another man entered the room* "ah i guess this'll have to wait, aww what a shame, don't be sad now I'll be back in a jiffy" *wipes a tear off my face and leaves* *click* why is this happening to me?, why can't I remember anything?, I need to figure a way out of this I won't be saved anymore, I know that. *the left hand strap clinks when I pull* yes! This is my chance. *clink* *clink* *pop* it came off. Over joyed with the thought of escaping I quickly take off the other straps. "what was that?" "I don't know go check it out". *two faint voices* "whattttt why me?" "Just do it you know boss will kill us if something happens to him before we extract it" "fine ,fine" *footsteps that seem to be getting closer* FUCK FUCK I was wasn't thinking. Is this the end? Am I gonna die? NO I CANT NOT YET! *click*