
“What am I”

The story of a teen who wakes up with no memory’s and trapped somewhere with a psychopathic killer. There’s so many hidden things that awaits him about himself and the people around him. But for now the main focus is survival! Keep reading to follow his journey to find out the mysteries that become uncovered!

koiwa_senso · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs



What is this this feeling it's like I'm floating but I'm on the ground...everything's slow and quiet. *swiftly grabs the knife that was on the table*

I don't have a second to lose.

"It's probably noth-" *pulls the man in and slicing his throat* I-I killed him....he's dead. It happened s-so fast....his blood is all over me. *mouths the words I'm sorry* this was for the best I got to remember my goal is to leave this hell hole. *searches the man and grabs a keycard and a pistol* I'll take the gun just Incase. "Hey what's taking you so lo-" *stabs the other man in the chest causing him to fall onto the wall and slide down* "damn...*cough* *cough*...I should've not have been so laz..." I'm sorry. There was nothing I could of done, i have to escape and find out the answer to my questions. * peaks around the corner, it's a long white hallway and at the end of it is an elevator* there's my chance. *runs to the elevator the and opens it and inside there's a card slots for each floor, ten in total the top is level floor* shit most likely my way out is the the top floor since it's the level floor, and this key is one floor level one.... screw it. *slides the card and the elevator starts advancing to the next floor. 'The masked man' "hahahahHAHAHAH SO FUN SO FUN SO FUN...AH YOU ARE SO PERFECT LETS PLAY A GAME!" What?!?!? "COME ON SINCE YOUR MY FRIEND AND ALL....I FORGOT YOU CANT TALK HERE HAVE THESE" *a small slot opens behind me in the elevator, It's a small pill bottle*

"Since i thought it'd be fun the surgery I did to you makes you where you can't talk...unless you take one of these, you'll only be able to talk for two hours each pill, but there's a catch a couple of them have some mean effects that can cause so many wonderful things hehe, oh and don't worry at the level floor there'll be a pill that will allow you to talk again as if you lived that long HAHAHAH WELL GOOD LUCK..BREAK A LEG HAHAHAH" what is this?!? He's insane....effects?, what effects?, i have to be safe about these I'll just keep them for now I don't think I'll have to take them, And also what does he mean by survive?

*ding* *the elevator door opens*

w-what...happened here....