
Chapter 1

The night of Shibuya appears peaceful. Yet around every corner of the city, there lurks darkness.

At the very top of a building, Chiye stood there with a bored look casted on her face. The sword she carries on her waist let out a faint glow, emitting the emotions of her blade that thirst for a fight.

"Hm..." Chiye hummed a bit, patting the restless sword. It calmed down for a bit, and Chiye continues to observe her surroundings.

She was sent here to exorcist a cursed, an SS-Class spirit who's been causing havoc. It has already killed a group of sorcerers sent by the higher-ups, plus some people who does not have any connection with the world of jujutsu.

A few minutes later, Chiye's eyes which has been staring at nothing became alert. She sharply narrowed her eyes in a certain direction and place a hand on her sword.

"There it is." Without hesitation, upon feeling the exact location of her target, Chiye used the ability of her cursed technique to quickly arrived at the location.

Her intuition led her to an abandoned building. A normal looking abandoned building to the eyes of normal people, but a cursed place to jujutsu sorcerer.

The blade on Chiye's side started to become restless once again. It glows into a deeper shade of crimson, incomparable to how it glows faintly a few minutes ago.

Chiye snorted, feeling her blades excitement. "You're excited too, huh?" she mumbled to the blade who trembled slightly upon hearing her words, as though agreeing.

'This is the first time they sent me.' Chiye frowned and walk inside the building. 'They probably did something to offend that idiot, so now they're afraid to send him over to deal with this mess do they sent me.'

"What a bunch of assholes." Chiye whispered mockingly to herself as she kicked the door open, revealing a dark corridor.

Without a change of expression, she walked inside, already feing the heavy pressure that's coming out of the place. The curse energy that's circulating in the air is dense, and Chiye could already tell that the path she's walking to is a part of a curse's innate domain.

After walking for some time, Chiye arrived in an open space. It's like an empty room, with four sides like a cube with nothing inside.

But this space of nothing made Chiye feel more alert. Because inside this room, she could feel an invisible presence watching her.

"Hey you, why don't you come out? Don't you find it boring, just watching me like this?" Chiye said out loud, her bored eyes hid her alertness.

'This curse is very smart. It probably has its own consciousness, since it's an SS-Grade. But....'

Sneering upon receiving silence as a response, Chiye unhesitatingly gathered a small portion of her curse technique and convert it into a form of electricity. A ball of green lightning ball quickly condensed in her hand, and she made it smaller, compacting the energy to make it more powerful.

Her movement is swift and agile, quickly throwing the lightning ball to her right.

'....hiding from me is useless!'

A huge curse appeared. It manage to dodge the upcoming attack, but it has already revealed itself to Chiye!

Without wasting anytime, Chiye didn't let her enemy have the time to hide from her again and quickly pulled out her sword from it's scabbard. The sword, different from the glow it emits, looks elegant to the eye. The blade has a color hue of pure azure, but with its bright scarlet glow, the thin and faint design of small silver lilys that you won't noticed easily appeared.

At this moment, the azure sword emits a terrifying amount of curse energy that could rival an S-Grade curse. What's more that this sword is also under the hand of Chiye, an extreme special grade jujutsu sorcerer, the sword became more terrifying that it is without owner.

A shadow flashes just like that. An azure light flew like a light beam and hit it's target, immediately striking the SS-Grade Curse spirit in it's head.

Chiye stood there with an uncaring countenance, as though she let the sword more her body. But the truth is, despite this uncaring attitude in fight that Chiye showed, her own curse technique blended perfectly with her sword's rhythm. She has always been at control! Her sword obeyed her orders without any signs of disobedience and it follows her will.

Without a sign of any tension, Chiye unhurriedly pulled out her sword and walk over the shocked curse spirit.

Unsurprised she said, "You're still alive?"

The curse spirit which has been shocked by the series of events immediately snapped out of it. Chiye has definitely, without a doubt, provoke this evil thing.

It hasn't been long since this curse spirit became an SS-Grade after it swallowed two of sukuna's fingers, but ever since it became this powerful it started to have the delusion that its the most powerful spirit.

Being beaten up like this and having a hole place on its head by Chiye, the curse spirit became enrage.

It howled. It uses a reverse curse technique to heal itself, closing the gaping hole on it's head which didn't surprise Chiye a bit. She took a step back to avoid a claw attack headed her way.

"You're powerful, alright." Without any expression on her face, Chiye rested her left arm behind her back and positioned her sword horizontally in front of her.

"But unfortunately, it's not powerful enough to defeat me." she said serenely before slashing her sword towards the curse spirit.

The curse spirit saw this, and it's reflexes told it's body to move.

However, the curse spirit is a tad bit slower and Chiye's sword attack isn't short. The sword slash created an azure light mixed with a scarlet line, and Chiye's attack sliced the whole room in half.

The curse spirit doesn't stand a chance at all. If it choose to move to the right, it'll get slice! If it choose to go to the left, it will also get slice!

Jumping from up and down also wouldn't Dom because it will also get slice!

The curse spirit who died miserably without a proper fight didn't get a chance to express it's anger because after that sword slash, Chiye who doesn't like leaving any chances for those she considered as enemies quickly materialize marble size electric balls and bombared the poor curse spirit to death.

Chiye made sure her enemy would die and would have no chance of getting back up. That why after sending those out, she quickly appeared in front of the beaten and battered curse spirit that are burned and slice in half.

Without a word, she bend down and thrust her hand in the curse spirit's chest.

"I'll be taking this. I'm pretty sure this doesn't belong to you." she said, pulling out her hand which now held two of Sukuna's finger.

Chiye was about to turn around when a playful voice sounded behind her, saying "Miss, those fingers also doesn't belong to you, right?"

Sharply turning around, Chiye was met with a smiling face of a man she does know.


Before she could react, it suddenly feels like something stopped her movements.

The man grinned maliciously at her, "So, why not give it to me? I'll make sure to return it to it's rightful owner."

Chiye watch the man took out a black cube, and her eyes visibly widen. She knew that thing-- it has something to do with a special type of power that could entrap someone inside of it.

"Bastard..." Chiye spat out those words, her uncaring attitude disappearing. She tried to move but before she could even use her own curse technique, the man suddenly use his curse technique.

Ice. An small avalanche-like curse technique was headed her way, and Chiye's eyes shrunk.

Seeing that, Chiye click her tongue and was about to counter it with her sword when out of the blue, a thunder sounded somewhere Chiye cants see, and lightning suddenly strike the whole place they were in.

Chiye was too shock by this, and before she knew it, the whole place was engulfed by a blinding light, and Chiye could feel the dense energy of lightning pulsing around her.

'This place...it can't possibly be a den of curses, right? Aren't I supposed to face only one SS-Grade curse spirit? Why is there a dude with Ice curse technique and another one with electric curse technique?!'

Cursing the higher ups while thinking they planned all of this, Chiye who's been blinded by the light suddenly felt a wave of dizziness and immediately fell into a state of unconsciousness.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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