
{Star Wars} Empire Building gamer system

watch as our main character is transported to the Star Wars universe with a system that can summon droids ,clones, Jedi, Sith and Ninja! currently in Naruto this will be a massive AU if you cant tell I will try and keep Canon events but if I feel like it wouldn't happen because of what the MC does I probably will not mention that fact This will be a system that can summon characters from anime with what I believe to be a new point getting system on this site leave a review with some good points and leave chapter comments if I have any errors I will go and fix them as soon as I see them AN) the main character will be evil and maybe somewhat heartless there may or may not be romance in this story as I'm new to writing and feel I will be bad at it. AN) I'm new to writing in general I'm trying to start a new story that I saw kind of done by someone I don't remember with there main character being transmuted and they started like Droid factories and tried to take over the universe with a system ) Cover art is by leafeater

God_loves_reading · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

Chapter 27 | What's this the Republic using slaves!

I don't own star wars or any anime I use in this work

Jake found a good system to attack as it has three planets that have life making it a three-for-one type of deal. Jake then orders 4 fleets to travel there to begin the attack. As the fleets make it to the system it was empty no ships on the site which was weird as this system is said to have a large number of them

It may have been weird but it makes a perfect opportunity to invade the planets so Jake's ships sent transports full of troops to one of the planets it was a mostly green planet with one large ocean that takes up 30% of the surface massive city's that has skyscrapers reaching the clouds

Jake's summons can see a large number of people in the cities from the sky but not a lot of military might on this one so the stormtroopers didn't have a lot of difficulty taking control over the planet that was done peacefully as the citizens were being taken advantage of by there ruler using them as reusable foot soldiers even though no one has any experience fighting

After some questions about where the fleets are supposed to be here, they got a few answers the one that most people said was they are probably invading a planet in an unknown region as the ruler found an ancient map that gave details about a part of the unknown region. the rest didn't know where the ships went and came up with their reasons

Since the planet surrendered the Stormtroopers all went back to the transports return to the fleet as they were doing that the Intelligence Officers were trying to think of a reason why. the answer that they came up with was to find a new plan to colonize to escape from the war which matches what the senator of this system was talking about in the Republic senate

Jake's summons did the same thing for the second planet and got similar results as the population was being used as cannon fodder they got hold of the planet peacefully as they surrendered with no resistance it was the third planet in the system that was different it was a rocky planet with massive mountains large lakes and rivers but something was off

The planet didn't have anyone on it supporting the claims of the other two planets are the ruler using their people as cannon fodder there was however droid factories creating large numbers of battle droids that are a replica of the CIS ones but not the same as they are a different colour than the normal ones

That was fine but a trooper walked into one of the Factory accidentally activating some type of protocol as every Droid on the planet activated attacking the summons unexpectedly killing thousands Within minutes the rest of the Stormtroopers started firing back after the surprise

A platoon of Stormtroopers that are currently on the Cliffside near a Droid Factory started hearing Blaster shots in the distance the commander in charge got information about the droids activating with no time wasted the officer orders his troops to scale the Mountain thanks to them being human it is easier for them to climb up then the droids as they are clunky

Thanks to their location they have The High Ground like a certain Jedi said to a dark one, one of the Stormtroopers saw the droids marching towards them so he informed his Commander "Sir droids are coming from the Northside " The Commander quickly orders his troops " stay alive troops we have Droids coming to our North get in positions to start blasting them we need to destroy as much as you can before position gets swarmed "

After an hour of blasting the droids that don't seem to end a stormtrooper saw that Droids were coming from the south as well and said "Guys we have droids coming from our backside now " the Commander realized this is a Last Stand told his troops " this may be our last battle but we need to destroy as much of them as we can to help our brothers take them out "

that brings the morale down as the more they destroy the more appear but it doesn't stop them from hopping they will make it out alive hours pass by and the troops are running low on ammo and are thinking about what they can do the remaining troops started getting ready for the inevitable when out of nowhere the droids stopped moving

On the other side of the planet, a large group of Stormtroopers got informed where the Mainframe that controls the droids was and started a Siege. hundreds of thousands of droids there around 200 thousand Stormtroopers were ready for battle 2 AT-ATs were called in to help the battle giving them an entrance through the side

As the AT-ATs blew up a wall a few thousand Stormtroopers started moving in while the rest were holding the lines outside of the building as they made it in the building droids were waiting for them starting a battle with Blaster fire killing many Stormtroopers one of the commanders of the Stormtroopers ordered a group of 50ish to continue forward while they hold the ground so they did

They made it to the entrance of the server room and noticed there were at least 300 hundred droids in there and came up with a plan it was a suicidal one " ok we need to shut this all down but we can't fight our way through so you five are going to be behind us with explosives ready to blow you guys just need to make it to the Center of the room " one of the higher ranking Stormtroopers said

As they started running in the room shots were coming from all over the room right at them the Stormtroopers were dying fast but they were almost to the middle four of the bombers died on the way but only one needed to make it only a few more feet then he will make it they ended up getting shoot but didn't die and started crawling to the middle has he made it there he pressed the button making the room explode

Just as that happens in space a fleet of ships entered realizing what was happening to their planets started firing at the ships even though they knew they were outnumbered the ruler of this system was on one of the ships that entered and was Furious if only he was faster his people wouldn't have had to suffer even though they didn't

As he was about to go into guilt he heard an explosion so he asked "What was that are we good " The captain of the ship said " noting is good that was our oxygen room even if we somehow win this battle all of us are going to die" the king not likening the sound of that started running to an Escape pod as he entered and launched out he saw his fleet getting destroyed he started to feel tired right before he passed out he heard " air system down "

AN ) that's the end of the chapter let me know if you enjoyed by leaving a power Stone : )