
{Star Wars} Empire Building gamer system

watch as our main character is transported to the Star Wars universe with a system that can summon droids ,clones, Jedi, Sith and Ninja! currently in Naruto this will be a massive AU if you cant tell I will try and keep Canon events but if I feel like it wouldn't happen because of what the MC does I probably will not mention that fact This will be a system that can summon characters from anime with what I believe to be a new point getting system on this site leave a review with some good points and leave chapter comments if I have any errors I will go and fix them as soon as I see them AN) the main character will be evil and maybe somewhat heartless there may or may not be romance in this story as I'm new to writing and feel I will be bad at it. AN) I'm new to writing in general I'm trying to start a new story that I saw kind of done by someone I don't remember with there main character being transmuted and they started like Droid factories and tried to take over the universe with a system ) Cover art is by leafeater

God_loves_reading · Komik
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43 Chs

chapter 14 | Naboo becomes a vassal !

I dont own star wars or any anime I use in this work

it's been 3 days since Jake had the meeting with Padme he been sitting in his ship looking through the holo net when one of his officers says "the Queen finally made up her mind and is sending us a call should we answer it our send it to you " jake replies by saying " transfer the call to my holo pad " Padme says quietly " I have made my decision but before that I would like to know the name of the person who saved my planet" Jake then tells her his name " my names Jake Moraband happy " she then says " very much not but we are willing to became a vassal of your people "

Jake says " That's good news I will stay into my two fleets reach here then I will return to my system hope you dont get your self in trouble" he completed two quests by doing so { have a well known planet under your control + 1 billion SP and a passive ability of being trustworthy anything you say will be thought of being 100% true and if it gets found out to be a lie it was just a honest mistake } Jake is happy about this ability now if any of his lies get found out people will not think of him as a liar. the next quest is was similar { have control of a well known planet peacefully + 1 billion SP and a cloning facility }

what the Cloning facility does is buy copies of already owned summons for a discount of 33% so instead of paying 3 times the value of the rank it's now only 2 times jake is really happy about this one as he can now buy useful people multi times for a cheaper price

it's been two weeks { + 1 billion SP } since then and the Republic were worried about the fact a planet that is a part of it has now become a vassal to a different system that isn't apart of the Republic and are trying to have talks with Jake about it and he is getting annoyed by them not leaving it be so he has a meeting with the Senate later to day he is currently in hyperspace on board of his Executor I-class Star Dreadnought in case they try to get rid of him he has two body guards with him they are Obito Uchiha and one of the Konans they will enter the Senate with him they are both wearing their akatsuki cloaks and Obito Is wearing his mask

they exited hyperspace and got a call from the border control " name of vessel and reason for entering the system " jake replies " the vessel doesn't have a name but it is a Executor I-class Star Dreadnought made by my subject's as the main ship in our empire. the reason for being here is the request of the Senate for a meeting it starts in 3 hours so would I be able to enter the planet my second in command will go through all necessary paperwork" the border patrol person says " one second I will check if the Senate is having a meeting then " after 5 minutes he said " you are cleared access " Jake says " thank you for allowing me entrance "

he and his bodyguards as well 20 Stormtroopers enter a Lambda-class shuttle to travel to Coruscant for the meeting Jake and his two bodyguards enter the Senate 30 minutes before the meeting the Stormtroopers are in the shuttle

Palpatine is the supreme Chancellor and starts the meeting by saying " fellow senators we are here to discuss naboo becoming a vassal we have here today the person who made that happen Jake Moraband "

Jake's panel went to the middle of the Senate he started saying " senators of the Republic I did not mean to cause such chaos I was just getting payment form a job I was hired to do. naboo was under sige by the Trade Federation they were probably rogue members that started the sige but my people were hired to take care of it by the Queen of naboo I didn't know how much ships where going to be there I was just informed that a fleet of Lucrehulk-class Battleships were there but we didn't get a number at the time so we had to charge extra for that and a few more smaller things after we finished the job we gave the Queen of naboo 2 options one they could pay us 5% of there GDP for 10 years or they could become a vassal of my people she decided that becoming a vassal was better option then paying 5% a year for ten years"

Palpatine then said " is that true naboo senator " the naboo senator says " yes supreme Chancellor what he says is true I was apart of the meeting that talked about payment for there job " Palpatine then addresses Jake again " now Jake would your people be willing to join the Republic " and jake replies with " I will be willing to join the Republic but will have to be the senator for every planet my people have under them and that would be 10 planets so if your willing for this to happen I would be glad to do so if not my people are willing to be neutral with any Republic"

Palpatine says " that will be acceptable as it doesn't go against any Republic law as if you do have control of ten planets as you say your people will be allowed to elect a Senator but if your people have a monarch you are within your right to have ten seats " the reason Palpatine is on board with Jake is because of his last name Jake chose, Moraband is the sith homeworld the royal line was named after it so if Jake has that name it might mean the sith aren't as dead as he thinks

after the meeting is done with Palpatine came over to him by saying " welcome to the Republic would it be possible to talk about how you came to be a Moraband " Jake Seeing how this is going says quietly " I would be delighted do you happen to know were that name comes form " and they travel to the Supreme Chancellors office he asks jake " will your bodyguards be able to stay out here " jake shuts that down fast by saying " without them I'm going to have to reschedule our talk to some other day " Palpatine got the hint

Palpatine starts blunt by saying " so are you a sith and are there more of you out there what happened with the rule of two " jake makes up a lie about what the rule of two was " you do know the rule of two was to keep the sith numbers the same. one sith could only have one Apprentice and that Apprentice could only have one after they became a sith knight but any sith could have as many sith Disciples as they wanted they just couldn't keep them alive after there done using them to keep us hidden we thought your sith line died out as you never returned back to our new planet I guess the Apprentice killed the master before learning the rule but heard his master talk about it so came up with his own "

An ) that's the end of the chapter leave a power stone if you enjoyed :)

Jake's current SP is 35 billion