
What A Boring Day

I don't have any pets, because my parents don't think I'm responsible enough (which I can understand why). I sat on my bed, and was greeted with my sister trying to sing, but failing miserably.

I wanted to yell at her to shut up, but I knew that my mother wouldn't like that.

"Lydia, COME DOWN AND EAT BEFORE I COME UP THERE WITH A FLIP FLOP," my mother said. The smell of bacon and eggs filled my room and my stomach made a noise.

"Coming, mom! And you should tell sis to BE QUIET FOR ONCE!!" I called out as I went to my bathroom to brush my teeth.

When I was done breakfast, I didn't know what to do, because instead of getting detention, I got suspended. I put my right hand on my window and looked at my reflection. My dark brown eyes seemed to be brighter for some reason... AND OBVIOUSLY IT HAS TO RAIN ON THIS PARTICULAR DAY.

I picked up a book from my mini library and examined the cover of the book.

The landscape of the setting was magical and the characters seemed so real, yet, so fake. I flipped though a couple of pages and finally found "chapter one".

A few hours later (that felt like seconds) I finally stopped and looked at what page I was at...


A smile quickly formed on my face as I called out for my little sister.

"OI! LIL SIS, GUESS WHAT?!" I shouted as I opened my door and speed walked to my sister's room.

"What do you want? I'M TRYING TO WATCH ANIME!" Iris (my sister's name) said as she closed her laptop and glanced at me with murderous thoughts.

"First of all, what are you watching. Second of all, didn't mother told you not to watch THOSE KIND OF STUFF?!" I said as I grabbed Iris's laptop and opened it.

"HEY! GIVE THAT BACK," she screamed as she tried to grab it out of my hands.

I quickly looked at what she was watching... and oh boy...

"Y-you— MEANIE!" Iris said as she ran past me with her hands on her head.

She was watching one if my favorite anime, Demon Slayer! I was about to give her complaints, but she already darted away.... so sad...

"Hmph." I said as I placed her laptop back on her bed. I left a note bragging about how I read 150 pages in SECONDS (hours). I proudly walked back to my room and went on my phone.

"Oh wow. My best friend is online..." I thought to myself as I quickly texted "hi" to her. She was sleep deprived, so I didn't know why I was surprised.

In a few minutes, she replied, saying, "hello!!" We had a conversation that lasted around 40 minutes, almost an hour until I heard my mom shouting at me to go downstairs.

Turns out that she wanted to go to the mall with me. And I HATE GOING TO THAT PLACE. I tried to convince my mother not to, and I even made a deal that I would do all the chores this weekend, but she didn't accept it... I DON'T KNOW WHY SHE DECLINED THE OFFER WHEN SHE IS ALWAYS SHOUTING AT ME TO GO DO CHORES, but I guess thats just her mindset.

"WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY LYDIA," my mother called out to me, picking up her bag and opining the door.


"Fine. I'll get you boba tea." She said, waiting for me at the door. When she said that, my face lit up and I quickly rushed to get changed.


When we came back, I was so tired, I can barely walk. In my hands, were bags upon bags of junk. I chucked them onto the couch and helped out my mom, just so I can get my award, my BOBA TEA.

Once we were finally done, I put the drink in my refrigerator, and walked lazily up the stairs.

I almost tripped halfway up the stairs, but we don't talk about that.

I finally got to my bed, and called it a day.