
• introduction

Four years ago, that day, it happened.

Lorilynn remembered it like it was yesterday—it was a November, on the 9th, and her birthday was coming up only 5 days later.

It came out of nowhere, she thought. One day, Julia was alive, laughing and smiling and just being her perfect self with Lorilynn by her side..

She only left her alone for a second, and she was gone.

Four years ago.

Everyone told her that it had been pneumonia that took the precious life of her partner, but Lori refused to believe their words. She suspected there was more to it, more that they were keeping from her.

Four years ago, in 1995, Lori knew that Julia was murdered, and no one, not even Liz Barry, her ex, could change her mind.

1999. November 9th.

Lori always thought about that day, but this time, on the 4th anniversary of her late lover's death, it just felt different.

She readjusted her glasses, which were cloudy and blocked the view of her misty, sharp green gaze.

She just knew, she'd soon catch whoever it was that killed her beloved Julia, and put them to justice.

Now, time to pretend to be just another very normal therapist.