
Chapter 14

Assana was sleeping peacefully without any disruptions. The room was cool and dark while her blankets felt warm and secure. However, the room was full of unwanted noise, forcing Assana to wake up. Ahe stared at her shirtless with wide eyes. Actually, Ethan and Loki were also shirtless, creating a spectacular view.

This didn't affect her whatsoever, but she still enjoyed the sight. "What's going on?"

"School starts today and we are already late!"

After the assembly with headmaster Amos the students were told to wait for further instructions and that they will send a person to notify them on when classes will begin to take place. Unfortunately, they weren't informed about this and had just recently found out.

Still feeling a bit groggy, Assana's mind couldn't fully comprehend what Ethan had just told her. She began to slowly close her eyes as she drifted off to sleep once more.

"Oh no," Ahe whispered as she fell asleep, knowing what was about to occur.

"I suggest that you stand back."

With a pained look on his face, he made his way towards Assana's bags and took a set of clothes before slowly moving closer to her. Ethan and Loki stared at each other in a confused manner while they kept preparing their things. What was going to happen between them?

Ahe slowly shook Assana and whispered to her softly, but she didn't wake up. He tried doing this a couple more times, time was running short and he didn't have many other options.

He apologized to Assana in his mind before forcing her to sit, her eyes still closed. Lifting up her shirt, Ahe turned around and narrowed his eyes at Ethan and Loki.

"Turn away," he said in a cold voice as he turned his attention back to Assana.

The two guys quickly turned their heads away. They were able to notice his warning tone and they feared that Ahe wouldn't forgive them if they took a peek. Despite having the urge to look, Ethan respected Assana and he wouldn't do anything that would go against her.

Ahe was able to successfully change Assana's clothes. He sighed in relief knowing that there was still a little bit of time left for them to get to their class early. However, he still had to fully wake Assana up.

"Assana, we will be late if you don't wake up."

All of his attempts to wake her up proved to be useless. The girl still didn't wake up. They were simply wasting time here and neither Assana or Ahe have finished preparing themselves. Ethan told Ahe that he could help him with Assana while he finished preparing his things, making a huge weight lift off of his shoulders.

Unfortunately for Loki, this meant he wouldn't be able to stare at Ahe's naked back or chest anymore. This would totally be a shame especially since he doesn't know when he'll be able to look at his body like this again. What he didn't know was that Ahe knew that he had been staring at him for a long while, but he didn't say anything.

"Don't worry. Once we get back I'll take off my shirt," Ahe whispered to Loki and winked while taking his bag. Not being able to contain his embarrassment, his cheeks flushed as he looked away, glaring at the floor.

Ethan had just finished preparing Assana. He smiled in satisfaction as he took both his and Assana's bag. His whole life he had been helping his little sister get ready in order to go to school. Ethan had to learn how to style long hair in order to make his little sister happy. Even if she grew up knowing how to do her own hair, she still forced her big brother to help her.

"You guys ready? If we want to eat some breakfast, we must leave now!"

Ahe was waiting by the door for his friends. First came out Loki, who didn't dare to look at him. Ethan came stumbling out a few minutes later, Assana sleeping on his back. Ahe stared at Ethan in confusion and surprised. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

Luckily, they were able to eat before heading to class. Loki was instructed by Ahe to run towards the cafeteria since they were about to close. Doing as he was told, he ran as quick as he could and stopped the workers from closing. Unfortunately, they were disgruntled from their sudden appearance and gave them only a small portion of food because they were late.

"What is this? They do know we are heading to class, right?" Ethan wasn't happy with what he was given and was about to stand up and complain, but Loki stopped him just in time.

"Don't make any ruckus. Just eat quickly and quietly. I'll buy you some food when its lunch"

Ethan was still a bit apprehensive about this issue, but he let it go. Loki buying him lunch was a rare occurrence and he couldn't let this chance go to waste.

Assana had woken up to the smell of food. She narrowed her eyes at the poor amount she was given and was about to open her mouth to complain but Ahe glared at her.

"You didn't want to wake up and we got here late."

The poor girl lowered her eyes in shame as she silently ate the food. Ahe was just full of surprises. This greatly intrigued Loki. What else was this cute boy hiding under the outgoing and happy boy?

However, this didn't mean that he liked Ahe. Yes, he had to admit that the boy was extremely cute and that he was his type, but they were just friends. Besides, Loki is pretty sure that Ahe is into the type of guy that has a large group of friends and that was always doing something fun outside. Although Loki enjoys being outside with the friends he has, his energy depletes quite rapidly while being around other people.

After finishing their food, they all stood outside the cafeteria as the bell rang, signaling the students that class was about to begin.

"At lunchtime, let's all meet up under the big tree," said Assana as she pointed towards a tree that was in the middle of a beautiful park. This tree was the biggest of them all and was full of life, meaning that it would be pretty hard to miss.

The guys nodded and went their separate ways. Fortunately, they were able to find their classroom rather quickly. All except for Assana.