

Who said having a Harem was easy?

Hyuga Residence, Konohagakure

Hiashi was enjoying the tea while eating a fruitcake, however a small vein showed on his forehead.


"Hanabi, you're beautiful today"


With her hands on her cheeks, there was a faint blush on Hanabi's face.


"Of course, you are also more beautiful Hinata"

Turning his head, Yuki looked at Hinata, the look in her eyes was special, after all he loved her eyes.



Unbeknownst to both of them they had entered their little world, Yuki brought his face closer in an attempt to kiss her lips, but.

*cought, cough

Hiashi couldn't see this anymore, he felt hurt every time the brat came to his house, he thought that over time his daughters would gradually move away from the boy.

How wrong he was, his daughters did the opposite.

Especially his eldest daughter, he as a father could not tolerate this, but he was also suprised at how quickly their relationship developed.

Hiashi was hopeless, he looked at the children in from of him and wondered who the boy would marry.

Hiashi had already given up and started to accepting the brat as his son-in-law, he thought it couldn't be helped and that he would visit Princess Tsunade later, he just hoped the boy wouldn't cheat on his daughter.

How wrong he was, the brat had one or another adventure still unknown to them.

"Well, why have you come, Yuki"


As his daughters posted at him, Yuki just scratched his head.

(It will be another time) Yuki said to himself, as he thought about the future kiss with Hinata.

"Haha, sorry about that, Mr. Hiashi... I came to talk about the Hokage election"

"Hmm?" With a tired sigh, Hiashi looked at Yuki, the boy had been bothering him about it s few months ago, supporting Princess Tsunade was not a bad idea, not to mention that she is ahead in the election, but.

"I think I told you, we will remain neutral"

"That's true, Mr. Hiashi, but I think about it a bit, I think it would be beneficial for the Hyuga Clan not to miss this opportunity."

Still shaking his head, Hiashi did not accept the boy's proposal, he was not an idiot, he could see that there were many thorns involved in these elections and he did not want his clan to suffer.

"It can't be helped then... This is for you, Mr. Hiashi"

Pulling a light envelope from his clothes, Yuki handed it to Hiashi.

Hiashi raised his eyebrows a bit at this, he didn't think much of it as he opened it, he trusted the boy after all.

"Thus is?!... "

Eyes widening in shock, Hiashi exchanged his gaze between the document and Yuki.

"Father? Is something wrong?"

"Dad... "

"Get out, I need to talk to Yuki"Giving a serious look, Hiashi ordered his daughters, both of them were confused about what was happening, they looked at Yuki waiting for an explanation.

Yuki felt their gazes, but he just smiled and winked at them.

(I'll see you later) That was what his eyes told them.


Nodding, they both left the room.

"Is this true, Yuki?" Hiashi said with a serious look.

"I wouldn't dare to lie to you, Mr. Hiashi... Now tell me, I think it's wise that you supported my Big Sister*

Looking into each other's eyes for a few seconds, Hiashi sighed.

"Well, Princess Tsunade has our full support"

"It's a wise choice Mr. Hiashi, you won't regret it... well that's all for today, we won't see you later, Mr. Hiashi"

"Um take care"


Looking at Yuki's back, Hiashi turned his gaze towards the document, in it there were several proofs where Danzo was responsible for the kidnapping of his daughter years ago, a dangerous gleam passed through his eyes.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Yuki, on the other hand, investigated to this case a few years ago, there were several unknowns about the case, but he decided to put all the blame on Danzo, for that he collected several pieces of evidence.

Yuki was sure that Hiashi would believe him, if he showed him proof, his trust was built proof, his trust was built for years after all.

(One more clan in the bag... Now Danzo, what else do you have?)



Looking at the sisters, Yuki smiled.

"Yuki-nii, will you stay for launch?"

"Sorry, I can't today"

Shaking his head Yuki answered, he had other clans to visit.

"Um" Puffing out her cheeks, Hanabi glared at Yuki.

"Come on, it will be for the next, Hanabi"

"But ..."

"Okay, okay, I'll make it up to you later, okay?"


Pouting, Hanabi let him go.

"Yuki... This I'd for you"

Contrary to Hanabi, Hinata had a launch box in her hand, here face was flushed and she avoided Yuki's gaze.

"Thank you, Hinata"

A little suprised, Yuki took the launch box, however as he took it, he also took Hinata's hand.

Hinata's body trembled at that.

"You will be a great wife, Hinata"

Slowly approaching, Yuki touched Hinata's cheeks, stem rising from Hinata's head because of that.

"It's not fair! I want you to pamper me too, Yuki-nii"

Hanabi threw a tantrum, seeing them flirting in front of her, Yuki sighed at that.

Who said having a Harem was easy? He had to make his future wives fall in love every day, he also had to make sure he understood and pleased her, but that was fine, after all Yuki likes trouble and a woman means trouble.

_ _ _ _ _

It was already late when Yuki arrived at the Yamanaka clan, this was a clan renowned for it's ability to control minds, Yuki saw this ability as very useful.

"Entering the flower shop, Yuki looked at a small silhouette.

"Yuki, you came! How do I look?"

Striking a pose with one hand on her waist, a girl with blond hair and green eyes looked at Yuki.

"You're very cute, Ino" Yuki was a bit speechless for this girl, always looking for ways to look more beautiful, it made him sigh, but he didn't hate that, he motivated her, he thought it would be interesting to see what beauty she will become in the future.

"Yuki~" With a blush on her face, Ino hugged one of his arms, unlike the Hyuga sisters, Inow was not ashamed to sho her feelings, Yuki liked her personality a lot, that's why he chase her without hesitation, rather it could be said that both parties perrsecited each other.

"Tell me zyuki, are you in love with me?" With a bright smile, Ino asked.

Yuki didn't know what to say, for a moment he was tempted to answer with a 'Yes'.

But a brief memory flashed through his head.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _