
Zyos - 10

With brutal and quick strength, Zyos tore through the fish's gut, he had gone bathing on the river near his cave (He was so lucky he found this place) when it jumped out of the water and tried to swallow him whole! He slashed at it with his claws, he was just admiring his new and bigger (Actually really bigger) body and trying to get used to his new members, like the tail that although looking really weak was stronger than his fists and could shatter rocks with a simple hit, he could also control it meticulously to grab things, but he couldn't hold without breaking whatever he tried to take due to the fact that he couldn't control the strength of his tail's gripping.

But looking on the bright side, he now had food! And using the fish's guts as bait he could get even more food later! But to store this, he needs a cold box or salt, but he has neither so he should eat what he can and whatever he can't, he'll try to anyway! These could last him, like, two days without getting extremely bad? He doesn't know, maybe he'll try. Using the basic cooking tools he had, he made himself a nice dish of fish soup and he ate it with the bland bread that came with the [Rations] that he received when he was exiled. He huffed and tore the fish to shreds with his teeth, he had eaten raw fish before and enjoyed sushi a lot, so he didn't care much about the flavor, but he did wash the fish's meat in case it had any parasites.

One bad experience in real life was enough.

Right now, though, he was working on "his" land, well, it's his because he claimed it and is working on it! He spent a lot of time slashing at a tree to cut it down, the side effect of such is that it broke his claws, but they grew back thanks to his rapid Regeneration, and ever so slowly they became sharper and sharper, and even more resistant to being broken! He also slammed his tail against some trees to get them to fall down, it did work but he felt the muscles of his tail sore up a lot, so he rested while carving and working with the wood. He had a Mallet, Hammer, One normal chisen and one smaller chisel for working on finer detail, and a Saw. That's what he has, he did use his claws to work with the wood while using [Darkness Embrace] to enchance its sharpness too, and with his woorks he managed to make something good at least! And hey, his [Basic Woodworking] skill went to level [15] after his day of work, which was great.

He didn't get a skill for making his claws sharper, but he felt like he would if he kept trying! Regardless, he went floof mode (Meaning he just thought really hard and willed it to be) as his skin shifted for fur and he was now a large anthropomorphic bear with a devil's horn and tail, his fur still had those white whisps of smoke and on his back there were eyes of red that blinked in and out of existence, not that he would know! For a long while at least.

In this form he felt less cold, since, well, fur! But he also felt much more free with his fur as he laid naked on the ground. The fur covered a great part of his genitals, but they were really... visible due to their size, even beneath the fur. He hopes tomorrow is also a great day-

-Scene Cut-

Grand Mistress of the Grey Eye, Hryn Echo Avaller, was the one trusted by her holy majesty F'yloth Aramanthy of the great Elven Race! As the Grand Mistress of the Grey Eye, her rule was over the exiled and kicked out of society, her people watched over their cursed rings to monitor them and check if they were alive still, she had few cases as te exile sentence wasn't given as much as she would like- Some criminal scum deserved the exile sentece in her opinion, since their filth would contaminate the grand Elven society with their presence... "Agya, report." Standing beside one of her best workers, Hryn waited patiently as Agya tapped the floating sphere of blue crystallized magic that was the battery and core for their tracking system, soon red dots appeared around the sphere that suddenly fell and turned flag in a moment, and from it grew plants, houses, people!

This was their Grey Eye- Why Grey Eye? Because every single humanoid or not was grey on the blue platform, except a few. Exactly! Taking a bird's point of view, they flew above a great forest, this wasn't new to neither for them, but the red dot pinging beneath the grey suddenly grew to a red humanoid- An Exiled. Hryn stared at the form it took while Agya read his sentence: "Exiled Case of Savaleer N° 03, Crime committed: Murder. Name, Species, and Sex- Zyos Zearen Zavyr, Bear-Folk, Male. Description given... Described as an evil being, and cursed by the Ancient Evil itself, this creature bears the mark of the Ghra-Ken-" The moment that name left her lips, Hryn Echo snarled, she knew- Oh, she knew it pretty well how evil those things are, and how evil they could be. The red humanoid that was made was the model of the ring wearer's body the moment they wore the ring, giving the Grey Eye access to their location at all times.

From what they could gather, he was living in the forest, away from civilization- At least that, if he had approached civilization she would have Agya activate the [Grey Curse] button, making the ring's wearer turn to stone and shatter, being killed immediately. For now she'd leave this one alone, for he isn't as much trouble as the things she has to deal with- As the Mistress of the Grey Eye, she has to deal with three things: Exiled, Surveillance, and Security.

And the news that soon, these... Adventurers, are coming to their kingdom and that the Gods themselves will grant them acess to their Continent soon is... Unnerving. They are immortal, but at least they can be controlled, she smiled as she looked at the floating window besides her- Not everyone was chosen to receive this, but the Gods themselves gave the people of this world a tool to help them, which was similar to the system they always had ever since the beginning of this world, but this system was unique to some people.

It was based on reputation, and those with reputation would get strong.

NPC System... What a curious little thing.