
Robbery Short Story [#3♥]

"I can...?" Thane whispered, a little uncertain if it would be wise of him to sleep in someone's place, and someone he stole from, nonetheless! "Y-yeah! Of course it's fine! Why wouldn't it be! Heheh..." Nicky chuckled awkwardly as he looked around the room, there was only one bed and his bedroom was small because Nicky liked a more compact place, the Comic Books that were downstairs were his and he was selling them because he read them all and needed money, they were also occupying precious space of his room, so they sadly had to go. "I... Thanks." Thane's purple eyes reflected with green light of the frog that was on the small table beside Nicky's bed, making his eyes shine and twinkle as he gave a small smile to Nicky to show his appreciation for the offer.

He didn't want to go back to his house now. He would rather sleep with a complete stranger in a strange place than his familiar home with his family. It's way safer to be honest, Thane still remembers how he would be woken up every day at 6 AM, no matter when he went to sleep, or with a bucket of cold water, or with a bucket of boiling water, or with a knife stabbing him. Thanks to that, he is always sleeping with his guard up, and whenever something would try to hurt him, he would wake up instantly.

"Yeah..." Nicky felt a little bit of a powerful, migraine inducing, cringe when he thought about where Thane would sleep... There two of them, and only one bed!

*dramatic pipes music* *thunder*

"Ergh... You can sleep on the bed!" Nicky quickly got up from the ground and patted the bed, he tried to walk away but he tripped on his own feet and was going to hit his head on the ground, coincidentally, there was also a small, but very sharp-looking triangular pyramid of a very limited edition [Lego Pieces] that Nicky had, if his head would hit that, it would hurt him deeply and or he would die, because by the way he was falling, his neck of the back of his head would hit the pyramid. "Oops-" Nicky said, but he suddenly felt someone on top of him and a hand on his head, the impact of his body hitting the floor was very audible as well. He waited for the pain but he never felt it, instead he felt his head wet.

"Vicky, you idiot-" The door of his room was kicked open by his sister, Benny, who just saw this scene. A tall, muscular, handsome man with purple eyes and dark hair was pushing her brother to the ground while standing on top of him, their faces close together as it they were kissing each other with passion. "Oh- I'm sorry!" She quickly closed the door, not even noticing the blood flowing from the back of her brother's head, which was not his blood at all. When Nicky was falling, Thane just saw the sharp object and his brain stopped for a second and the only person that made him feel a little different than usual was going to die... He jumped towards Nicky in hopes to take him out, but he didn't calculate the distance between the two points and ended up on top of the boy, applying his weight on top of him.

Nicky would definitely be very hurt or even die if that thing hits him!

His hand instantly grabbed the boy's head, but the force in which the head was going down, due to Thane's impact, was greater than he thought would be, making his hand hit the pyramid with such strength that it pierced his hand halfway through, only one inch before hitting it would hit Nicky's head, that little gap was being created by Thane's fingers that held Nicky's head, shaking not only because of the pain, but also the scare he had. He didn't even notice the misunderstanding he created by "pressing down" Nicky to the ground in such a... Hot way. "Are you okay?" Thane whispered to the stunned Nicky, he felt the blood touch his head and he frowned.

He hated when other people would get hurt because of him or for him.

"Yeah." He answered, a little angry at himself, but Thane smiled at him and the anger went away as he saw something new in those purple eyes of his, happiness, genuine and undescribable happiness. "Are YOU okay though?" He quickly tried to get up, but ended up headbutting the man above him, making both flinch for a second before Nicky saw the blood on the floor! "Oh my God, you're bleeding." If it was his blood, he wouldn't care, but this someone else's blood! He, more carefully this time, sat down and went to the closest box on the ground and took out a little bit of bandages to clean up the blood and stop the bleeding as well. Thane looked at Nicky who skillfully and quickly removed the pyramid from inside his hand and cleaned the wound before he wrapped his wound in cloth... he was very skilled on that.

"Oh." As if he was reading his mind (Maybe he is...), Nicky smiled as he looked down at Thane's hand, his eyes full with sorrow and pain as he said: "I used to get hurt a lot when i was a kid, mom was a nurse, so she taught me first aids, in case i or someone else got hurt and needed immediate help... i grew up and i kept getting hurt easily, so i always keep a few bandages and even some first aid kits around the house..." Thane looked at the necklace on the boy's neck and frowned, he could visibly see that the necklace was important to the boy, who touched it and continued to mutter words in a whisper: "Well, she passed away before i was 18, and that hit me pretty hard too."

This made Thane feel worse about stealing the necklace that was in front of him right that instant, when he was about to apologize again to the boy, he shook his head and chuckled: "It's okay, Its been a long time..." He held the necklace, his finger still had a little bit blood on it, instantly the knowledge that was drilled inside his head everyday and even gave him instincts made Thane frown. He grabbed the finger that had his DNA on it and put inside his own mouth without even realizing.

He was sucking another man's finger.

He opened his eyes to see the red tomato that previously was a light brown haired boy with blue eyes, looking at him in shock. Thane didn't notice that what he did was very hot and arousing, he always did that when he bled on his fingers, that was a behavior he got from his mother, is a great way to get rid of blood, and you to suck the finger dry to not leave the saliva behind... His mom always said its to get rid of the DNA, little did he knew that it was just his mother using her powers. "There. All clean now..." Thane smiled at the stunned Nicky who just chuckled and shaked his head, making Thane stop and think for a second until he realized what he did wrong.

They stood there, on the uncomfortable silence of the night that was suddenly interrupted by the door opening slowly and a hand coming from the other of the door, a whispering voice that threw them a box, saying: "Use condoms!"

When the door closed with a *thud*, Thane looked down at the rainbow box full of colorful little bags with the words [Protection "comes" first] on the box, each letter with a different color as well, the words "comes" had the letter o white, of course implying cum coming out of a hole... Thane's face was beyond red, he was a virgin, a 20 years old virgin man who was too shy to flirt with anyone, always getting easily flustered and embarrassed to the point of crying, so when he saw the box, remembered what he just did, and the position they were a few minutes ago, and his brain went overload with emotions and thoughts.

Nicky could only sigh and get the box of condoms, placing it inside the box that he got the bandages from. "Don't worry, she is just kidding... Nothing will happen." He wanted to add an 'Unless...' at the end of his sentence, but the big adorable guy was not taking this as a joke at all, but was blushing and moving his fingers around, he even had a boner that he could not hide due to the fact that his penis was too big to hide his boner. 'No way-' Nicky blushed and looked away as the hand holding the condom began to tremble a little bit, making one of the packages fall to the ground and make a small but hearable slapping sound. This seemed to wake up the purple-eyes who blinked and looked away, he was imagining having his first time with the man in front of him, I mean, he was a nice guy, he was better than his brother... Who wouldn't be!? He also saw him in a very embarrassing situation, now two with the boner he had, he eyed the condom and considered his opinions...

No way!

He couldn't do it.

His legs were moving because, sincerely speaking, he was afraid. He didn't know if he was going to be kicked by Nicky for trying anything, and they just met, he can't be a horny dog! He turned his head away and just heard Nicky pick the condom up and stop. "I'm sorry if she made you uncomfortable, I'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable... I'm going to talk to her-" He was going to leave, but Thane quickly got up and headed to the window, he was going to jump off! Nicky tilted his head when Thane got to the window and looked down, looked at the darkness of the street and frowned before closing the window again.

What he didn't know is that Thane just saw someone very shady on the street down, and even though he is a "villain", he doesn't want to get robbed! And besides, this guy looks like someone he knows, which is not good at all.

The green light of the room was all that illuminated his back, his sexy, muscular back that made Nick wonder just a little bit how would it feel to sink his nails in as his ass is being fucked by a huge cock- "You can sleep here, you don't need to stay if you don't want to, okay?" Thane didn't look at him, Nicky could only curse his sister before he opened the door of his room and looked back at the man in his room, saying: "I'll be back, i think, if you're not uncomfortable of course."

The door closed and Thane instantly fell to the bed, his face drenched with cold sweat as he panted. This was too much interaction for his entire life! Then why does he feel so... bubbly? He placed his hand on his heart and frowned, he didn't know that he was experiencing his very first crush, this was the very first time Thane ever felt what is described as "crush", a inflation in his emotions that has the potential to grow into something stronger if he is brave enough to try.


"Oh my God..." Benny placed her hands on her face and groaning embarrassed, she gulped nervously as she listened to the voices on the room of her brother... He was so brave for having sex with someone when his siblings are at home! Lucky him, they were all beyond sleep now. "He'll probably be destroyed by that guy, because holy damn that man was hot!" She chuckled as the door to her bedroom opened and Nicky entered with a very serious face...

She did something wrong again, didn't she?