
Laros - 04

Laros, after defeating the PK party alongside his party, added them as friends (His first friends, like, ever?) before logging out, but now that he was back in the game he wanted to get something: a Crafting Skill!

You see, Laros is very good at combat, like, crazily good at combat- So he decided to not focus on combat, but instead, on finding a nice Crafting Skill and going from there. Maybe make something? Like, with the [Cooking] skill he could open up a bar, or maybe with a [Potion Making] skill he could sell those potions or try to make crazy potions never seen before! With the [Painting] skill he could make some good art work and sell them or something, or maybe he could explore this world slowly? There's going to be an update in about a week in real world time, which by this game's time? Considering that 1 day here is 1 hour in the real world, 24 days here is 1 day out there, 24×7 is 168, 168 days is 24 weeks, 24 weeks is 5 and a half months in game.

A lot of time to make a lot of progress, he could max out a Crafting skill till then with no trouble. He just needed to find the right skill to have- So, what he did? He went to the forums and searched for guides on how to get Crafting skills and then reality hit him in the face with a few facts: Only Crafting Classes can get crafting skills, the only found classes were the [Blacksmith], [Woodworker], and [Cook], each obtained at three different locations in Avakty, you had to do three quests for each class and then you'd unlock said classes, and there were few players who wanted to play as a Crafting Class, so most abandoned the search for advanced crafting classes, which bummed Laros a bit, so he decided to just go on and upgrade his [Acolyte] class to [Cleric] already, later on when his [Cleric] class gets to level 50 he'd need to choose a God to dedicate his worship to, which will grant him specific skills and bonus stats, but he'll think about it later.

The Temple to the Gods of Evillra was a remarkable place- Large pillars held the behemoth cathedral of white marble and golden lines, a giant sign written in this world's language read [Temple to the Gods], thanks to his [Human Language] skill he could just easily understand it all. This place for all the Gods, a place that had several different sections that each was made specially for a God- He considered Dwarn, Goddess of Creativity and Invention since he wanted a Crafting Skill, but he rejected that since he would become a [Cleric of Creativity], that while was very versatile in both offensive and defensive playstyles, Laros wanted just the skill since he had an idea of how he wanted his character to develop and what playstyle he wanted. He is going for a versatile in both supportive, offensive, and defensive playstyles.

Also, a player could become a [Cleric of Blessings] if they met the requirements, so there could be a class hidden out there for him to find! Which sounds exciting, reminds him of one of the games he played where he found a secret class for a mage and went around punching the shit out of people with his spells, since it was a physical mage class, which was fun to play. 'Maybe something to do with... Metal?' Looking at his staff, he pondered if he should make a mace headed staff? Maybe the other end can be a blade, so he can have thrusting, smashing, and cutting in a single weapon! Better make it short too, shorter than the staff, which will make it either heavy or harder to balance it out.

He thought about it before deciding- Hellen choose one later, now he wanted to level up! He talked to the priest there and got his class upgraded to [Cleric]! "May the light of the Gods be upon you, my child." The old woman bowed towards him and he did the same, earning him a small smile from the old lady-

+10 Relationship Points

Your relationship with NPC - Emiiley Naharshu went from [Unknown] to [Liked]. This NPC sees you in a better light.

Ah, right.


NPCs give quests, but they also serve a lot of purposes! There are fighting NPCs, Crafting NPCs, Quest NPCs, and more. [Relationship Meter] was a sub-system of the main system, there was a list of Relationships and what they did:

Relationships: The better a relationship with an NPC is, the better benefits you can gain.

Mortal Enemy: -10,000 Relationship Points [They will hunt you down.]

Sworn Enemy: -5,000 [They will attack you on sight]

Enemy: -1,000 [They will refuse to give you quests or anyone associated with you]

Warry: -500 [They won't approach you, they'll keep their distance, and if you approach them, they'll run or stand their ground ready to fight you.]

Hated: -250 [They won't talk to you, not giving you any quests.]

Disliked: -100 [They'll ignore you.]

Unknown: 0 [Neutral.]

Liked: +100

Loved: +250

Friendly (Interested): +500

Friends (Dating): +1,000

Best Friends (Lovers): +5,000

Eternal Ally (Soulmates): +10,000

The names between the parentheses are for romancable NPCs, because not only can you get named and have sex in this game, you can also marry and have a family! Thankfully, the system stopped players from getting naked inside a city which saved them all from public indecency, and not only that, the system punished players for that by throwing them in prison since a guard would come and arrest them.

Regardless, he looked at his status before a great idea came in mind.

Name: Laros Lovelight

Age: 20

Race: Human

Class: [Cleric lvl 1]

Lvl: 14


[HP: 100/100] (Con 5×)

[SP: 100/100] (End 5×)

[MP: 325/325] (Int 5×)


Head: Acolyte Headband (+1 Magical Defense)

Chest: Acolyte Garb (+2 Physical Defense)

Legs: Starting Adventurer Leggings (+2 Physical Defense)

Feet: Starting Adventurer Boots (+1 Physical Defense)

Main Weapon: Acolyte Staff (+5 Wisdom)

Second Weapon: Starting Adventurer Dagger (+2 Dexterity, Basic Damage)


Copper: 100





(+5 All: Human)

Extra Stat Points: 130 - (+5 Per lvl)

[20 in Int (100), 15 in Con (85), 15 End (70), 5 Agi (65), 5 Will (60), 10 Per (50), 30 In (20), 20 Wis (10), 10 Dex = 0]

Strength: 5

Endurance: 20

Constitution: 20

Dexterity: 15 (+2)

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 65

Wisdom: 25 (+5)

Charisma: 5

Willpower: 10

Luck: 5

Perception: 15

Skill List:

Racial Skills:

[Racial Bonus: +10% EXP, +5 in all stats, +10 on chosen Stat.]

[Human Ingenuity]: You can learn a skill from a different class than your own, however, it must be from the same category.

(Acolyte - Caster Category)

Active Skills:

[Minor Heal lvl 5: Restoration

Heals minor wounds - Maximum heal of 55 HP

Cost: 10 MP

Cooldown: 15 Seconds]

[Light Bolt lvl 5: Destruction

Deals 100 [(Wis ×5) to a max of 100] of Radiant Damage and marks enemy, upon a second attack, the mark is consumed and an additional 100.

Cost: 20 MP

Cooldown: 1 Minute]

[Blessings lvl 3: Abjuration

Choose between (Attack, Defense, Speed), increases 20% of the target's (up to 3) selected stat.

Costs: 40 MP

Duration: 20 Minutes

Cooldown: 20 Minutes]

[Minor Cure lvl 1:

Cures the from the Poisoned, Confusion, and Cower

Cost: 20 MP

Cooldown: 1 Minute]

Passive Skills:

[Human Language lvl Max]

He's going to become a God.