
Gray [#2]

"Pulling this..." Lucian grumbled softly, his finger twisting over in three different places. They clicked and cracked, breaking in places before they got back in place: "Still feels as weird as ever." It was a weird sensation to break his own fingers to train their flexibility and dexterity, flexibility and dexterity that he would need in the future to truly use his machines at the maximum of their capabilities because of their rather complicated ways of using. With a last click, he flexed his fingers as they snapped back in place: "There we go." With a sigh, he stretched his arms out in the air above his head as he looked around his room- Many of these mechanical parts were spread all around the ground, there were some semi-completed machines that looked to have some sort of interesting use. One of the mechanical parts had these small buttons and little lights that would click together and make soft whining sounds. 

"The 'O.O.O.' is coming along well..." O.O.O stands for Orbital Originating Organizator, a small machine that is placed inside a small crystalline orb. In a weird and honestly kinda scary combination of magic, mechanical parts, and his own Gift Powers to quickly and easily organize things. With a softly touch of his hand on the crystal sphere, he channeled through his mind the energy that he had within his soul, and immediately all the scattered items on the ground started to float towards the shelves, organizing themselves. "This makes the life of a disabled teenager boy so much fucking easier." Seriously, you don't know how many things you lose until you start to use a magical technology ou created to organize your shit. He has found a few pens, pencils, lost drawings, and even a few porn drawings that were maybe intentionally thrown away. "Seriously, Lucian really had talent for drawing... Sadly it took him literally almost dying, losing his legs, and being isolated for him to find out about that." He quickly started to sketch a few little parts of a much bigger machine that he wanted to make- He'll have to go to the junkyard to gather parts for his new inventions. 

The problem is- he can't drive. 

Also, his grandmother was a sweet old lady that did not have the time for his shenanigans. She was a hardworking woman that did not need him to make her waste her time with him- Maybe that's the residual thoughts Lucian had of hee before his sudden death when the new Lucian started to inhabit his body, but that's at least something new Lucian can agree on: The old lady had no business helping him, mostly because he doesn't want her to get neither hurt helping him nor suspicious helping him. "Shit, I really need a lot of shit... Maybe I should get some underlings to help."

-Scene Cut-

And that's exactly what he did. 

"Lift it with your back. I'm the one dragging the cart here, with my wheelchair." Lucian had recently improved his wheelchair to be an electrical wheelchair. The battery that he was using was the same one that one would use in a car, with the flipping directional lever being hand made to have an extra acceleration button! The tracking force of the wheelchair was enough to drag about a 600 pounds boat on land, so of course he could carry these three cart behind him full of scraps, boxes, and broken parts of machinery. "Spankofski, careful not to step on that fucking nail- And you almost did it. Congrats, I guess- Lipschitz, please don't rip the papers apart. I know how to recycle it, please... Also, Maketh, don't try to make to with the ground anymore... I'm pretty sure Gaea is incredibly furious with your sexual assaults." The dark skinned skinny guy struggled to get back up from the ground, shaking his head a little and adjusting his glasses that were just a little bit cracked. 

"Flictio, c-can we take a break?" Spankofski, Peter Spankofski panted heavily. His forehead was covered in sweat and his eyes were wide, his glasses making him look way nerdier than the stupid suspenders do, somehow. "My back's killing me!" He dropped another box filled with scraps, small pieces of metal, corks, nails, screws, and a few long thin metal piercing needles that looked that came from the arm of a junkie or something like that! Peter made sure not to directly touch it, just in case he gets an STD or something like that before even having sex. That would be extremely pathetic! "And my legs. And my arms. And my abdominal muscles-"

"-and I'm very sweaty too." Richie Lipschitz groaned from the sideline, his eyes a little glossy as he lifted his arms. It was like a cloud of stink was released from his body, everyone there- except for Lucian, he has smelled worst things -winced and turned away from him, clear disgust and even a little bit of pity and fear in the eyes of those who were able to smell it. "What? I ate onions, worked like a criminal, and I have overactive sweat glands-" 

"-okay, that's enough for me today!" Maketh, Jonathan Maketh to be more specific, groaned. His glasses were a little cracked and he was cleaning them up, a look of distress and despair in his eyes as he groaned: "Shit... My mom's gonna kill me! This is the second lenses I break this month." He could only pale in fear at what his mother would do- She would probably beat his ass, break something of his, or banish him to the Shadow Realm with the sheer force of her glare! "I am so fucking fucked-"

"You're making a storm inside a cup of water, give me that." Lucian extended his hand forward- Maketh hesitated for a little bit before he gave his thick bottle bottom glasses to him, he touched them and covered them with a cloth, pretending like he was cleaning them, but he easily applied a bit of energy with his Gift of Reconstruction, a special gift that he liked to use to heal and repair broken things and people sometimes. The only down side is that whenever used in people, it would take energy from them to heal them, while machines and objects would simply be repaired! "There." With a roll of his eyes, he presented the newly repaired glasses to the one and only crybaby nerd before him before he started to look at his treasure trove. He managed to convince these three nerds here to help him in a rather cool little way- He promised making them something they wanted. Lipschitz wanted this Gundam, Spankofski wanted a cool new electrical microscope, and Maketh wanted something that would help him survive high-school, so Lucian decided to make him a small ringing radar that would release this almost imperceptible ringing sound that imitated a click so Maketh could, subconsciously, develop the skill called echolocation. With echolocation, it might help him become more aware of his surroundings, and therefore be able to avoid danger better. "Here, don't break it again..." 

"How do you even do that? Applying pressure on the cracks doesn't make sense, we would still be able to see the cracks, and broke glass can't be easily repaired." Peter Spankofski hummed, and Lucian had to stop his wince at the large yellow eye that suddenly appeared above the guy's head- Tinky was here, apparently. "Unless you're doing some sort of magic trick or something." Lucian was pretty much aware of the presence of the Time Bastard, he could feel the strain of his mind whenever he thought of that damn yellow box, and then snapped back out of it soon because he was bored. That's what the Lords in Black do: They get bored. 'Probably went to see Ted Spankofski... I still don't know how or why Tinky is so obsessed with the Spankofskis, but that's not my problem.' He shuttered, a sliver of anxiety flowing through his mind, making him groan a little: "Well, thank you very much, you three helped me a lot... I'll make your things for you, just wait for a little while and then you'll have your things." Lucian shrugged for a moment, moving his shoulders. He pondered for a moment why the Lords in Black haven't started their whole shitty things- Maybe they have? 'I need to make a nuke bunker, anti-radiation jackets, and a fucking rocket!' Thanks to the "rules" that are imposed upon them by reality itself, they can't physically enter the world without breaking it apart, unless they get an "invitation" and a form to stay within this world. 

And thanks to these rules, he can more or less tell whenever the Lords in Black start to turn things into shit. Until now, he doesn't feel anything wrong with this reality yet, so he feels that he has some time, at least. 

Hours later on his way back home dragging three carts behind him, Lucian decided to go to a drive-thru to get some trash food, and that was when he saw a rather familiar face. Maxwell Jägerman, also known as Max or "The Monster" by the many people of the high-school that were constantly harassed and mocked by him. Interestingly, Max was holding the "Turn-It-Off" Remote with his left hand while grinning at the wall of the drive-thru while clicking the red button of the remote, chuckling as the menu of the drive-thru was shutting off and on as the people on line were flipping out. Lucian hummed as he thought: 'Well, at least he's having fun with it, right?' He was about to go to another fast-food restaurant when Max cursed, his finger flinching from the remote as it let out a few sparks. "Shit Max, your toy's breakin!" One of his jock friends, Jason or whatever, winced as Max threw the remote away with pain in his eyes. "Fuck, did I fucking break it?" 

"It seems you've been using it a lot. I can fix that for you, if you want." Approaching him and dragging with him his carts behind him, Lucian announced himself with a few words, getting Max's attention again- He and his two jock friends turned to look at him and he could see the confusion in their faces, mostly about what the fuck he was doing with carts full of trash, but he didn't really care about that. "Want me to take a look at that?" He pointed back at the remote that had finished sparking, he didn't really care about the little remote that could turn off electrical things- He had four of them by now, mostly because he was bored and ended up making three extra in case the first one was irreparably broken -but he did care about his social life... Or the lack of it. You see, Maxwell Jägerman was considered a monster by many, but Lucian saw him as just a stereotypical bully who never had real familial love, and by he way he acted when receiving the remote, he must've never had gotten a gift before. Lucian was not one of really manipulating people unless he wants something from them, but to survive the followimg apocalypse? He will need time, and he can't have peace and time if he's getting constantly bullied! 

So, you gotta befriend the bullies to make them leave you alone. 

"Huh? What the fuck you doin' here, cree-" Max stopped for a moment- It would be kinda rude to call someone a freak or a creep after they give you something, right? "-urgh, what was your fucking name?" Maxwell Jägerman, the guy who everyone knows only calls others by their surname or a mocking nickname, was asking this weird legless guy about his name? That was new. "...sure, if you think you can fix this shit- I mean, you made it, so I guess you can fix it..." This was news for Jason and Kyle, the two jocks who were his "best" friends. Like the "god" that Jägerman was, he didn't really care about the name of many people- Seriously, he only cared about the popular bunch, going after after anyone who even spoke to the nerds in the school, and yet here he is, talking to a random wheelchair guy. Picking up the remote, Max place it right into the guy's hand as he smiled up at him: "I can surely fix it, and maybe upgrade it for you if you want... But it will cost ya... How about you help me with these things? The name's Lucian, by the way." 

Now that he motioned to the carts, Max took a better look at the shit he had on them- Boxes and boxes of trash. Scrap metal, wires, broken glass, weird electronic parts, more wires, a few broken tools, a few pipes, rubber, and even a fucking car battery! "...what's all this crap anyway?" He poked a piece of paper, frowning as the paper didn't bend at all, but instead stood completely defiant of his finger. "Is this even paper?" Seriously, he has never seen paper this thin but this hard before!

"Oh, that's colored glass-" 


"-and I'm just gonna use that for some projects of mine... C'mon, if you help me bring them all upstairs in my home, I'll give you something." Throwing the bait for the jock with daddy issues for another little gift, Lucian started to driving away. He did not need to look backwards to feel that the three jocks just looked at each other before shrugging and following him along. Since his speed wasn't that great- because he traded speed for strength and weight carrying capabilites for his wheelchair -they were able to easily follow him on foot to where his home was, on the way he answered the few of their question about his own little contraptions and inventions. Of course he didn't expose everything about the things he has made, but he gave them a few ideas about the things he has made. 

"So, you have a fuckin' gun that makes people piss and shit themselves?" Max was honestly fucking hyped- Imagine all the shit could do with that thing!? He'd make that bitch Professor Maylen fucking shit herself so she can stop being a bitch and stop calling him incompetent just because words are fucking hard to read- It's not his fault that they dance, okay!? "Hmm? I mean, technically it can be used for that, yeah-" Lucian stopped once he saw his home. He drove his wheelchair up the ramp and easily got inside his home- his grandmother wasn't home, so he guided everyone to his living room: "Can you please help me take these things upstairs? Don't worry, you don't have to if you don't want to, but I'll give you one of my little inventions if you help- Yeah, Max, I'll give you the Pee Pee Poo Poo Gun... Even though it isn't called that." 

Well, Max always wanted a gun that makes people shit themselves anyway. 

It took them a while to get everything upstairs. It was honestly a surprise for the jock trio that his room wasn't... nerdy. Sure, he had a lot of blueprints of various weird things that were glued to the wall, and he had shelves with various weird apparatuses and shenanigans, like this weird claw thing that could pick up shit from 15 feet away with unusual precision! Or this weird flashlight that had a green coloration that would, presumably, show the presence of "ghosts" ot whatever... Then there was this weird pen that had a button that could make it explode, spraying ink everywhere! "Actually, you can take this one as a bonus- if you have a test you're not ready for, you can just press the button and be free from it." Lucian did not care about the curiosity of the jocks- no matter nerdy, prudy, or popular... All men love weird shit! "Here's your Poo Poo Pee Pee Gun or whatever you wanna call it. You aim at the person and press the button, I've permanently removed and disabled the 'Lethal' mode, so you don't have to worry about making people shit themselves to death." The design of the "gun" was actually this weird antenna thing with a few buttons, but the majority were completely removed or disabled. 

"Here, you two can have these things-" For the other two jocks, Lucian gave them the same pen he had given Max as well as two Turn-It-Off Remotes. "-thank you for your help today, if it breaks, you can just bring back and I'll fix it." He turned to Max- the only one in the school who, somehow, has a lot of power in school -and said: "Especially you, Max, you can come up to me whenever you need help with anything."

While Max was a little bit (a lot) moved by his proposition, little did Lucian know, that it would end up with him taking the boy's corpse out of the Waylon's old place and fixing it by turning him into his own cyborg Frankenstein's monster...

-Scene Cut-

"Wait, you mean I can... costumize my new body?" Max's spirit floated right beside him, his sunken eyes still in that everlasting expression of horror, pain, and despair. "Like, my-"

"-dick size? Yes. So, which size you want? You want it to shoot lasers? Become a knife? You want it to become this mechanical tentacle able to pierce through rock? I can do a lot of things, but to keep you going, Imma need to make you alive again... And that'll take more than just lightning like that old Mary Shelley story."