
[Origin: Reboot]

Machine Translation of my reboot story, [Origin]. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the worlds in which my story is inspired [Except OCs and original plot]. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Many people have asked questions about how everything started. What came first, the chicken or the egg, did god create everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome to Origin, here you can discover the answer that so many scholars have sought, but it will be a hard road full of dangers at every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end, are you brave enough to take the first step? Will you be able to get the strength you need to keep moving forward? To move forward or to give up Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Origin... Do you want to start your journey? * * * * * *

GenoXX · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
86 Chs

81: Chaos Expands

"Reason for the mission" - said Chifuyu with a frown.

"Confidential" - Laura replied simply - "You asked me to be honest, but I can't give out classified information."

"Sounds fair" - nodded Chifuyu as she narrowed her eyes - "However, I need you to give me something because, otherwise, I'm going to have to send you back to Germany, after all, you attacked an unarmed civilian."

"My secondary objective is to get you back to Germany with me, so I can finish with the training" - Laura replied neutrally - "As for the second primary objective, it's to get information about Cloud Strife, after that I'll see what my next steps will be."

"Oh, I'm flattered" - Cloud said sarcastically - "I have my own stalker."

Laura simply gave him a bored look as a huge feral grin appeared over her face - "You have my attention, Strife, I hope you're worth it."

Cloud rolled his eyes at her as he thought carefully about this girl's possible moves.

Cecilia and Houki were silent because such it seemed that a new rival had joined the fray, though it didn't seem that she was in love with the young blond, in fact, she seemed more interested in his strength, though this was potentially dangerous.

"By the way, I managed to feel the edge of your sword even though my shield was activated" - Laura said while squinting - "Is this because of your weapon, or was it your energy?"

"Classified information" - Cloud answered sarcastically.

"I understand" - nodded Laura simply.

"It seems she failed to detect Cloud's sarcasm" - muttered Cecilia while looking at her Japanese friend.

"Maybe this girl is more pure and simple than we thought" - replied Houki as the two girls came to a consensus.

"I guess you came for my younger brother too, didn't you, Bodewig?" - Chifuyu asked as she took control of the conversation again.

"Classified information" - Laura answered simply - "I have orders to interact with Ichika Orimura, however, I cannot report on the reason for this."

"I see" - nodded Chifuyu as she looked carefully at her former student.

Laura wasn't lying, she wasn't trying to deflect the topic either, she laid her cards on the table right away, obviously hiding her true intentions.

"I guess you're going to observe him before deciding your next plan of action" - Cloud said while raising an eyebrow.

Laura smiled slightly - "You're a lot smarter than I thought, I guess I'm underestimating men too much."

Cloud shrugged at these words.

"If Ichika Orimura is as good as you, I might have to change my plan" - Laura said as she turned around and walked towards the academy.

"That idiot... I'm still not done with her" - muttered Chifuyu while holding the bridge of her nose - "Anyway, I'll decide her punishment when we get to the academy, for now I want you to go back."

"Understood" - said the two girls, although it was obvious that they were annoyed because they were interrupted.

"Don't worry, I promise I'll let you go outside again" - said Chifuyu as she rolled her eyes at the girls - "See you at the academy."

Houki and Cecilia looked at each other, then looked at the blond boy, only to notice something strange, he seemed to be grabbing his chest.

"Cloud!" - Houki exclaimed as she ran to the young blond boy.

"Don't worry, this is a regular thing" - Cloud replied with a small smile over his lips.

"What's wrong with you?" - Cecilia asked with a frown.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you, it's something extremely personal" - answered Cloud while shaking his head - "I ask you to go to the academy, we'll talk there when I finish doing what I have to do."

Houki and Cecilia frowned slightly before nodding.

They noticed that the young blond seemed to be thinking about something, so they decided it was best to let him think just for a few minutes. They could ask him when they got back to the academy.

"Raiden, I want you to give me a full report on my current status" - Cloud said with a frown.

[Initiating biological scan of the user...]

[Analysis completed... handing over information...].

Cloud frowned when he saw the report, only to understand what was going on - "I see... although this is a bit worrisome..."

[I'm sure you can solve the problem by finding a partner and copulating with them]

"Is this your best decision, Raiden?" - Cloud asked with a frown.

[Affirmative, the testosterone levels, as well as the very high level of arousal you had, is causing your hormones to be at the critical point. The training won't be effective unless you manage to release all that pent-up tension...]

Cloud frowned before letting out a heavy sigh - "I see..."

[Do you want me to create a list of potential copulation partners?]

"No need" - Cloud replied as he shook his head - "I want you to stop talking on the subject, I'll figure out how to solve my problem."


* * * * *

"So this is Japan" - muttered Charles as he looked around with slight curiosity, after all, this was the first time [he] visited a foreign country - "Do we have to go immediately to the academy, or can I tour around before we go?"

"I'm sorry, young master, but we are short of time" - replied the secretary while adjusting her glasses.

"Oh, that's a pity" - sighed Charles as he shook his head.

"Who is he?" - asked a girl with a smitten look - "He's so handsome ~!"

"This has got to be a joke, god!" - exclaimed a boy as he cried tears of blood - "How can I think a boy is so cute!"

Charles simply ignored what people were saying as he entered the limousine that was waiting for them at the airport exit.

"Remember, young master, your mission is of crucial importance to the Dunois Corporation" - said the secretary with a serious face.

"I know" - Charles replied with an annoyed face - "I've heard it since I left the mansion..."

"I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you" - muttered the woman while shaking her head - "It's not only you who is under tremendous pressure..."

"I know you have it hard too, but you have to understand that I'm the one who has to pretend something I'm not" - Charles said as she felt something inside her snap - "I'M THE ONE WHO HAS TO GO THROUGH ALL THIS STRESS!"

The secretary was silent as she let out a heavy sigh - "I'm sorry, Miss Charlotte. I spoke out of turn."

"I hope it won't be repeated..." - Charlotte murmured as she frowned, though after a few seconds she returned to her serene and polite demeanor.

"We are about to arrive, young Master Charles" - said the chauffeur as he glanced in the rearview mirror.

"I understand" - nodded Charlotte, or rather, Charles, her alter ego as he shook his head - "Let's hope this is quick because I honestly want to stop being something I'm not..."

"Good luck, young master" - said the secretary as she watched the disguised girl get out of the vehicle and walk towards the entrance of the academy - "Let's go..."

"Was that a good idea?" - asked the chauffeur regretfully - "Miss Charlotte..."

"Say no more, this is our job, and we have to complete it" - muttered the secretary as she let out a long sigh.

Charles looked at his luggage before letting out a sigh, though his expression changed when he saw a beautiful light blue-haired girl appear at the entrance - "Do you need anything from me, Miss?"

"Oh, not in the slightest" - replied the light blue-haired girl as she looked carefully at the young man in front of her - "My name is Tatenashi Sarashiki, president of the student council of IS Academy, it is my pleasure to welcome you, Charles Dunois from France"

"It is a surprise to be welcomed by the president herself" - Charles said with a small smile - "You already know my name, still allow me to introduce myself, I am Charles Dunois, heir of the Dunois corporation of France, it is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Tatenashi"

Tatenashi narrowed her eyes because now that she had made contact with the "boy", she could feel that there was something strange about him, something... feminine, although there was still no way to confirm it.

"The pleasure is mine" - replied Tatenashi with a kind smile - "Anyway, I'm sorry to have to leave the conversation until here, but I have a lot of work to do, so I'm going to assign you to my secretary, if you have any questions, you can ask her."

"Thank you very much" - Charles replied, although inside she was sweating because she felt as if this young lady had seen what she was hiding - "I'll be under your care"

"F-Follow me!" - The secretary said as she looked at Charles with a red face. She had to admit that the boy was beautiful, though at the same time she felt he lacked a bit of masculinity.

"Thank you very much, my beautiful lady" - Charles smiled as he let the girl lead him through the halls of the academy, however, his inner self was not as happy as it showed on his face.

"The student council president is dangerous..." - Charlotte thought as she frowned internally - "Looks like I'm going to have to be more careful if I don't want to get caught during the first week of school..."

"Is something wrong, Charles-kun?" - asked the secretary curiously as she noticed how the young man had paused for a few seconds.

"Oh, it's nothing, I was just thinking about home" - replied Charles with a smile.


Remember, this story is a machine translation and lightly edited with Grammarly of my original story.

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