
[Origin: Reboot]

Machine Translation of my reboot story, [Origin]. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the worlds in which my story is inspired [Except OCs and original plot]. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Many people have asked questions about how everything started. What came first, the chicken or the egg, did god create everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome to Origin, here you can discover the answer that so many scholars have sought, but it will be a hard road full of dangers at every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end, are you brave enough to take the first step? Will you be able to get the strength you need to keep moving forward? To move forward or to give up Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Origin... Do you want to start your journey? * * * * * *

GenoXX · Komik
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86 Chs

62: Welcome to the IS Academy

Without him realizing it, his existence had been spread all over the national and international channels, the supposed [Ultimate Soldier], the man who could be considered as the hope of the male gender thanks to being the first one to possess a new kind of suit comparable to the [IS] that women wore in combat.

Cloud Strife, the [Subject R], the only survivor of the [Raiden project], he was currently in front of a beautiful girl of about 18 years old, blue hair and beautiful ruby red eyes.

"I was expecting something different when I heard about the [Ultimate Soldier] who was going to enter the academy, you are more handsome than I thought" - said the blue-haired woman while hiding her smile with her fan - "Would you mind telling me a little more about your existence, Soldier-kun?"

"Is it necessary or obligatory?" - Cloud asked simply.

"Oh, not in the least, it's simple curiosity" - replied Tatenashi Sarashiki, the beautiful blue-haired girl, and president of the student council of the [IS Academy], as well as the representative of Russia and the strongest student.

"Curiosity is dangerous for a woman" - Cloud said while shaking his head, only to back up a few steps - "It's not very polite to attack someone when he's talking."

"Interesting, your reflexes are impressive" - smiled Tatenashi, who had her trusty spear in her hands along with some robotic gloves - "No, you noticed my attack long before I moved, which means you read my intention."

"Do you want to fight?" - Cloud asked neutrally.

"Oh, not in the least, I just wanted to know if all the hype the press is giving you is well deserved, because honestly the only guy capable of piloting an [IS] isn't as interesting as I thought" - replied Tatenashi as she made her spear disappear and looked at the blond with her curious red eyes - "The difference is huge."

"It's obvious, Ichika Orimura has lived his whole life as a normal guy, on the other hand, I've lived my whole childhood training inside laboratory" - Cloud replied with disdain - "Leaving that aside, I think you'd better change your clothes."

"¿?" - Tatenashi gave him a confused look, though her expression changed when she saw how her shirt had been cut off, causing her to now be showing off her cute blue bra - "Oh, I didn't expect you to be a pervert, Soldier-kun ~"

She had a playful tone, though inside she was analyzing the situation. The attack had been so quick that she hadn't noticed until he brought up her clothes.

Cloud gave her a blank look as he shook his head before walking into the academy, leaving the student council president at a loss for words. The first battle was over, and to Tatenashi's surprise, she had been defeated.

"Interesting... very interesting..." - Tatenashi muttered as a huge smile appeared on her lips - "You're better than I thought, Cloud Strife-kun... It looks like this year is going to be fun ~"

* * * * *

"She's strong and well-trained, though she lacks a bit of experience" - Cloud thought as he walked towards the teacher's lounge - "I guess this is the norm, the academy doesn't send its students on missions, so the closest thing to real combat are battles between students, and these go without the intention of killing..."

Cloud shook his head before he saw how he had reached his target, the entrance to the teacher's lounge, so he knocked on the door.

The reason for his acting so different from how he was before?

Simple, as he traveled to another world and rejuvenated, his mentality also did so along with his body so that the two could be in perfect balance. Yes, he kept all his experiences, but the drastic changes made his personality change accordingly.

"Although for the last few days I am returning to my normal personality" - Cloud thought as he ignored how a female voice was heard from the other side of the door.

The young man was so deep in his thoughts, that he didn't hear how the door opened, in fact, he could only react when he heard the loud scream of a woman. He slowly looked up, only to be met with a scene that could make any pervert fly away spurting blood, after all, in front of him was a pair of breasts the same size as Shizuka's, completely exposed because the only thing covering them was a bra that looked like it would break at any moment because of the sheer size of those delicious mountains.

* * * * *

"Attacking a teacher on the first day of school..." - Chifuyu said as she gave a blank look to the young man in front of her - "Not a good way to start at the academy, Cloud Strife..."

"It's not my fault, I just defended myself" - answered Cloud, who had his hands cuffed - "That woman attacked me for a reason beyond my control, and I just restrained her without hurting her"

"From my perspective it looked like you were going to do something inappropriate to her" - replied Chifuyu while shaking his head. Her reunion with the boy had not gone as she expected, after all, when she saw him after all these years, he was on top of Maya Yamada, who was all red in the face from embarrassment.

"As much as I wish that had been the case, you know very well that I wasn't touching anywhere inappropriate" - Cloud replied as he gave her a blank look.

" ~ " - Maya simply blushed at the words of the handsome young blond, who seemed to be appreciating her beauty now that she was looking more presentable - "I'm sorry, the truth is that I forgot that another boy was coming today."

"Don't worry, I wasn't affected in the least, in fact, I had an impressive view" - Cloud replied as he unconsciously used the seduction tactics he was made to learn to distract the [IS] pilots, and it seemed they were proving more than effective because of the blush on the green-haired teacher's cheeks.

Now that he looked at her more accurately, Maya Yamada was beautiful. Short green hair, beautiful emerald green eyes framed with white glasses, a figure that was the envy of many women because of her huge breasts and ass, and what made her more attractive to the young blond, how pure she was, as if something inside him wanted to corrupt such a beautiful specimen.

Unconsciously, the hormones in his teenage body, were causing him to look inappropriately at the beautiful teacher, although she didn't seem to be upset, in fact, she seemed to be enjoying the boy's attention.

"Would you like me to leave you alone to get to know each other better?" - Chifuyu asked as she folded her arms.

Maya blushed when she heard this as Cloud simply shrugged - "Sorry, I've spent most of my youth surrounded by four walls, and my interaction with the other people consisted of scientists, and the few women can't compare in appearance to someone as beautiful as Maya Yamada."

Maya blushed even more as she felt her heart pounding.

Chifuyu let out a sigh as she noticed how easy it had been for Cloud to seduce her colleague, though it wasn't as if she could blame the poor green-haired woman, not when she had spent most of her life training, and when she finally went out for a drink, she was always upstaged by Chifuyu Orimura.

"Look, I don't mind if you two start something, but we have a lot to talk about" - Chifuyu said with slight annoyance, after all, this was taking a long time and classes were about to start - "That's why I want you to stop seducing your teacher."

"I understand, although I don't promise that I will answer all your questions" - Cloud said while shaking his head.

"I know, I'm aware of your training" - Chifuyu replied, though her expression changed to one of irritation when she noticed how Maya started talking about her life with the young blond - "Seriously..."

She understood what the young man was doing, after all, she had done something similar in the past. He was trying to divert the focus of the conversation so that he wouldn't even have to answer the questions she wanted to ask him, though at the same time she could sense that he wasn't consciously doing it, but rather this was an instinct that was imbued in his habits, which showed how much he had been trained.

"Seduction is a powerful weapon against today's women, more so for [IS] pilots who spend most of their time training, that coupled with Cloud's handsome appearance, makes me think that it's not a good idea for him to enter the academy, even though his stay was already approved" - Chifuyu thought while frowning slightly - "I guess I'm going to have to keep an eye on him if I don't want things to get out of hand..."


Remember, this story is a machine translation and lightly edited with Grammarly of my original story.

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