
Cut The Crap




[-Hachiman's POV-]

Hayama cleared his throat, drawing our attention. His smile was strained as he addressed Yukinoshita. "I am sorry about this, Yukinoshita. I didn't realize it would bother you so much."

Hayama hit where it hurt the most.

"Is there something you need?" Yukinoshita inquired, completely ignoring his question, with a response that could've frozen hell over.

Poor Yuigahama winced like she had stubbed her toe.

"....ah, Tobe…" When asked, Hayama glanced at Tobe as if confirming something, who was pulling at his hair repeatedly while fidgeting, and this was oddly revolting.

"Aah, he had something he wanted advice on, so I brought him here, but…"

"Yah, I can't retreat now… Um, the truth is, I…" After an extremely long pause, Tobe finally began speaking.

All eyes turned to Tobe, who took a deep breath before blurting out.

"About Ebina, I think she's pretty good, you know? So, during the field trip, I have something I want to do."

"Seriously!?" Yuigahama's eyes sparkled.

Damn, she is excited, like her whole body reacted - Tell me! Tell me! I could practically see the gossip-hungry gears turning in her head.

Hum…. but will she be able to maintain her excitement after actually knowing the whole story?

I don't think so?

Anyway, since I had the information beforehand, I more or less understood the implications of this conversation, but Yukinoshita tilted her head, looking about as confused as a cat with a cucumber.

Yuigahama leaned in, whispering in her ear like they were sharing state secrets.



Tobe, bless his heart, finally managed to string together a coherent sentence and laid it all out for us.

I decided to toss him a reality check. "Look, Tobe, confessing your feelings is a solo mission. We can set the stage, but you're the one who's gotta deliver the lines."

I added. "And brace yourself for anything that might happen on the field trip. Even the R-word: Rejection."

Tobe lingered in the doorway, his usually carefree attitude replaced by an uncharacteristic nervousness.

He nodded. "Yeah, I get it. Thanks, man. I will... I will think about it." With a half-hearted wave, he disappeared into the hallway.

Well, well. Looks like our boy Tobe was dead serious about this whole love business.

"...." Hayama, who had been silently observing our exchange, rose from his seat. Without a word or even a glance in our direction, he strode out of the room, leaving behind a noticeable tension.

As the door clicked shut, Yukinoshita's piercing gaze settled on me.

"Hikigaya." She began, her tone measured but curious. "You seemed rather displeased about this request."

I let out a weary sigh, slumping further into my chair.

"Well, it's because I am displeased." I replied, the words coming out sharper than I had intended.

Yuigahama leaned forward with a bright smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Aw, come on, Hikki! Just because you are still yet to have any luck in your own love life doesn't mean you should wish the same for others."

Her words struck a nerve, and I felt a familiar defensiveness rising within me.

"It's not that..." I muttered, averting my gaze to the window, where the setting sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink.

Yukinoshita's eyes narrowed slightly, her analytical mind clearly working to decipher my reaction. "Then what is it, Hikigaya?"

I remained silent for a moment, gathering my thoughts. Finally, I turned back to face them, my expression serious.

"You will know soon enough… so be patient."



As the three of us each looked while making trivial talk, there was a sudden knock at the door.

The sound was so tentative that we almost missed it at first.

Knock knock, knocks kept coming.

"Come in."

The master of the room, Yukinoshita, called out towards the door.

The door creaked open slowly, revealing a girl with shoulder-length black hair and red-framed glasses. She stumbled over her words as she entered. "Excuse me."

Yuigahama's face lit up with recognition.

"Oh, it's Hina!" She stood up abruptly, her chair scraping against the floor.

Ebina's eyes darted to Yuigahama, a small smile forming on her lips. "Hey, Yui. Haroharo~"

"Yahallo~!" Yuigahama chirped back.

Ebina's gaze swept across the room, acknowledging the rest of us. "Yukinoshita and Hikitani too. Haroharo~"


I greeted her back with a perfect NPC - like response, while Yukinoshita did so in a calm manner.

"It's been a while." Yukinoshita said, gesturing to an empty chair. "Please, sit wherever you would like."

Ebina sat in the nearest seat, as advised by Yukinoshita. She curiously surveyed the room.

She spent time with us during the summer camping trip and also cooperated with us in solving a problem there. She should have been aware of what this service club does, if at least partially.

"Hmm, so this is the service club, huh."

She nodded and looked in front of her abruptly, focusing her attention on Yukinoshita.

"I had something to discuss, so I came here…"

While I showed little to no interest, both Yukinoshita and Yuigahama visibly perked up, their postures straightening as they sensed the potential for a new request.

"U-um, you see..." Ebina began, her cheeks flushing as she averted her gaze from their intense focus.

"I have something to discuss about Tobecchi..."

"To-Tobecchi?!" Yuigahama exclaimed, her eyes widening. "Wh-what about him?"

Ebina's blush deepened under Yuigahama's eager stare. "Um, i-it's kind of hard to say, but..."

"What is it about Tobecchi?" Yuigahama pressed, leaning forward in her seat.

Ebina took a deep breath, as if steeling herself.

"Tobecchi, recently, has been, like, totally getting along too well with Hayato and Hikitani, so Ooka and Yamato are suuuuuuupeeeer frustrated! I want to see a more hot relationship! At this rate, it'll be a total, huge waste of my Triangle Heart!"

And there you have it.



As Ebina sauntered towards the exit, she pivoted gracefully, her eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. "Well then, I will entrust this delicate matter to your capable hands. Bye-bye~!"

"Bye-bye, Ebina!" Yuigahama called out, waving enthusiastically.

"Take care." Yukinoshita added politely.

I raised a hand in a lazy farewell gesture. "Later."

With a final "Haroharo~" and a playful wink, Ebina slipped out of the clubroom, leaving behind a storm, and I could feel a headache forming behind my eyes.

As the door clicked shut, we - Yukinoshita and I exchanged glances, trying to decipher Ebina's cryptic request.

"What was that about…?" Yukinoshita voiced the question, hanging in the air like a fog of bewilderment.

"What was what, Yukinon? If you're talking about Hina's antics, don't sweat it... you know how she gets sometimes." Yuigahama replied, oblivious to the suspicious undercurrents.

"Um, I don't think that's all she was here for." Yukinoshita's dubious voice hung in the air.

I, however, had reached my limit for diplomatic silence and subtle implications.

"Screw this." I spat out, the words tumbling from my lips before I could rein them in.

My outburst elicited a pair of startled looks from Yukinoshita and Yuigahama, their expressions a mix of surprise and edginess.

But before they could voice their reactions, I was already fumbling with my phone, my fingers moving with purpose across the keypad.

"Hikki, who are you calling all of a sudden?" Yuigahama was the first one to ask, while Yukinoshita just looked at me and waited for my answer.

"That insufferable Hayama." I growled, my frustration evident in every syllable. "He's taking this farce too far."

Yeah, why should I clean up the mess he let happen?

"Hikki!" Yuigahama admonished, though her tone lacked any real reproach. "That's not... I mean, we can't just..."

Yukinoshita straightened up in her chair, her posture rigid.

"While I don't condone Hikigaya's choice of words." She began, her voice cool and measured. "I must admit that the sentiment is... not entirely unwarranted."

As I waited for the call to connect, my mind raced through the events that had led us to this point.

Hayama's visit with the lovesick Tobe, Ebina's subsequent appearance and veiled request.

It was a tangled web of teenage drama, and we were caught right in the middle of it.

The phone continued to ring, each unanswered tone fueling my irritation.

I could feel Yukinoshita's eyes on me, her own curious gaze wanting to know in what direction this was going to head.

Yuigahama fidgeted in her seat with a confused expression.

Finally, the call connected.

"Hikigaya?" Hayama's voice came through, a mixture of surprise and wariness evident in his tone.

"Cut the crap, Hayama." I snapped, my patience wearing thin. "We need to talk about the Tobe situation. Now."

There was a pause on the other end, followed by a sigh.

"I see." Hayama replied, his voice losing some of its usual charm. "I suppose Hina paid you a visit?"

"Yeah, and she left us with quite the mess to clean up." I retorted, my free hand clenching into a fist. "You can't just dump your problems on us and expect-!"

"Hikigaya." Yukinoshita's cool voice cut through my tirade.

She held out her hand, making a silent request for the phone. After a moment's hesitation, I handed it over.

"Hayama." She spoke, her tone crisp and businesslike. "I believe it would be best if you came to the clubroom to discuss this matter in person. There are... complications that need to be addressed."

As Yukinoshita continued her conversation with Hayama, I caught Yuigahama's eye.

She offered a small, uncertain smile.

When Yukinoshita ended the call, she handed the phone back to me with a slight nod. "He is on his way."

As we settled in to wait for Hayama's arrival, the atmosphere in the clubroom shifted.

There was a sense of anticipation, of pieces being moved on an unseen chessboard.

Whatever came next, it was clear that our carefully constructed equilibrium was about to be put to the test once again.



[To be continued…]


[Author Reminder : 4+ chapters advance in Patreon.]
