
Chapter 533 - Demonic Disaster

  "The situation shouldn't be that serious, right?"

  Someone asked worriedly.

  "It's hard to say. Perhaps with the strength of the sect, we can easily deal with the current situation without spiritual plant masters."

  "We may also need to go to the front line. After all, even if our strength is a little worse than that of other fellow disciples, we are from a large sect after all, and we are much stronger than those foundation-building casual cultivators outside."

  Everyone was talking about it.

  "Brother Lu, everyone knows that you usually spend all your time cultivating spiritual plants, and don't pay attention to practicing magic, collecting magic tools, and enhancing your combat power. What should I do then?"

  Liu Su turned to look at Lu Xuan, with a worried look in her eyes.

  Everyone had dealt with Lu Xuan many times and knew that he was devoted to cultivating spiritual plants. The reason why he had such a cultivation level was completely due to taking elixirs, in order to improve his spiritual power and be able to cultivate more spiritual plants.

  Unlike other spiritual plant masters, the main purpose of cultivating spiritual plants is to earn spiritual stones and exchange them for cultivation resources.

  "There must be a way out when the car reaches the mountain. Let's wait and see when that day comes."

  "With my realm in the middle stage of foundation building, I should still have the power to protect myself, let alone other things."

  Lu Xuan said with a smile.

  His ability to protect himself is not just a question of whether he has it or not, but it is extremely strong. Even cultivators in the early stage of Jindan may not have as many means as he has.

  Everyone discussed the current situation and did not feel like chatting anymore, so they said goodbye and left.


  In the spiritual field.

  From time to time, there was a slight whistling sound of sword energy. Various small sword energy swam around several sword grasses. Under the traction of the qi, the surrounding sword intent was diffused, and the skin would feel slightly tingling when approaching.

  Lu Xuan sat cross-legged in the spiritual field, and his spiritual power surged. An invisible sword energy shot out from his fingertips, instantly turning into more than ten, and disappeared. A faint ripple appeared in the spiritual energy, and then it immediately returned to calm.

  However, in the perception of his powerful spiritual consciousness, more than ten invisible sword energy seemed to be attracted by something and silently merged into a group of transparent substances.

  The transparent substance kept changing, gradually revealing the sharp sword intent. Even Lu Xuan's pupil technique, which had achieved some success, could easily ignore its existence. Only a keen sense of consciousness could detect it.

  "After two months, I finally comprehended the invisible and differentiated sword energy."

  Lu Xuan stood up, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

  With the help of the fifth-grade treasure, the Bright Sword Heart, his talent in swordsmanship was raised to an extremely high level. After staying in the Light-Splitting Shadow-Escape Sword Grass Spirit Seed for nearly two months, he was finally able to comprehend the invisible and differentiated sword energy.

  "What I need to do in the future is to gradually improve the killing sword intent and the invisible and differentiated sword intent, and finally get a complete fifth-grade sword art."

  He thought secretly in his heart.

  Although he basically stayed in the cave for these two months, when he occasionally left, he could still clearly feel the rapid operation of the giant Tianjian Sect.

  The inner disciples entered and left the sect very frequently. The demand for various healing and exorcism elixirs and magic tools in the sect suddenly reached an unprecedented level. Occasionally, he could also find out some news about evil spirits and demons.

  A certain sect was destroyed by an alien demon, and most of the disciples were killed or injured. A certain market was destroyed by a disaster-level evil spirit passing by, and some inner disciples died unexpectedly. As

  troubled times approached, more and more disciples took the initiative to hunt down demons and evil spirits. The purpose was to earn credits, obtain cultivation resources, and thus get a glimpse of the possibility of forming a pill or even a Nascent Soul.

  Although the danger was not small, many fellow disciples received generous rewards and fought for one opportunity after another.

  Of course, there is still a gap with the light ball rewards harvested from the spiritual fields and spiritual plants.

  Lu Xuan ignored the turmoil in the outside world and stayed in the cave to guard the many spiritual plants.

  He inspected the spiritual fields and returned to the yard.   

  He entered a simply furnished house and came to a wooden table.

  On the wooden table were many jade vessels, which contained the thousand-year-old Xuansheng Spirit Milk he had extorted from Tianyuan Treasure Club.

  In the milky white liquid, many light blue spirit seeds could be vaguely seen.

  They were the water firefly grass spirit seeds. After stimulating them with the hundred-year ice spirit and other means, he put them into the Xuansheng Spirit Milk and soaked them in warm water. The

  previous waste seeds of the black bone tree became full of vitality after being soaked in the spirit milk for a long time by the cultivator. They looked no different from ordinary spirit seeds. Lu Xuan was inspired by this and put the induced water firefly grass spirit seeds into them to improve the vitality of the spirit seeds.

  He took out a few spirit seeds from the jade vessels, came to the spirit field, performed the earth-inducing technique, and put the spirit plants into the spirit soil.

  [Water firefly grass, a second-grade spirit plant, contains rich water spirit power and can be used as a refining material for common elixirs that can improve spirit power. ]

  [The spirit seeds are in a state of mutation, and their vitality is extremely vigorous and rich. If they continue to condense and breed, they may get new varieties of spirit plants. ]

  "The spirit seed has changed, and I finally see a glimmer of hope for successful improvement."

  Lu Xuan was happy.

  According to his previous experience, if he broke through to the Jindan realm, due to the huge gap in grades, the cultivation bonus brought by the second-grade water firefly grass would drop sharply, and the increased spiritual power would become extremely scarce.

  Therefore, after breaking through the late stage of foundation building, he tried to induce the water firefly grass spirit seed and improve a new variety.

  After several years, he finally saw a glimmer of hope.

  "What I have to do in the future is to plant the condensed seeds while inducing and stimulating until I get a new variety of spiritual plants."

  He thought secretly in his heart.

  The joy of successfully inducing the water firefly grass spirit seed was soon diluted by a piece of news.

  On this day, when Lu Xuan was cultivating spiritual plants, suddenly, a neutral and peaceful voice resounded throughout the sect and rang in the ears of all the Tianjian Sect disciples.

  "The space barrier of the cave is damaged, and demons from outside the domain have invaded this realm in large numbers. The cultivators of our sect should slay demons and guard the sect and protect the realm."

  The voice was deafening and lingered in the sea of ​​consciousness of the inner disciples for a long time.

  "A large number of demons from outside the domain have invaded..."

  Lu Xuan stood there, muttering to himself.

  He had made this mental plan after discovering the demon insects attached to the Flame Demon Mother and the Heart-Bewitching Viper insects that invaded the bodies of spiritual beasts.

  But when he heard the news, he still couldn't calm down.

  "It probably won't be so easy to stay in the sect and live a stable life of farming in the future."

  Lu Xuan sighed in his heart.

  "However, with my current cultivation level and the many rare treasures I have accumulated, I can protect myself even when troubled times come."

  "I just want to farm in peace, why do you have to disturb me?"

  "Whoever doesn't let me farm in peace, I can only let it enter my spiritual field as fertilizer to nourish those spiritual plants in the underworld."

  "It just so happens that souls, flesh, bones, etc. can be completely absorbed by a dragon."

  A sneer appeared at the corner of Lu Xuan's mouth.

  (End of this chapter)

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