
Chapter 432 - Plant it!

  When passing the outer hall of Sinong Temple, Lu Xuan did not see the familiar face of an old farmer, Xia Chen.

  He went straight into the inner hall.

  "Brother Lu, you are here? I haven't seen you for a while."

  Only disciples of the inner sect are qualified to enter the inner hall. There are no other cultivators except two fellow disciples who are on duty in the inner hall, which seems to be much more empty and quiet.

  A young man with ordinary appearance and introverted and calm temperament saw Lu Xuan and immediately stood up to greet him.

  "It turned out to be Junior Brother Zhang."

  Lu Xuan said with a smile. The young man's name is Zhang Ce, and he is in the early stage of foundation building. The two have met several times in Sinong Temple.

  "I came here to choose some second-grade spirit seeds. I have to trouble you, Junior Brother Zhang."

  "No trouble, but Brother Lu is unexpected this time. I remember that Brother Lu always came here to exchange for fourth-grade spirit seeds."

  A trace of surprise flashed in the young man's eyes. He was too impressed by Lu Xuan.

  When Lu Xuan was just promoted to an inner disciple, it was Zhang Ce who received him. Later, when he exchanged the fourth-grade spirit seeds from the Sinong Hall, he either passed through his hands or heard about it, so he had a better understanding of Lu Xuan's growth rate.

  Therefore, he was surprised that Lu Xuan wanted to cultivate second-grade spirit plants.

  "I've been trying to learn alchemy recently, so I want to cultivate some related spiritual medicines and grow them myself to save some costs."

  Lu Xuan made up a reason casually. There are indeed factors in cultivating second-grade spirit plants in this regard, but the most important thing is to get the possible pill formula experience package in the light group.

  "I see, what kind of spirit seeds does Senior Brother Lu need?"

  Zhang Ce took out a jade book and opened it for Lu Xuan very considerately.

  Lu Xuan turned to one of the pages and pointed to the lifelike spirit plant pattern on it.

  "Twenty yellow cloud fungus spirit seeds."

  "Each yellow cloud fungus spirit seed requires thirteen sword seals, or sixty spirit stones."


  Lu Xuan nodded. He just wanted to experiment. Although he had a great chance, he was afraid that twenty spirit seeds would be enough.

  "In addition, I also need these second-grade spiritual seeds. Give me five of each."

  He said while flipping through the jade book and pointing at the spiritual plant pattern on it.

  The reason why he chose these spiritual seeds was mainly to see what kind of light ball rewards he could get after maturity. If there are experience packages like pill recipes, he can cultivate them.

  After ordinary second-grade spiritual plants mature, the light ball rewards they get are basically second-grade or third-grade. With his current cultivation level close to the late stage of foundation building, the rewards may be affected and slightly reduced.

  After all, with the precedent of the firefly grass, Lu Xuan also roughly understands that cultivating spiritual plants beyond the level may get extraordinarily generous rewards, and if the level is downgraded, the rewards will also be reduced.

  "Twenty yellow cloud fungus spiritual seeds, a total of 260 sword seals, plus..."

  "All spiritual seeds have a total of more than 1,100 sword seals."

  Zhang Ce looked up and said.


  Lu Xuan heard this, his expression did not change at all, and his mind moved, and a large number of sword seals flew out of the storage bag, piling up in front of Zhang Ce like a small mountain.

  "Eighty-five second-grade spirit seeds are worth less than three fourth-grade spirit seeds in total. It's nothing."

  He had accumulated a lot of sword seals before. After opening up the blessed land, the sect rewarded him with one thousand, and he was rewarded with a lot of spiritual plants for the Dan Palace. He was already quite wealthy, and more than a thousand sword seals were no longer a big deal.

  After Zhang Ce counted the number of sword seals, he went deep into the inner hall.

  After a while, he came to Lu Xuan with a heavy cloth bag.

  "Brother Lu, these are all the spirit seeds you need. Please take a look."   

  Lu Xuan's spiritual sense swept over, confirmed the type and number of spiritual species, and nodded.

  "That's right."

  He said goodbye to Chuck, called a spiritual crane in the square, and returned to the cave.

  "Hey, is Fatty back?"

  Back in the courtyard, Lu Xuan saw the fat bird lying on the ground, with waves of flesh spreading out, covering a large area.

  Compared with the previous depression, Feng Falcon has changed a lot, with a bright face, and you can tell at a glance that he is in a good mood.

  "How will you treat that green-haired Feng Falcon in the future?"

  Lu Xuan asked curiously, with a little nervousness in his heart.

  He was afraid that the fat bird would pass on a spiritual thought.

  "Old Deng, quickly explode some spiritual fruits for the pigeons."

  Fortunately, the fat bird has sensed the arrogance of its kind, and successfully awakened, and sent a crisp cry towards Lu Xuan.

  "Just play with it casually in the future, and use spiritual fruits to seduce it when you need it one day."

  "Degenerate, degenerate, the innocent fat bird I used to be is gone forever!"

  Lu Xuan sighed, looking at the gradually scum fat bird, feeling satisfied.

  After rewarding Fatty Bird with a bottle of hundred-fruit spirit juice brewed in the Drunken Immortal Gourd, he came to the spiritual field and found an empty area.

  "If Heaven had not given birth to me, Lu Xuan, the path of alchemy would have been like a long night!"

  "Plant it!"

  As soon as the words fell, twenty Huang Yunzhi spirit seeds fell into his hands.

  The spirit seeds looked very ordinary, dark yellow, with uneven surfaces, like small stones. Only when the spirit consciousness penetrated into them could it feel a surge of vitality.

  Lu Xuan performed the earth-attracting technique, and the structure of the spiritual soil quietly changed, with many small pits appearing.

  He included the Huang Yunzhi spirit seeds in it, and strands of spiritual rain fell down and penetrated into the spirit seeds, and his mind was focused on the spirit seeds.

  [Huang Yunzhi, a second-grade spiritual plant, likes shade, and can be used as the main material for refining beast spirit pills after maturity. ]

  [The plant has a component that is extremely attractive to monsters and is deeply loved by monsters. In order to better reproduce and survive, the Huang Yunzhi spirit plant has evolved and eliminated generations after generations, and has the characteristics of being able to blend into the spiritual soil and being extremely difficult to detect. ]

  [Can't see me, can't see me...]

  In Lu Xuan's spiritual sense, the dark yellow pebbles that entered the spiritual soil slowly merged with the spiritual soil silently, and they would be ignored if they were not careful.

  "This special feature of the spiritual plant can indeed avoid a lot of risks."

  Lu Xuan thought to himself, and casually set up a ban near the yellow cloud fungus to prevent the spiritual seeds or the seedlings from being eaten by the cave beasts or the demon ghost vines.

  He planted the remaining spiritual seeds one by one.

  These spiritual plants are mainly used for experiments. Lu Xuan has limited energy and does not intend to cultivate them to the greatest extent. He occasionally takes care of them and lets them grow freely in the cave for the rest of the time.

  After planting, he came to the yellow cloud fungus spiritual plant again, and a faint green light gushed out of his fingertips.

  "You want to grow without being discovered, right? Unfortunately, I don't have that much time to wait for you to mature normally."

  "So, get ready, I'm going to start speeding up."

  Lu Xuan whispered, and the green wood source energy in his hand was divided into twenty light green breaths as thin as hair, which penetrated into the dark yellow spiritual seeds.

  The Green Wood Source Qi is the condensed essence of the life of the fifth-grade spiritual beast, the Green Black Deer. It contains extremely terrifying plant spiritual energy, which can greatly accelerate the growth of spiritual plants and shorten their maturity time.

  (End of this chapter)

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