
Chapter 426 - Dan Palace Seed Pulling

  "Fifth-grade formation!"

  Lu Xuan couldn't help but exclaim.

  "The Illusionary Five Elements Formation can trap or even seriously injure and kill a cultivator in the early stage of the Jindan stage. The power of the formation is truly terrifying."

  He carefully examined the formation flags and array plates in his hand, which were surging and changing with five-colored spiritual power, and was delighted.

  "To sum it up, this is the third formation I have opened from the spiritual plant light group."

  "The Thousand Illusion Clouds and Smoke Formation opened from the Illusionary Smoke Luo Fruit, the Flowing Light Talisman Formation opened from the Flowing Light Wood, and now the Illusionary Five Elements Formation."

  He put away the formation flags and array plates, and decided to use them to protect the many evil spiritual plants in the underworld courtyard when he went to Jianmen Town next time. There were many

  fourth-grade and even fifth-grade spiritual plants planted in it. Although only the evil cultivator behind the scenes of the Holy Infant Fruit Plant had tried to break in once so far, Lu Xuan would naturally feel much more at ease if he could strengthen the defense level of the courtyard.

  He rarely went out on weekdays, and had almost no chance to set up formations to kill enemies. It would be a waste to leave the formation inside the sect, so it was quite appropriate to set it up outside the courtyard.

  "The Five Elements Fruit is ripe. The spiritual plants that the Dan Palace has entrusted to cultivate include Cangyuan Grass and Yulu Fruit. I have to hand in this fourth-grade Five Elements Fruit and get some spiritual seeds from the Dan Palace."

  Lu Xuan thought to himself.

  He just got a fifth-grade spiritual seed from Qingxu Zhenren, but he was not satisfied with it. He decided to go to the Dan Palace, the richest in the Tianjian Sect, to get more.

  "It's not just for the spiritual seeds. The more important thing is that I want all the fellow disciples in the Dan Palace to have better spiritual medicine materials to refine higher-grade elixirs."

  He said with a thick face.

  He took out the communication talisman of Guan Wan, the master of Dan Palace Alchemy, from the storage bag and injected a spiritual power.

  "Sister Guan, the Five Elements Fruit you entrusted to me before has matured smoothly. If it's convenient now, I will send it to you."

  "Really? That's great. Junior Brother Lu, there's no need to be so troublesome. I'll come here in person."

  After a while, a communication talisman came to the outside of the Liuguang Talisman Array, and Guan Wan's gentle voice came from inside, revealing a hint of joy in her voice.

  Hearing this, Lu Xuan had no choice but to wait in the cave.

  Perhaps because the Five Elements Fruit was extremely important, Guan Wan came very quickly. As soon as the communication talisman arrived, she arrived outside the cave.

  "Sister Guan, welcome."

  Lu Xuan greeted her with a smile.

  "Junior Brother Lu, there are more species of spiritual plants in the cave, and the grade is higher."

  Guan Wan followed behind Lu Xuan, looking at the many spiritual plants looming in the thick white fog, and sighed.

  "Junior Brother, I like to grow these flowers and plants the most on weekdays. As I grow, the number increases."

  Lu Xuan smiled.

  "In addition, I have to thank Sister Guan for getting a lot of spiritual seeds for me to refine pills from the Alchemy Palace."

  "Junior Brother Lu, you are too polite. The reason why I can get those spiritual seeds mainly depends on your spiritual plant attainments. My factor is not very big."

  Guan Wan smiled.

  Arriving in the yard, Lu Xuan brought out the spiritual fruit and spiritual juice and greeted Guan Wan.

  After chatting for a while, he took out the five-element fruit in a jade box from the storage bag and handed it to Guan Wan.

  "Please check the five-element fruit, Sister Guan."

  "There is naturally no problem with what Junior Brother Lu said."

  Guan Wan nodded gently. Although she trusted Lu Xuan very much, she still had to complete the necessary procedures. She took out the spiritual fruit, looked at it carefully, and even used her spiritual power to test the spiritual fruit.

  "The appearance is complete, and the quality is even at a good level."

  "It is really not easy to fully cultivate a fourth-grade spiritual plant. I didn't expect that Junior Brother Lu could exceed the task and cultivate a spiritual fruit of good quality."

  Guan Wan's eyes flashed with surprise.

  It is extremely difficult to cultivate high-grade spiritual plants. If the level of the spiritual plant is a little worse, it is very likely to get a spiritual fruit of inferior quality, or even kill the spiritual plant.

  Therefore, Lu Xuan gave her this good-quality five-element fruit, which made her very satisfied.   

  The better the quality of spiritual fruit, the greater the impact on alchemy, which can slightly increase the probability of success and the quality of the pill.

  "Junior Brother Lu's attainments in spiritual plants are probably unmatched in the sect except for the master uncle who has achieved the Jindan stage."

  "Even the master uncle who has achieved the Jindan stage may only have more knowledge and experience, and may not be as good as you, junior brother, in terms of a certain spiritual plant."

  Guan Wan couldn't help but sigh.

  "Senior sister, you are too kind. I am still far from it."

  Lu Xuan said modestly.

  "The Five Elements Fruit is a fourth-grade spiritual plant. According to the previous agreement, the reward for successful cultivation is 100 sword seals. If it is of good quality, another 50 sword seals will be added. Here are 150 sword seals. Please take a look, junior brother."

  Guan Wan waved her hand, and a small pile of sword seals floated in front of Lu Xuan.

  Lu Xuan scanned it with his spiritual consciousness and nodded.

  "The number is correct."

  He collected more than 100 sword seals and expressed his gratitude to Guan Wan.

  Cultivating two or three fourth-grade spiritual plants, the sword seals obtained are almost enough to buy a new fourth-grade spiritual seed in the Sinong Hall.

  Lu Xuan had a rough idea of ​​how wealthy the Dan Palace was. It would be

  unreasonable not to pluck more of such a fat sheep.

  He was about to ask, but Guan Wan had already taken the initiative to speak.

  "Junior Brother Lu, are you willing to cultivate the Five Elements Fruit Spiritual Plants again?"

  Lu Xuan nodded hurriedly.

  "I am honored to be able to do something insignificant for the alchemy masters in the Dan Palace."

  "Okay, I'll go back and see if there are any ready-made Five Elements Fruit Spiritual Seeds in the Sinong Palace. If not, I'll send a few spirit seeds to you, Junior Brother Lu, after they are condensed."

  Guan Wan said softly.

  She paused, not knowing what she was thinking of, and looked at Lu Xuan again.

  "Junior Brother Lu, have you ever considered developing in the field of alchemy?"


  Lu Xuan's mind moved.

  "That's right."

  "To some extent, cultivating spiritual plants and refining elixirs are inseparable. The alchemists in the Alchemy Hall have more or less experience in cultivating spiritual plants, but their level is much lower than yours."

  "Junior brother, you have such profound attainments in spiritual plants, and you can steadily obtain a large amount of high-quality spiritual medicines. If you don't make good use of them, it would be a bit of a waste."

  Lu Xuan lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

  Most of the spiritual plants and fruits he cultivated, except for the varieties commissioned by others, were used for internal digestion, personal use or to raise spiritual beasts, and a small part was used to exchange for spiritual seeds and other related resources.

  As for refining elixirs, he rarely considered it before, and only focused on cultivating spiritual plants.

  However, after absorbing the experience packs of foundation-building pill recipes, he occasionally had this idea.

  "Scarce resources like Foundation Building Pills must be refined, otherwise it would be a waste of the pill formula experience packages I have absorbed."

  "Whether it is openly or privately, refining Foundation Building Pills is inevitable."

  "If I join the Alchemy Palace and become an alchemist, I will have a legitimate reason to do so, and perhaps I can make Foundation Building Pills public." "If I

  refine them in the future, I can also give them to our sect, and we will have another big channel."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly.

  (End of this chapter)

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