
Chapter 395 - Flesh Spirit God

  Although he did not see the strangeness of the dark red stone, Lu Xuan recalled the previous record of the demon ghost vine and had full confidence in it.

  "This is the core area of ​​the cave. It should have been searched by several Jindan masters. The location of this dark red stone is not hidden, so it should not have discovered its mystery."

  Lu Xuan's spiritual sense swept around, and he judged in his heart that several Jindan masters had made a mistake. He calmly put the dark red stone into the storage bag.

  After receiving it, he was calm on the surface, but he was a little uneasy in his heart. He pretended to continue searching in the dark red passage. Seeing that the Jindan masters in the distance did not react for a long time, he was completely relieved.

  "Okay, there is no point in staying any longer. It's time to return to the sect."

  The voice of the thin old man from the Lingxiao Sect rang throughout the cave.

  Upon hearing this, the cultivators of the three sects approached the Jindan masters at the fastest speed.

  Lu Xuan and other Tianjian Sect cultivators followed Gu Jiankong and the others, walked out of the cave, and came to the ground.

  "I'm going to break the space barrier of the blessed land. You guys follow me carefully and don't cause any trouble."

  Gu Jiankong said lightly, and an invisible small sword flew out from the sword energy.

  The sword energy was crisscrossed, and in the blink of an eye, it magnified countless times, piercing the dark red sky of the blessed land.

  Seeing this, Lu Xuan hurriedly gathered his mind and let Gu Jiankong's two Jindan uncles roll up and fly into the sky.

  I don't know how long it took, in a daze, Lu Xuan finally felt a sense

  of solidity coming from the soles of his feet. He shook his head, and the splitting headache in his mind was relieved a lot. He opened his eyes and was back to the inner sect of Tianjian Sect.

  A group of cultivators were standing quietly in the teleportation formation.

  "Thank you all for your hard work in opening up a new blessed land this time."

  The uncle He in the Jindan realm in the center said gently.

  "During the whole process, our sect has gained a fair amount."

  "Most of the magic tools, spiritual minerals and medicines need to be handed over to the sect for disposal, and a few cultivation resources belong to you, which is considered as part of your reward."

  Hearing the words of the elegant middle-aged man, Lu Xuan felt much more at ease.

  When the Tianjian Sect monks explored the blessed land and collected cultivation resources, they had already handed over what they should have handed over, and the rest was handled by themselves.

  The strange spiritual soil that Lu Xuan took away, with the promise of the true disciple Huo Lin'er, completely belonged to him.

  "Wait until the corresponding hall of the sect properly handles it, and then reward each of you according to your merits and give you different treasures."

  "Okay, go back to your cave and rest for a few days."

  Hearing the words of the uncle who had reached the stage of Jindan, many inner disciples present breathed a sigh of relief and showed a tired look.

  Except for Lu Xuan and a few others, most of the Tianjian Sect monks were on the front line, facing sneak attacks from various monsters, evil spirits, and mutated spiritual plants at all times. Their minds were always tense and they dared not relax at all. At this moment, the negative emotions that had accumulated for a long time were finally released.

  "Junior Brother Lu, according to what Uncle He said, you, the spiritual plant master who stayed behind, will probably get a lot of rewards."

  Huo Lin'er walked up to Lu Xuan with a smile, with an old-fashioned look on his young face.

  "I just did a little insignificant logistical work, which is not as good as the life-and-death struggles of the senior brothers and sisters on the front line."

  Lu Xuan said modestly.

  "Junior Brother Lu, don't say that, or I will be embarrassed."

  "We did kill a lot of monsters and evil spirits and hunted many mutated spiritual plants, but in terms of our contribution in the blessed land this time, I'm afraid that none of us can compare to you, junior brother."

  Huo Lin'er's tone revealed some enthusiasm.

  During this trip to the blessed land, Lu Xuan's attainments in the spiritual plant way really surprised him. Lu Xuan, who didn't care much about being a spiritual plant master, had a huge change in attitude after experiencing a few things.   

  In the camp, Lu Xuan relied on his understanding of the mutated spiritual plants to gain a large number of more valuable mutated spiritual plants for the sect. On the way, he also helped Huo Lin'er and others discover the weakness of the mutated Tu Yin silk, which enabled them to gain the upper hand over the other two sects.

  Finally, in the depths of the cave, when everyone was trapped by the thousand-arm spiritual plant formation, it was Lu Xuan who proposed a wonderful method to easily crack the spiritual plant formation.

  In addition, there were various research results on the mutated spiritual plants in the early stage of the sect, and the assistance to the fellow disciples when the monster puppet attacked the camp...

  A spiritual plant master, but shining brightly in the blessed land, his presence cannot be ignored.

  This made Huo Lin'er, one of the true disciples, want to make friends and take the initiative to show goodwill to Lu Xuan.

  After Lu Xuan chatted with Huo Lin'er and others for a while, he said goodbye and left, and couldn't wait to return to the cave.

  Just open the streamer array, and the fat bird came out enthusiastically, chirping non-stop, expressing his longing for Lu Xuan.

  Lihuo Jiao, Rock-armored Turtle, and Hundred Poison Heart-eating Bugs also circled around Lu Xuan. Even the two-headed armadillo that had been hiding in the mountain for a long time came out, took a look from a distance, and returned to the inside of the mountain.

  Lu Xuan comforted the spirit beasts for a while and went into the house.

  This trip to the blessed land was very fruitful. The sect's rewards should not disappoint him. In addition, he also got a lot of rare treasures.

  Youni meat and evil spirit soil can be used to cultivate corresponding underworld spirit plants.

  In terms of spirit seeds, there is a seedling of arrow vine, three arrow vine spirit seeds, eighteen thousand quill hand spirit seeds, and several third-grade mutant spirit seeds.

  "The thousand quill hand spirit seeds must naturally be planted in the small courtyard of Jianmen Town. However, as the number of underworld spirit plants increases, the area of ​​the courtyard is a little insufficient. We have to find an opportunity to change to a better and safer spirit field."

  Lu Xuan muttered, and drew the thousand quill hand spirit seeds aside.

  "It's such a big cave, and it seems that there are not many empty spiritual fields."

  He looked at the arrow vine and other spiritual seeds, and his expression was a little worried.

  "Alas, it's still the same as in the previous life. I can't change my bad habit of collecting seeds."

  "I can't help but collect the fine seeds as soon as I see them, and I don't consider whether I can put them down at all."

  Lu Xuan sighed.

  "And this dark red stone..."

  He took out the dark red stone that caused the demon ghost vine to react abnormally from the storage bag, and looked at it for a while, but still didn't find any mystery.

  "When you are in doubt, you will know it at one glance."

  He found an empty spiritual field and performed the earth-drawing technique. A crack appeared in the spiritual field and took the dark red stone into it.

  His mind was focused on it, and no expected thoughts appeared.

  "It shouldn't be... Could it be that the demon ghost vine made a mistake?"

  Lu Xuan took out the dark red stone, and thought of the unknown flesh and blood power in the blessed land, as well as the corpse of the seventh-grade demon beast in the center of the cave, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

  He took out a piece of fresh demon beast flesh and blood from the storage bag and smeared it on the surface of the dark red stone.

  With expectation, his mind was once again focused on the dark red stone.

  A thought emerged in his mind.

  [Flesh Spirit God, evil spirit, in gestation, nourished by the flesh and blood of the seventh-grade monster, can give birth to a powerful evil spirit.]

  [Can emit a strange flesh and blood smell, invisibly, pollute and invade the living beings within a certain range.]

  [Likes to eat flesh and blood, after fully grown, can master powerful flesh and blood secrets, manipulate the flesh and blood of all things within a certain range, and has strength comparable to that of a Nascent Soul cultivator.]

  (End of this chapter)

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