
Chapter 338 - The three-year period has expired, return to the sect!

  A strange-shaped spiritual seed.

  The spiritual seed is like a baby's palm, white and tender. Lu Xuan initially thought it was some evil material left by the two evil cultivators. After realizing that it contained some vitality, he realized that the palm was actually a special spiritual seed.

  He came to the spiritual field and found a blank spiritual soil. He performed the earth-drawing technique, and a tiny crack appeared in the spiritual field. He put the white palm spiritual seed into the crack.

  His mind was focused on the strange spiritual seed in the shallow layer of the spiritual soil, and a thought flashed through his mind.

  [Blood Spirit Palm Ginseng, a fourth-grade spiritual plant, likes to eat the essence and blood of cultivators and monsters. It is shaped like a palm and has a certain ability to move. During its growth, it will actively move closer to the blood source and secretly absorb its essence and blood. ]

  [After maturity, it can be used to practice evil techniques, or it can be taken directly to improve the strength of the body. ]

  "An evil spiritual plant with a certain ability to move."

  Lu Xuan sighed secretly, as if he saw a palm crawling around in the ground, searching for the essence and blood of monsters and cultivators.

  "That's good. It's just right to replenish the evil spiritual plants in the underworld courtyard."

  After the ghost-faced stone mushroom, thorn bones and the hundred-eyed strange wood matured one after another, the evil spiritual plants in the courtyard of Jianmen Town were only the fifth-grade Holy Infant Fruit Plant and the Blood Sin Flower.

  After a trip in the secret realm, he added two generals, the fourth-grade Blood Spirit Palm Ginseng and the fifth-grade Strange Longevity Peach.

  He took out a bottle of dragon blood from the storage bag and dripped it into the spiritual soil next to the white and tender palm.

  Under the induction of the mind, the part of the palm that remained in the spiritual soil greedily absorbed the fresh dragon blood. Soon after, blood-red veins as thin as hair appeared, adding a bit of weirdness to the originally white and tender palm.

  After Lu Xuan cultivated the newly acquired blood spirit palm ginseng for a while, he inspected the other spiritual plants in the spiritual field.

  After adjusting all the spiritual plants to the best state, when he was about to enter the house, he suddenly noticed a movement under his feet.

  Looking down, he saw a white hand with blood streaks emerging from the soil, firmly grasping his trouser leg, and the part of his calf that was in contact with it was surging with blood.

  "This blood spirit palm ginseng has strong mobility."

  Lu Xuan moved the white hand to its original position, secretly sighing.

  "Fortunately, its range of movement is limited, and there is a fourth-grade thousand illusion cloud array in the courtyard of Jianmen Town for protection, otherwise it might really run out to suck blood."

  Lu Xuan continued to plant the longevity peaches, and used the green wood source energy to activate the dark red peach core preserved in the solidified flesh and blood.

  The flesh and blood on the peach core squirmed, slowly seeping into its interior, quietly taking root and sprouting.

  After inspecting and cultivating all the spiritual plants, Lu Xuan felt relieved and returned to the house.

  "Although I was sure of success when I went to the secret realm this time, an accident almost happened."

  "Two evil cultivators in the late stage of foundation building joined forces, and were finally solved by the extremely yang and strong flame of the Pure Yang True Fire Talisman. The existence of the black gas in the womb could cause injuries if I was not careful."

  "Fortunately, I gained a lot, and it was worth the risk."

  "Well, I'll stay in the yard honestly in the future, cultivate spiritual plants and raise spiritual beasts."

  Lu Xuan decided secretly.

  In the next year or so, he did this very well. He

  spent every day with spiritual plants and spiritual beasts, and the rest of the time was used to practice exercises and sword techniques.

  Occasionally, he would take the time to instruct Song Yun on the sword method, and teach Song Si Ning some experience in cultivating spiritual plants.   

  If Shi Zhong invited him, he would go fishing for sea fish and sea beasts to relax.

  However, he had never thought of entering the deep sea area, and was limited to the vicinity of the archipelago. The sea fish and sea beasts he caught were basically used to feed rock turtles, green-horned dragon carp, and the longevity peaches and blood spirit palm ginseng that had a demand for blood and flesh.

  During this period, Shi Zhong and Zhou Bingyu did not give up and tried to invite him to explore the secret realm again, but they were all rejected by Lu Xuan, so they had to give up.

  During this period, the water firefly grass planted matured.

  There were nearly two hundred water fireflies, fifty of which were used to condense seeds, and the remaining one hundred and fifty white light balls, because most of the water fireflies were of ordinary quality, opened out more than thirty years of cultivation rewards.

  After Lu Xuan broke through the middle stage of foundation building, his stagnant cultivation level made another step forward.

  However, due to his mediocre talent, he was still a long way from breaking through to the late stage of foundation building.

  There is no sun and moon in cultivation (zhong) and travel (tian).

  The last year of the three-year garrison period passed quickly.

  During this period, all ten ordinary sword grasses planted by Lu Xuan matured. Because they were all cultivated with the "Four Seasons Sword Art", the mature sword grasses had corresponding properties, and the white light balls harvested were four different sword intent experience packs.

  After absorbing them one by one, Lu Xuan's control of the "Four Seasons Sword Art" reached a new level.

  Among the other sword grasses, the wind and thunder sword grass had obvious differences in growth progress due to the changes of the sword grass spirit seeds in the scabbard at different time periods. The

  first one planted was about to fully mature.

  The third-grade starlight sword grass had grown into a spiritual plant shaped like a three-foot long sword. The starlight on the sword body was condensed and dazzling. The beauty was hidden with a powerful sword intent. It was estimated that it would not take long for it to fully mature.

  The fourth-grade sword thousand owl, as Lu Xuan's control of the corresponding "Thousand Owl Sword Art" became more and more pure and proficient, the sword thousand owl with the shortest cultivation time also entered a rapid growth period. On the straight branches of different sizes and thicknesses, dozens of sword qi owls were condensed, blending with the branches, and the slender wings were like sharp swords.

  The peaches of different longevity have been planted for more than a year and have grown to nearly a person's height. The peach tree is full of spiritual energy and exudes an alluring fragrance. The rich vitality can be felt from afar.

  However, deep in the spiritual soil, under the developed roots of the peaches of different longevity, there are piles of bones like a small mountain, which is in sharp contrast to the pure and harmless part of the ground.

  The blood spirit palm ginseng has grown from the size of a baby's palm to the size of a seven or eight-year-old child. On the small palm, the blood veins are getting thicker and thicker, and the whole palm can be vaguely seen with a faint red.

  Moreover, the range of movement is getting larger and larger. If it can't absorb enough monster blood, it will crawl around in the spiritual field. Once it almost ran into the little girl Song Sining who came to visit.

  In anger, Lu Xuan forced him to abstain from blood for half a month as a punishment for almost being exposed.

  As for the spiritual beasts, the rock-shelled turtle, the green-horned dragon carp, the medicine beast, and even the tool for condensing sand and stone, the sand snail, have all grown a lot.

  In the Kongming Island where he was stationed, there was no major abnormality in the past year.

  Occasionally, sea beasts and fish raided the waters where Kongming Spirit Fish were raised, but they were easily dealt with by

  Lu Xuan and the Song family. The emergence of the new secret realm also led to the occasional appearance of evil cultivators on the island. The Cloud-stepping Lynx was the first to notice them, and then Lu Xuan monitored them with his Void Nightmare Eyes.

  If there were any behaviors that were detrimental to Kongming Island, they would be captured directly and used as nutrients for the Extra Longevity Peaches and Blood Spirit Palm Ginseng.

  "The three-year deadline has expired, is it time to return to the sect?"

  Lu Xuan looked at the boundless sea, a smile on his face.

  (End of this chapter)

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