
Chapter 313 - Small Gift

  "A big deal!"

  Seeing this young man who was about to become a blood man, Lu Xuan was alert.

  Since the skinny monk, he has found and solved more than a dozen casual cultivators who were invaded and contaminated by evil spirits. Unexpectedly, there were so many blood-coagulating Yin insects who took the initiative to come to him.

  "Thank you, senior."

  The young man lowered his head shyly, and the blood in his body kept surging to his head.

  More than a dozen people around him kept moving, vaguely surrounding Lu Xuan.

  "Don't be so polite. Since we are meeting for the first time, I will give you a few small gifts to play with as firecrackers."

  Lu Xuan took out three red stone beads from the storage bag with a kind expression.

  Under the Breaking Delusion Pupil Technique, the blood lines in the young man and many surrounding monks are becoming more and more active.

  "Oh, I accidentally dropped it." Lu Xuan exclaimed, and took the initiative.

  Three explosive flame beads fell and flew out in a shape of a Chinese character.

  At the same time, blood arrows shot out from the boy's seven orifices, and a huge blood-colored cavity instantly covered his head.

  The cavity was filled with a strong bloody smell and attacked Lu Xuan like lightning.

  Before it took shape, Lu Xuan leaped up into the sky.

  With a bang,

  three explosive flame beads exploded, endless, like the flames of hot magma, covering all the contaminated monks. Blood

  -coagulated Yin worms flew out of their bodies, with pale red wings and blood-red tentacles at the end. The red flames burned like a thorn in the bone, burning for a long time.


  The bloody boy failed to sneak attack, but was instead severely injured by Lu Xuan's explosive flame beads. In pain, countless blood-colored tentacles emerged from his body, and the whole person turned into a bloodworm monster, flapping blood-colored patterned wings and flying towards Lu Xuan who was still in the air.

  Countless blood-red tentacles grew at the end, like spears, attacking Lu Xuan from all directions.

  Lu Xuan was calm, his spiritual power surged, and he pinched the sword formula. The wind and thunder sword in his hand turned into a black light and slashed at the bloodworm monster.

  In an instant, the huge square was thundering with wind and sword energy.

  The blood-red tentacles were split in two by the Wind and Thunder Sword, fell to the ground, and jumped around randomly.

  The Blood Coagulation Yin Worm King screamed, and all the tentacles melted silently, turning into streaks of blood light, rolling up and merging into the blood vessel-like body.

  "Huh? Can't be killed?"

  Lu Xuan exclaimed softly, and the fourth-grade Great Sun Sword Talisman slipped from his sleeves, and a wisp of spiritual power seeped into it.

  The red sun in the center of the sword talisman instantly shone brightly, and countless red sword qi shone like sunlight, shooting densely at the Blood Coagulation Yin Worm King with a swish sound.

  Under the attack of the endless Great Sun Sword Qi, the Worm King finally couldn't hold on, his body was riddled with holes, and the blood color quickly became dim, and could never return to its original state.

  "It's so scary, I was almost hit by this evil worm."

  Lu Xuan held the Great Sun Sword Talisman and fell to the ground.

  The entire square was charred, and all the casual cultivators contaminated by the Blood Coagulation Yin Worm turned into black ash.

  Fortunately, Lu Xuan had been prepared and deliberately guided these blood-coagulated Yin insects to a remote place, so other normal cultivators in the square were not affected much, and only a few people were slightly injured.

  He estimated that the insect king in the boy's body was as powerful as the early stage of foundation building. With the other more than ten blood-coagulated Yin insects, it would be difficult for ordinary foundation building cultivators to quickly deal with them.

  Fortunately, Lu Xuan had many treasures.

  The third-grade explosive flame bead, which could instantly trigger a large-scale flame burning, came from the white light ball of the flaming fruit. The probability of opening it was very high. He had no less than twenty in his storage bag.   

  The fourth-grade Great Sun Sword Talisman, which originated from the light ball of the sword-raising gourd, could easily kill cultivators in the middle or even late stages of foundation building, so it was no problem to deal with a third-grade insect king.

  Lu Xuan even used only about 10% of the Great Sun Sword Qi in the sword talisman. After

  getting rid of the Blood Coagulation Yin Insect King on Kongming Island, Lu Xuan continued to search around the island.

  After searching twice, he only found a few scattered cultivators who were invaded and contaminated by evil insects, and cleaned them up.

  With Song Yu's gratitude, Lu Xuan returned to his own courtyard.

  He thought about it and took out a communication talisman from his storage bag.

  On a huge island, Shi Zhong frowned slightly and led several high-level Qi training cultivators to rush to a corner of the island.

  Not long ago, he received an urgent call for help. A large number of evil insects showed their true forms, drilled out of the bodies of the cultivators, and attacked crazily, causing many casualties.

  With his powerful help, many evil insects were quickly eliminated.

  But the worry on his brow did not ease at all.

  While fishing in the sea, Lu Xuan discovered something unusual. He and Zhou Bingyu returned to the island where they were stationed and made full arrangements.

  When the evil spirits began to appear and broke out, they had made many preparations and did not fall into a panic.

  But the difficulty of the evil spirits was beyond his imagination.

  First of all, it was difficult to detect and merged with the host. If the Qigong monks searched, they might miss it.

  Moreover, it was difficult for ordinary monks to deal with the attacks of evil insects. Apart from some means of exorcism, most of the time they could not cause much damage to the evil insects.

  Therefore, he has been in a state of chaos recently, putting out fires everywhere, and he has hardly had time to rest, let alone go out to sea to fish.

  Suddenly, a communication talisman appeared in front of him.

  Shi Zhong felt the obscure breath of Lu Xuan on the talisman, and he activated the talisman with confidence, and a familiar voice came.

  "Fellow Daoist Shi, how are you doing?"

  "Many traces of evil insects have been found on Kongming Island. As far as I know, those bloodworms are called blood-coagulating Yin insects. They can swallow all the blood of the host silently and store it in their bodies. They are a common way to practice the evil blood arts to obtain blood essence." "

  So, there may be evil practitioners hiding behind. Please be careful."

  "In addition to the common exorcism and purification talismans and spells, fire-based spells can have a certain degree of killing against evil insects. Haoran Guangming-type sword tactics and spells may have miraculous effects."

  Shi Zhong pondered for a moment and input a message into the talisman.

  Lu Xuan's move was like sending charcoal in the snow for him. He

  introduced the origin and ability of the evil insects in detail, gave a way to deal with them, and pointed out the crisis behind them, which made Shi Zhong feel much more relaxed.

  On Kongming Island, two communication talismans fell in Lu Xuan's yard one after another.

  It was from Shi Zhong and Zhou Bingyu. The two of them expressed their gratitude to Lu Xuan and specifically told him that after solving the invading evil spirits, they would search for information about the spiritual liquid for Lu Xuan.

  "It can be said that this favor was not given in vain."

  Lu Xuan sighed secretly while holding the talisman.

  After solving the evil insects on Kongming Island, Lu Xuan did not pay attention to other islands invaded by evil spirits. He just conveyed some information about the evil insects to Shi Zhong and Zhou Bingyu.

  Although the two were from a large sect and were knowledgeable, the blood-coagulating Yin insects were evil creatures after all, and they did not have the ability of Lu Xuan. Even if they had heard of the name of the evil insects, they might not be able to solve it properly.

  He gave a favor to the two of them, and the two did not disappoint him. After receiving the message from Lu Xuan, they expressed their gratitude.

  (End of this chapter)

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