
Chapter 312 - Insect King

  "Did you encounter anything similar to the bloodworm just now when the casual cultivator died?"

  Lu Xuan asked seriously.

  "No, no."

  Several Song family cultivators shook their heads.

  One of them seemed to think of something, hesitated for a moment, and said.

  "Senior Lu, when the casual cultivator was about to die, I saw a beam of blood shooting out of his body, but I thought it was blood in his body at the time, so I didn't pay much attention to it."


  Lu Xuan nodded gently.

  "It looks like it should have escaped far away."

  "Uncle Lu, what should we do now?"

  Song Yu looked worried. As the lord of the island, he was extremely anxious when the evil spirits invaded Kongming Island.

  Fortunately, there was Lu Xuan, who was at the foundation-building stage and came from a major sect, to keep the situation stable.

  "We still need to continue the daily patrols, but we need more manpower to prevent evil spirits from taking advantage of the situation. In addition, we need to maintain order on the island and prepare more talismans to exorcise evil spirits."

  "The evil insect just now is called the Blood Coagulation Yin Worm, which is a common method used by evil cultivators to practice the Blood Dao technique. Therefore, there may be traces of evil cultivators behind it."

  "These two casual cultivators were both infected by the evil insects after returning from the sea, so the focus is on checking those cultivators who have returned to the island recently."

  Lu Xuan instructed the head of the Song family.

  "As for me, I will act according to the situation and freely search and eliminate those cultivators infected by the Blood Coagulation Yin Worm on Kongming Island."

  The Blood Coagulation Yin Worm almost replaces the blood circulation of cultivators. If it is not stimulated at close range, or it comes out by itself after sucking blood, it is difficult to detect its traces by ordinary means.

  Lu Xuan, with his special eyes and the ability to detect evil spirits, has a third-grade flawless jade that can resist evil spirits, a third-grade pure spirit talisman that has a powerful killing effect on evil spirits, and a fourth-grade Yunshan jade scroll. It can be said that he is equal to all the cultivators of the Song family on Kongming Island.

  After deciding with Song Yu on the measures to deal with the blood-coagulated Yin insects, Lu Xuan disappeared from everyone's sight.

  On the bluestone street.

  The cloud-stepping lynx lay on Lu Xuan's shoulder, with its thick cloud-like paws curled up together. Its green eyes scanned every casual cultivator coming and going, and the two tufts of gray hair on the tip of its ears turned accordingly.


  It buried its head and growled softly in Lu Xuan's ear, with a lingering meaning in its rough voice.

  "Okay, I see."

  Lu Xuan calmly used his spiritual power to form a layer of soundproof film outside his ears, and his eyes locked on a thin cultivator not far ahead.

  The spiritual power in his body surged, slowly seeping into his eyes, and he operated the method in the "Pupil Technique to Break Delusion", and a layer of hazy mist appeared on the surface of his pupils.

  After he obtained the "Pupil Technique to Break Delusion", he practiced for a long time every day, barely at the entry level, and learned some of the superficial uses of pupil techniques.

  Under the effect of the hazy mist, Lu Xuan saw the whole world in his eyes more deeply and truly.

  The thin monk became a ball of red and white lines in his eyes. The white was spiritual power, and the red was naturally the blood-coagulated Yin insect that evolved into large and small blood vessel tentacles.

  As if it was aware that it was being spied on, the light on the surface of the blood-colored evil insect dimmed a little, and it crawled towards the inside of the thin monk's body.

  "This blood-coagulated Yin insect is really evil. It invaded and polluted the monk's body, and the monk could still say that he was free to move and conscious."

  "Perhaps it just replaced the position of the monk's own tendons and blood vessels in the body. After sucking the blood clean, it will shed its shell and leave only a dried corpse."

  Lu Xuan analyzed while locking his spiritual consciousness on the thin monk, hanging far behind him.   

  The skinny monk said hello to the acquaintances he met on the road and returned to his yard.

  As soon as he entered the house, he took out a piece of fresh monster meat from his storage bag.

  Looking at the monster meat that still had a bloody smell in his hand, the monk swallowed loudly in his throat, and then bit off a large piece of meat fiercely.

  Somehow, he felt that his demand for this kind of fresh blood and flesh has been increasing recently. If he hasn't eaten it for a few days, he even has a faint bloodthirsty impulse.

  "Fortunately, there is a certain amount of spiritual power hidden in monster meat. After eating it, it can slightly increase your cultivation. After practicing for a period of time, you can break through to the sixth level of Qi training."

  "If you work harder and become a high-level Qi training cultivator, you don't have to live this kind of precarious life anymore."

  The skinny monk sighed in a low voice, with a glimmer of expectation in his eyes.

  He sat down immediately, practicing the low-level skills he found from the stalls of casual cultivators, and tried to absorb the thin spiritual energy around him.

  Suddenly, a vast white light appeared directly in his sea of ​​consciousness, and his body instantly tightened, and he felt a strong pulling sensation.

  Lu Xuan held the fourth-grade Great Sun Sword Talisman, looking grimly at the blood-coagulated Yin worm that emerged from the thin monk's body.

  Under the sweep of the sword energy that was like the blazing sun, the blood and energy of the evil worm melted rapidly, like the clear sky after snow.

  After a few breaths, countless tiny blood vessels and tentacles turned into a small pile of black ash, which fell on the body of the monk, which had long become an empty shell.

  "Rest in peace."

  After Lu Xuan confirmed that there was no evil breath around, he looked at the dry corpse of the scattered cultivator on the ground, and a trace of pity flashed in his eyes.

  After discovering that the monk was abnormal, he followed him all the way to his residence. After confirming that there were no other monks who were invaded and contaminated around, Lu Xuan sacrificed the Great Sun Sword Talisman and easily solved the evil worm hidden in the monk's body with one encounter.

  "It's a pity that he has been invaded by the evil worm for too long, and the whole person has almost become a walking corpse, and there is no way to save him."

  He sighed secretly.

  "However, I didn't expect that the sword energy in this Great Sun Sword Talisman has a natural restraining effect on the blood-coagulated Yin worm."

  Lu Xuan looked at the talisman with the red sun hanging high in his hand, and felt satisfied.

  He asked the Stepping Cloud Lynx to circle the courtyard, and after confirming that there was no other evil spirit, he hurried to other places.

  In a wide square, Lu Xuan walked aimlessly, observing the surroundings carefully.


  The low roar of the Stepping Cloud Lynx continued to sound, and the Immaculate Jade hanging around its neck sent waves of cold air, and the chill continued to increase, almost freezing his chest.

  In the square, many cultivators came and went, and the sound of bargaining was endless, depicting a picture of scattered cultivators.

  But after Lu Xuan performed the pupil technique, more than a dozen cultivators with blood-red light were approaching him intentionally or unintentionally.

  These cultivators were controlled by something, their pupils were filled with faint bloodshot, and their words and deeds revealed a bit of stiffness.

  "This little brother, you have to be careful when you walk."

  Lu Xuan held the shoulder of a teenager who had just jumped past him and accidentally slipped and almost fell to the ground.

  In his slightly hazy eyes, the boy's body, chest, abdomen, limbs, etc. were completely covered with blood.

  In his body, there was actually a worm king that was more than ten times more powerful than ordinary blood-coagulating Yin worms!

  (End of this chapter)

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