
Chapter 294 - Unrighteous Action

  The sound of splashing gradually intensified from far to near.

  Looking far away, hundreds of sea beasts of various shapes rushed to the sea area designated by the Song family.

  There were monster turtles floating on the water like arrows from a bow, moving rapidly, and there were sea beasts with puffy feet that jumped ten feet on the water. There were also dragons and fish monsters that appeared and disappeared on the water surface, approaching rapidly.

  The aura was basically that of first- and second-grade monsters, but there were too many of them. Song Yu and other Song family monks were on full alert, holding talismans and magic tools, and staring at the many sea beasts that were getting closer and closer.


  Seeing that the sea beasts were about to touch the first line of defense set up by the Song family, Song Yu gave an order.

  Suddenly, the talismans in the hands of hundreds of monks were activated one after another, and countless ice spears, ice arrows, ice spikes, etc. attacked the many sea beasts.

  The sea beasts either relied on their strong bodies to resist, or evaded with agility, or counterattacked with water magic. For a time, various magics were flying and the water surface was turbulent.

  Because the Song family was well prepared, many sea beasts were seriously injured or even died directly in the first round of talismans, dyeing a large area of ​​the sea blood red.

  However, the number of sea beasts far exceeded that of the monks. After the first round of talismans, many sea beasts quickly adapted and rushed towards the Song family monks fiercely and violently.

  Under the attack of many sea beasts, the monks were unable to cope with it. In less than a moment, it was obvious that they were at a disadvantage and their defense line was in jeopardy.

  "It takes a thousand days to raise a sword and only a moment to use it. It has been kept in the scabbard for so long, and it is time to see blood."

  Lu Xuan held the ancient scabbard and looked solemnly at the sea beasts that were rampant in the sea.

  Finally, under the fierce attack of a huge sea beast, several Song family monks were repelled, and a crack appeared in the defense line. In an instant, more than 20 sea beasts came in.

  "Oops!" Song Yu, who had been paying attention, found a flaw in the defense line and exclaimed, and was about to come to help.

  The clanging of swords rang out. There

  was a sudden explosion in the ears of the monks and sea beasts present, and a deep purple lightning flashed.

  Amidst the lightning and thunder, the purple lightning sword directly penetrated the head of the monster that entered the water. At the huge hole, the lightning jumped happily, completely burning the head of the sea beast to black. The

  purple lightning sword itself is in the forefront of the third-grade flying swords. The sword body is attached with the power of thunder and lightning, and it has been nourished in the mysterious Yangxuan sword sheath for so long. With the momentum, it easily solved more than 20 sea beasts in one encounter.

  "Thank you, Uncle Lu, for your timely rescue."

  Not far away, Song Yu's face was full of gratitude. Although only the first line of defense was breached, if these sea beasts could not be quickly dealt with, and the Kongming Spirit Fish in the waters were left to be hunted, the loss would be great.

  "It's my job."

  Lu Xuan replied calmly.

  "You should pay more attention to the surroundings. If you find any family disciples who can't bear the impact, relieve their pressure in time."

  "Yes!" Song Yu responded quickly.

  He looked at the more than 20 sea beast corpses floating on the water, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

  Since Lu Xuan came to Kongming Island, he basically stayed in the yard with the spiritual field, closed the door and devoted himself to the spiritual plants.

  In this situation, he subconsciously thought that Lu Xuan was just a disciple of the Tianjian Sect who was keen on spiritual plants. On the surface, he still maintained respect, but unconsciously underestimated him.

  Unexpectedly, Lu Xuan's combat power far exceeded his imagination. With just one encounter, he easily dealt with more than 20 sea beasts.

  "He is indeed from a famous family. His swordsmanship is not comparable to that of ordinary foundation-building cultivators."

  Song Yu sighed secretly, and instantly came to his senses. Looking at the battle situation around the sea, he felt much more at ease.   

  Next, Lu Xuan sat in the back, and when he saw the Song family cultivators in urgent situations, he rushed to help them and killed several sea beasts in a few moves.

  In this way, the situation gradually stabilized. Many sea beasts died more than a hundred in a short period of time, and their momentum was getting weaker and weaker.

  "Hmm? Some are still cunning."

  Lu Xuan exclaimed softly, and his spiritual consciousness detected the movement. Then, a light blue bead with spiritual light flew out of the storage bag and was held in his mouth.

  It was the water bead that allowed him to walk on flat ground in deep water.

  He kept sinking and landed on the bottom of the sea. Under the protection of the water bead, he moved freely without being affected by the deep water.

  Under the spiritual consciousness, dozens of second-grade sea beasts dived into the water and were approaching Lu Xuan quickly.

  In the dim seabed, the purple lightning sword in Lu Xuan's hand turned into a purple light and shot at the sea beasts at a high speed.

  Like a venomous snake that had been dormant for a long time, it instantly emerged from the darkness and pierced the heads of three second-grade sea beasts at once.

  The rest of the sea beasts were affected by this and became ferocious, rushing towards Lu Xuan.

  Lu Xuan snorted coldly, and the Purple Lightning Sword quickly turned back and stabbed at the nearest scaled sea beast.

  At the same time, the Xunlei Sword Pill in the Dantian suddenly rotated, and countless dark sword beams surged out of the Dantian, like a large school of fish, drawing a beautiful arc and rushing towards the few sea beasts at the edge.

  A white bone ball rolled out of the storage bag, and under the control of Lu Xuan's mind, it was instantly pulled into a white bone spear, like lightning, shooting at the rest of the sea beasts.

  Just when the sea beast thought it could easily dodge, the tip of the dark white spear suddenly cracked, like a flower that bloomed in an instant, and the flower continued to stretch and extend, and soon became a huge white bone net.

  All this happened in a flash, and more than a dozen sea beasts were unable to react and were covered by the white bone giant net.

  The giant net quickly closed, and the net line turned into thin and long barbed bone spurs, deeply piercing into the body of the sea beast.

  The fourth-grade white bone magic puppet artifact is naturally very easy for the second-grade monster body.

  Not long after, under the combined efforts of the Purple Lightning Sword, Xunlei Sword and the White Bone Demon Puppet, all the sea beasts that tried to sneak in from the bottom of the sea were eliminated.

  Lu Xuan looked at the corpses all over the bottom of the water, floated in front of him, and the Purple Lightning Sword cut out the pupils of the sea beasts one by one.

  "Fresh monster eyes, can't be let go."

  Lu Xuan was still thinking about the Hundred Pupils Weird Wood in the Spiritual Field, and there happened to be ready-made pupils to nourish it.

  "Well... digging out all the pupils of sea beasts doesn't seem like the right way to do it..."

  On the bottom of the sea, dozens of monster corpses with deep black holes in their eye sockets were scattered everywhere, looking extremely tragic at a glance.

  If seen by the Song family cultivators, it might cause some bad associations.

  Lu Xuan thought in his heart, and an idea came to his mind. The White Bone Demon Puppet turned into a dark white wooden stick with a white bone propeller blade on the top, spinning rapidly and shooting at the head of the corpse on the bottom of the sea.

  Under the huge impact, the hard skulls of many heads exploded one after another, becoming headless corpses.

  "It's much more normal to see this. At most, they will only think that I have some brutal means, and will never think that I have secretly dug out all the pupils."

  Since the problem cannot be covered, then destroy it directly.

  Lu Xuan looked at the dozens of corpses underground and thought secretly in his heart.

  (End of this chapter)

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