
Chapter 290 - Thorn Bone Maturity

  Although Lu Xuan's request seemed a bit absurd, Song Yu found a suitable location very quickly.

  The next day, Song Yun came early and took Lu Xuan to the spiritual field found by the Song family.

  The spiritual field is not far from the center of Kongming Island, with an area of ​​six or seven acres, which is much smaller than the inner sect mountain.

  "Senior Lu, this spiritual field was originally occupied by a high-level Qi training cultivator from Kongming Island. After learning about your needs, our Song family bought it at a premium, and the cultivator moved out overnight."

  Seeing Lu Xuan looking at the spiritual field renovated by the spiritual soil, Song Yun hurriedly explained.

  "There is no forced buying and selling, right?"

  Lu Xuan looked around.

  "Absolutely not, the cultivator reclaimed this spiritual field just to make some spiritual stones. The spiritual stones we offered were enough, and he agreed without thinking for long."

  The Song family knew that Lu Xuan came from a famous and authentic family, at least they did not allow dirty behavior to appear on the surface, so they would rather spend more spiritual stones than make Lu Xuan unhappy.

  "These spiritual fields are surrounded by spirit gathering formations, which are suitable for seniors to cultivate spiritual plants. In addition, we keep in mind your request. There is a stone cliff behind the courtyard, and there is a tributary of earth fire underneath."

  Song Yun introduced the situation of the spiritual fields in detail.

  Lu Xuan nodded. Considering the growth needs of the fourth-grade earth fire heart lotus, when he asked the Song family to find spiritual fields, he specifically asked them to find spiritual fields with earth fire around them.

  Kongming Island itself is an island, and there are occasional strange fires. It is not difficult to find earth fire.

  "You are thoughtful."

  Lu Xuan said to Song Yun with a smile.

  Although the spiritual energy of the spiritual field is far inferior to the cave in the Tianjian Sect, it is much stronger than the spiritual field in Linyang Market. He is already satisfied to find this spiritual field on such a bitter and cold island.

  "As long as you are satisfied."

  Lu Xuan's casual praise made Song Yun flattered, and an irrepressible joy appeared on his face.

  "Finally, I can release the treasures in the Shengsheng bag."

  After Song Yun left, Lu Xuan set up a simple formation and immediately opened the Shengsheng bag.

  The first to jump out was the plump wind falcon, flapping its light blue wings constantly, and it was obvious that it was a little uncomfortable staying inside.

  The cloud-stepping lynx stepped gracefully and jumped out of the life bag. Its green pupils scanned the surroundings, and the two tufts of gray hair on the tips of its ears turned around very vigilantly. The

  demon ghost vine followed closely behind. After crawling out, the gray vines swayed back and forth. After sensing that there were no rare and precious spiritual plants marked around, it lay on the ground listlessly, looking like it had no desire to live.

  "Wind and Thunder Sword Grass! Plant it here."

  Lu Xuan found an open area, performed the earth-drawing technique, and planted the wind and thunder sword grass into the spiritual soil.

  The sword grass was already three feet long, and the sword body was gray-black, standing upright, with the sword tip pointing directly to the sky. Soon after it was planted, subtle wind and thunder sword energy was automatically generated around it, causing bursts of slight sword whistling sounds as it spun and danced.

  "Moonlight Grass, we need to find a cool place for it."

  Lu Xuan's spiritual power surged, and the stones and soil of the spiritual field on the island kept changing. In a few breaths, a simple shed was built to block the scorching sun for the Moonlight Grass. When night fell, the shed was removed so that the tower could fully absorb the moonlight.

  Next was the fourth-grade black insect vine. More than a dozen insect chambers with strange structures were connected together, weird and harmonious, forming a strange symbiotic relationship.

  After planting the black insect vine, Lu Xuan immediately buried the third-grade starlight sword grass and the fourth-grade sword Qianxiao. Because the corresponding sword techniques of the two sword grasses were not exquisite enough, they could only absorb spiritual energy and barely maintain their vitality.   

  In addition, ten ordinary second-grade sword grasses were planted. After they matured, they were mainly used to condense spirit seeds, expand the scale of sword grass, and improve the sword grass varieties with a larger base.

  Most of the area of ​​the entire spiritual field was used to cultivate water fireflies.

  There were nearly 160 water firefly spirit seeds condensed before, which was also the key to Lu Xuan's breakthrough to the middle stage of foundation building in a short period of time.

  He had ordinary qualifications, and he came to Kongming Island, where the spiritual energy was relatively thin. If there was no water firefly light group to increase his cultivation, it would take him a long time to successfully break through.

  After planting the water firefly grass, Lu Xuan came to the courtyard, jumped off the cliff, went deep into a cave, and found a small branch of earth fire.

  "It's barely enough. At worst, I can use Qingmu Yuanqi to ripen it."

  He put the earth fire heart lotus with many light red lotus seeds into the hot magma.

  After being washed by the hot magma many times, the vitality of the earth fire heart lotus was restored a lot, and the lotus leaves and roots were shining, with red and light red light, gorgeous and dazzling.

  "As for these underworld spiritual plants, I don't care about them so much. I will mix them with other spiritual plants."

  He returned to the spiritual field and took out the three underworld spiritual plants he brought.

  Two ghost-faced stone mushrooms, with strange patterns growing on the gray stone surface, look like strange faces when you look closely, and they are breathtaking. The

  thorn bones have grown into a small forest of bones, with slender bones growing wantonly, and countless tiny bone spurs on the sides of the bones, densely packed, which can instantly suck a fresh monster corpse into a dry corpse.

  The hundred-eyed strange tree, on the old tree trunk like the skin, dozens of evil pupils opened at the same time, staring at Lu Xuan, and turned slightly.

  Many pupils still have dried monster eyeballs hanging on them, all of which have been dried for a long time, like a shabby gray lantern shaking weakly in the wind.

  A cool breath came from Lu Xuan's neck, and the discomfort brought by dozens of evil pupils disappeared instantly.

  He found a remote corner and planted these three underworld spiritual plants.

  Kongming Island is not like the courtyard in Jianmen Town. It is protected by the fourth-grade Thousand Illusion Clouds and Smoke Array. In addition, it is located near the Tianjian Sect, so it is almost impossible to see evil cultivators. There is no need to worry too much about the safety of spiritual plants.

  In the Tianjian Sect, he is just a small cultivator in the early stage of foundation building. If he plants many underworld spiritual plants, it may attract attention and even doubt his origin and purpose.

  But Kongming Island is different. With the cultivation level of the early stage of foundation building and the status of an inner disciple of the Tianjian Sect, he can be regarded as one of the cultivators with the highest power in the surrounding islands. Even if he is discovered, it will not be a big deal.

  Therefore, Lu Xuan no longer avoids it and directly mixes thorn bones and other spiritual plants with other spiritual plants.

  "Finally, everything is properly handled. I will start my three-year career of farming on a deserted island."

  Although the spiritual energy and soil on Kongming Island are much weaker than those of the Tianjian Sect, Lu Xuan still maintains an optimistic attitude.

  In the next ten days, he stayed indoors and carefully cultivated and cared for the many spiritual plants in the spiritual field.

  During this period, the elegant monk Song Yu invited him to the banquet several times. After Lu Xuan attended once or twice, he declined his invitation and devoted himself to the spiritual plant.

  "The third-grade thorn bone is mature."

  On this day, while inspecting the spiritual field, Lu Xuan found that the faint progress bar below the thorn bone was full. With surprise, he carefully pulled out the thorn bush surrounded by the bones.

  The roots spread deep underground. When they were pulled out, they looked like white bones with a little soil, like bones that saw the light of day again after many years.

  (End of this chapter)

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