
Chapter 272 - Half Dragon True Biography


  While Lu Xuan and the other person were waiting, a dragon roar with a hint of dragon power sounded in their ears. As

  the voice fell, a burly young man appeared beside the two.

  The young man was wearing a red robe, which seemed to be made of dragon skin. As he walked, a shadow of a dragon loomed.

  He had a pair of golden vertical pupils, and he was majestic without being angry. There were fine red scales on his neck, extending all the way to his chest.

  "Brother Long Li, I didn't expect that you would come here in person. The one next to you is Junior Brother Lu Xuan. He was promoted to an inner disciple not long ago. He is good at spiritual plants and spiritual beasts."

  "That's why I found the dragon skeleton grass in my snow line dragon."

  Tao Zhiqing hurriedly introduced Lu Xuan to the half-human, half-dragon cultivator.

  "Junior Brother Lu, this is Senior Brother Long Li, one of the true disciples, and one of the actual controllers of Qianlong Lake."

  "Hello, Senior Brother Long Li."

  Lu Xuan hurriedly saluted. The true disciple can be regarded as the strongest among the entire Tianjian Sect below the Jindan level. His cultivation is much higher than his.

  "Junior Brother Lu."

  The burly young man nodded gently, looking at the still controlled Snow Line Flood Dragon at the lakeside with blank eyes.

  "It was found from the body of this dragon."

  Tao Zhiqing took out the dragon skeleton grass that had not been fully digested and presented it to Long Li.

  "It should have been found from the bottom of Qianlong Lake."

  The burly young man judged.

  "I want to go down and take a look. If you two are willing, you can follow me, but there is a prerequisite."

  "There is a certain degree of dragon power remaining at the bottom of Qianlong Lake. The deeper you go, the stronger the dragon power. If you go down, as long as you don't leave me too far, I can protect you."

  "In addition, it is inconvenient to move underwater, so you'd better have a water-based amulet or magic weapon on you so that you can move freely."

  "Then I won't follow my senior brother to join in the fun." Tao Zhiqing said embarrassedly.

  "Senior Brother Long, I happen to have a third-grade water-moving bead in my hand, which can make me walk on flat ground in the deep water. It should be no problem to enter the bottom of Qianlong Lake." Lu

  Xuan stepped forward and said, holding a pale white bead the size of a pigeon egg and filled with water mist in his hand.

  It was the third-grade treasure he had just opened from a mature water firefly grass, the Water Bead, which was suitable for the special environment of Qianlong Lake.

  "Junior brother, I want to follow you to see it. Please take me to the bottom of the lake."


  The burly young man nodded. As long as Lu Xuan did not affect his actions, it would be convenient to take him down. He was not worried that Lu Xuan would do anything under his eyes.

  "Follow me."

  He turned his head and told Lu Xuan, opened his mouth and spit out a small illusory dragon shadow whizzing out of his mouth, stopped in the air, and turned into a dragon-shaped jade seal.

  The jade seal gently tapped the surface of Qianlong Lake, and all the surrounding dragons instantly became very solemn. There were bursts of dragon roars from under the lake, the water surface was agitated, and formations and restrictions were revealed.

  The burly young man Long Li jumped into the water first, and Lu Xuan followed closely with the Water Bead in his mouth.

  The moment he entered Qianlong Lake, the mist in the water bead floated out, surrounding Lu Xuan's body, forming a nearly invisible transparent film, tightly clinging to Lu Xuan's body.

  Lu Xuan had a wonderful feeling of being like a fish in water. The lake water that squeezed in from all sides was no longer a hindrance, but instead became a boost to his movements.

  "This water bead works quite well."

  Lu Xuan sighed, looking at Long Li not far ahead.

  An illusory dragon shadow floated out from his robe, lingering around him. A dragon tail covered with dark red scales stretched out from his waist at some point, swinging left and right, moving extremely quickly, diving to the bottom of the lake.   

  "Where is this dragon's tail..."

  Lu Xuan couldn't help but think. He shook his head heavily, shook off the absurd thoughts in his mind, focused his eyes on Long Li's head, and followed closely.

  After going down a hundred feet, Lu Xuan's spiritual sense was keen to detect a faint pressure around him. The deeper he went, the stronger the pressure became.

  The illusory dragon shadow beside Long Li roared, and instantly increased several times, covering Lu Xuan.

  The pressure around him dissipated, and Lu Xuan felt relieved.

  After diving more than a thousand feet, the two finally reached the bottom of the lake.

  It was dark around, and occasionally there was a slight breathing sound of an unknown existence not far away, which made Lu Xuan always alert.

  "Junior Brother Lu, the bottom of the lake itself has infinite pressure, plus the existence of the dragon's might, once you leave my vicinity, there is a high possibility of accidents."

  Long Li held up a shining night pearl in one hand, illuminating the surrounding ten feet of water like daylight.

  "Brother, don't worry, I won't move around."

  Lu Xuan said quickly.

  Under the white light, the bottom of the lake was full of strange stones, and occasionally strange-shaped water plants could be seen growing.

  The two walked slowly on the bottom of the lake, carefully identifying those strange water plants.

  "Brother, are these strange stones on the bottom of the lake left by the real dragon?"

  Lu Xuan asked Long Li in a voice transmission.

  "How could the real dragon skeleton be easily seen by us? It has long been integrated with Qianlong Lake."

  "These should be strange rocks formed by the dragon sitting in the past."

  Long Li replied casually. Suddenly, his eyes focused. In a strange rock not far ahead, there was a slender black dragon swimming freely.

  The dragon head, dragon body, and dragon tail, at first glance, I thought it was a small dragon that was shrunk countless times.

  Long Li's spiritual consciousness swept around and saw that there was no abnormality. Fine scales quietly emerged on the back of his hand, and shot out like lightning, holding the slender black dragon firmly in his palm.

  The slender black dragon was naturally transformed from the fifth-grade dragon skeleton grass. At this moment, it had lost its previous agility and stayed obediently in Long Li's half-dragon palm.

  "Junior Brother Lu, this dragon skeleton grass is very hidden. Please help find it."

  Long Li transmitted his voice. He was very confident in his spiritual awareness. In addition, Lu Xuan was only in the early stage of foundation building. Therefore, he was not worried that he could do anything under his nose.


  Lu Xuan chose a direction and kept turning over the strange stone transformed from the dragon skeleton.

  He looked at the strange stone under his feet, his expression unchanged, but secretly performed the earth-drawing technique, seemingly inadvertently embedding the strange stone into the crack he made.

  "Senior Brother Long, I found one."

  After a moment, he came to Long Li with a slender black grass that looked like a little dragon. Together with the four found by Long Li, the two found a total of five fifth-grade dragon skeleton grasses.

  "By the way, Senior Brother Long, I like these dragon fossils at the bottom of the lake. Can you take some of them up and put them in a small lake in my cave?"

  After searching for a long time and finding no new dragon skeleton grass, Lu Xuan asked softly.


  Long Li didn't care. With his spiritual awareness close to the Jindan realm, he knew that there was nothing unusual in the strange stone during the search for dragon skeleton grass. The value might not be as good as the fresh skeleton of an ordinary monster.

  Lu Xuan was ecstatic and calmly swept more than ten strange stones into the storage bag.

  (End of this chapter)

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