
Chapter 262 - Stop! Stop fighting!

  "This is an insect whistle, used to control insects."

  Zhong Jingshan said concisely.

  The insect whistle is shaped like a suona, thin at the top and thick at the bottom, with faint runes painted on the dark blue shell. The sound is like an insect or a bird, crisp and wonderful.

  Lu Xuan learned from the talisman paper handed to him by the black-robed young man that the insect whistle is a magic weapon for controlling insects, which can simulate the hissing sounds of many insects and help monks better control various strange insects. The

  insect whistle that Zhong Jingshan handed to him still had his spiritual energy, which had a strong deterrent effect on the strange insects he raised in the Insect Valley.

  "I'll leave it to you."

  The black-robed young man nodded at Lu Xuan and threw him a storage bag. Then, countless thin black lines on his robe hissed together, turned into a black light and disappeared into the sky.

  "Junior Brother Lu, Junior Brother Zhong is always so taciturn, and it's good that he can tell you so much."

  "He has left the Worm Valley. I guess he will go out in the next two days. You are responsible for all the strange insects here."

  "This is my communication talisman. If you have any difficult problems, you can come to me."

  Ge Pu told Lu Xuan a few words, and the black and white Tai Chi pattern behind his head appeared out of thin air. His eyes flashed and instantly drilled into the black and white light ball.

  "Leaving now?"

  The two people's quick and decisiveness made Lu Xuan unable to adapt instantly. He was stunned for a while, and then he carefully observed the stone house and the surroundings.

  The stone house is probably just Zhong Jingshan's place to stay in the Worm Valley. The layout is very simple, with a few tables and chairs, a jade cushion, and nothing else.

  The storage bag contains a large amount of monster flesh and blood, which is stored in various ways to ensure the freshness of the meat.

  In addition, there are some exotic flowers and fruits, all of which are used to feed various insects in the Worm Valley.

  He came to an insect room.

  There is a formation outside the insect room to prevent the strange insects inside from running out privately.

  Looking from the outside, the insect room was pitch black, as if there was no sign of life.

  However, Lu Xuan knew that it was not that simple. He probed into it with his spiritual consciousness and sensed it carefully. Finally, he detected the sound of a faint breath in the corner of the insect room.

  He cast an exorcism spell on the roof. Under the pure white spiritual light, the strange insect in the corner was exposed to his vision.

  A huge mantis with a black body.

  The mantis was half a foot long and black all over, which blended well into the dark environment.

  The pair of large compound eyes on the head were also dark black. If it were not high, it would be difficult to detect its existence.

  Under the illumination of the spell, a pair of dark pupils stared at the direction where Lu Xuan was indifferently.

  The most eye-catching thing is that the mantis has a pair of forelimbs like a sawtooth broadsword, glowing with a dark light, with a breathtaking and strange beauty.

  "This should be the demon sword black mantis recorded on the talisman paper."

  Lu Xuan sighed as he looked at the huge mantis lurking in the dark like an assassin.

  He took out a piece of monster meat from the storage bag and threw it in the direction of the black mantis.

  A slight whistling sound was heard, and in the spiritual sense, the mantis's forelimbs instantly chopped the monster meat the size of its head into hundreds of pieces.

  In a few breaths, it swallowed all of them into its stomach.

  Lu Xuan's mind was focused on the mantis in the dark, and he soon learned detailed information about it.

  [The Demon Sword Black Mantis is a fourth-grade demon insect that feeds on monsters and insects. Its forelimbs are extremely sharp and can cut through everything in the world. It is comparable to a fourth-grade magic weapon and has a very strong attack.]

  [Each Demon Sword Black Mantis is a natural hunter with a strong killer instinct. It likes to stay in the dark and hunt live monsters and insects.]   

  [Let's sink into darkness together.]

  "A fourth-grade demon insect, its strength is almost equivalent to that of a cultivator in the middle or even late stage of foundation building."

  "As expected of one of the true disciples, the demon insect he raises is more than half of the inner disciples."

  Lu Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

  In his own spiritual field, there was a second-grade silver-line mantis coexisting with the fourth-grade black insect vine insect room.

  Judging from its appearance alone, it is much higher than the black demon sword black mantis.

  But if the grade strength is taken into consideration, the silver-line mantis is just a silver spear candle head, which is good-looking but useless.

  He remembered that there was a special instruction on the talisman paper, which required the demon sword black mantis to be released for a period of time every day to move around and hunt some low-grade demon insects in the insect valley. What

  Lu Xuan had to do was to control its activity time and avoid encountering and fighting with other high-grade demon insects.

  He took out the insect whistle and injected spiritual power into one of the whistle holes.

  Then, a slight and strange hissing sound was heard, and he adjusted the amount and rhythm of spiritual power according to the method of controlling insects taught by Zhong Jingshan.

  The demon sword black mantis in the insect room turned his head and looked at Lu Xuan.

  Lu Xuan opened the formation, and in the thick darkness, a stream of light flashed, and the demon sword black mantis instantly rushed to the distance.

  He used the floating light body technique and followed closely behind the demon sword black mantis.

  "I've only heard of people walking dogs and cats, but this is the first time I've seen a mantis walking."

  He sighed secretly, and kept paying attention to the movements of the demon sword black mantis nearby, fearing that it would suddenly become murderous and kill the low-grade alien insects in the insect valley without leaving a single piece of armor.

  Half an hour later, he blew the insect whistle, and the black figure of the demon sword black mantis instantly appeared in front of him. It glanced at Lu Xuan and went straight back to the insect room.

  Although it was a fourth-grade demon insect, it had already signed a master pet contract with Zhong Jingshan, and its wildness had been tamed.

  In addition, Lu Xuan had the insect whistle left by Zhong Jingshan in his hand, so he was not worried that the demon sword black mantis would suddenly attack him.

  Of course, even if this happened, Lu Xuan had no fear in his heart. With his current strength, he could easily deal with this demon sword black mantis.

  In the insect room, Lu Xuan sensed that the anxiety in the demon sword black mantis had eased a lot, probably because its strong desire to kill was released.

  However, it remained indifferent to Lu Xuan. Except for a few glances when they first met, it ignored him completely the rest of the time.

  Lu Xuan didn't care about this. He had seen this situation many times. Whether it was the dragons and anacondas in Qianlong Lake or the group of spiritual cranes at the beginning, they were not much more enthusiastic than the demon sword black mantis when they first met, but in the end they still surrendered to his robe.

  He restarted the insect room formation and then went to the next insect room.

  As soon as he entered, he saw more than ten white spiders the size of millstones fighting in a group.

  Each of them was eight-sword style, flying sickle-like legs, and set off bursts of whistling.


  "Don't fight anymore!"

  Lu Xuan scolded. The

  more than ten spiders in the insect room ignored him and continued to fight in a group.

  Lu Xuan took out the insect whistle and injected spiritual power into one of the holes. Suddenly, a beeping sound was heard.

  Under the sound of special instructions he induced, more than a dozen white jade spiders stopped and crawled on the ground, looking like they wanted to fight, but were afraid that Lu Xuan would blow the insect whistle again and make a sound to stop them.

  (End of this chapter)

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