
Chapter 23 - Blood Jade Ginseng

  After confirming that the courtyard with the spiritual spring was rented, the two parties quickly completed the handover.

  The slightly plump young monk did as he said, and took care of all the trivial matters for Lu Xuan, saving him a lot of time and energy.

  Lu Xuan paid the rent for half a year, and most of the spiritual stones in his hand were consumed at once, leaving only more than 160.

  Fortunately, the firefly grass has gradually entered the mature stage, and there are 14 Eclipse Moon Fruits that have not been sold before, so he is not very worried about the shortage of spiritual stones. The

  new courtyard is temporarily protected by the first-grade formation provided by the dental shop. The key formation plate is handed over to Lu Xuan. As long as Lu Xuan adjusts the formation pattern on it, it will be difficult for other monks to enter the courtyard.

  They can only break the formation with brute force, or a monk who is good at formation can break it.

  Therefore, Lu Xuan will first take this free and more effective protective formation for free, and when he has more money, he will change to another formation that belongs to him. In

  the small courtyard where he lived before.

  Lu Xuan looked at the spiritual plants in the courtyard and felt a little reluctant for a while.

  This small courtyard accompanied him through many stages of his life, including cultivation, living, and cultivating spiritual plants. Every place left countless impressive scenes.

  The spiritual plants in the spiritual field, from the initial spiritual firefly grass to the planting of two eclipse moon trees, after the white light ball appeared, it added a first-grade red cloud pine, a second-grade sword grass, and a second-grade dark marrow ganoderma.

  "If the old does not go, the new will not come."

  He calmed down and thought optimistically.

  Moving is relatively simple. He doesn't have many clothes, not to mention elixirs, talismans, and magic tools. A storage bag is more than enough.

  There are mainly two problems that are difficult to solve.

  One is the spiritual plants planted in the spiritual field.

  Spiritual plants are living things, and only dead things can be placed in the storage bag. If they are forced in, I am afraid that the life will soon pass away. Lu Xuan can only choose to dig out the spiritual plants together with the spiritual soil and move them to the new courtyard as quickly as possible.

  In this way, although it will also have some impact on the spiritual plants, with his grasp of the real-time status of the spiritual plants, he will quickly adjust and restore them.

  Among the spiritual plants in the spiritual field, four more spiritual fireflies matured, bringing Lu Xuan a total of one year's cultivation, one experience pack each for the Earth Attraction Technique and the Gengjin Sword Technique. The

  remaining ten spiritual plants are estimated to mature in the next few days. Lu Xuan plans to pick them directly after they mature, and not bring them to the new spiritual field.

  As for the red cloud pine, sword grass, and dark marrow ganoderma, they are small in size and precious in value. Lu Xuan plans to dig out three of them and plant them in the new spiritual field.

  The two Eclipse Moon Trees are too big, and it will take a long time before they mature again. Moreover, because they are not of good quality and occupy a large area, Lu Xuan plans to give them to Zhang Xiuyuan, and the new spiritual field will be planted with higher-grade spiritual plants.

  Another problem is how to deal with the small courtyard.

  After all, he just paid a rent of 30 spiritual stones, and it would be a waste if he gave it up like this.

  But he didn't have the energy to go back and forth between the two courtyards, so he could only focus on the new courtyard.

  If he gave the courtyard to Zhang Hong's wife to take care of, he was afraid that it would bring them unwarranted disasters.

  It is difficult to let it go easily when a mid-level Qi training cultivator dies in the yard.

  "I can only rent it out to other casual cultivators at a lower price."

  He searched in the casual cultivator market for a few days and found a cultivator at the second level of Qi training. He rented it out to him for the second time at the price of four spirit stones and thirty broken spirits per month.

  "It hurts to waste spirit stones in vain."

  After receiving the rent paid by the cultivator, Lu Xuan felt as if a piece of his flesh had been cut off.

  After properly handling the small courtyard, he came to Zhang's house before leaving and said goodbye to Xu Wan and Zhang Xiuyuan.

  "What? Uncle Lu, you are moving away?"

  After Lu Xuan said that he was about to move out of here, Zhang Xiuyuan was shocked, and then he held his hand tightly and did not let go.

  Xu Wan, who was standing next to him, also showed a trace of surprise, and then, as if thinking of something, he nodded suddenly.   

  "Yes, but I live not too far from your home. You can come visit me when you are free."

  Lu Xuan consoled.

  "It's just that the pest control work we worked on before has to be put aside for now."

  After the Qin Ming incident, Lu Xuan's idea of ​​earning spirit stones by solving pest control faded a lot.

  He always felt that there was a lot of water in this and didn't want to get involved again.

  "Sister-in-law, I have rented out the yard and the spirit field. There are two Eclipse Moon trees in it. I don't plan to take them over. You can transplant them!"

  Seeing Lu Xuan's firm tone, Xu Wan, who was about to refuse, nodded.

  "Little brother Lu, you moved too hastily."

  "There is no way. After all, sister-in-law also knows that the outer area of ​​the North District is full of people and it is not very safe. After the incident at night some time ago, I had the idea of ​​moving away."

  "Indeed, if our family has the conditions, we will move to a more central area. It is also a good thing for you to move away."

  Xu Wan agreed, agreeing with Lu Xuan's opinion.

  Lu Xuan did not stay for long. He brought 14 Eclipse Moon Fruits and 10 Firefly Grasses to Baicao Hall.

  "Lu boy, you are finally here. Put down the spiritual plants in your hand and go with me to see someone!"

  As soon as he arrived at Baicao Hall, the thin old man grabbed Lu Xuan's hand and went inside.

  The room inside was decorated extremely luxuriously. The floor was covered with soft animal skins. The tables and chairs were made of spiritual wood. In the middle was a huge medicine furnace with two ears and three legs. Smoke floated out of the medicine furnace, and a fresh medicinal fragrance came out.

  A beautiful girl sat on a wooden chair, stroking a small mink with white fur on her leg.

  "Miss, this is the Lu Xuan I mentioned. He has a very good talent in the field of spiritual plants and can grow spiritual plants of good or even superior quality in large quantities."

  Manager He bent down and said, and it can be seen that he respected the girl very much.

  Lu Xuan also bowed slightly.

  The beautiful girl moved her eyes away from the white mink and glanced at Lu Xuan.

  Lu Xuan quietly operated the Breath Containment Technique to maintain his cultivation at the second level of Qi training.

  "Grandpa He, it's rare for you to introduce a spiritual plant master to cooperate with the hall, so I don't need to say much about his level."

  The beautiful girl raised her chin slightly.

  "It's just that I see that he is younger than me and has a low level of cultivation. He still needs to prove himself with his performance."

  "The spiritual seeds in Baicao Hall are not easy to come by. I don't feel comfortable handing over those second-grade spiritual seeds to him to plant."

  "So, in the early stage, Baicao Hall will provide him with a certain number of Lingying Grass spiritual seeds, and he can also choose a first-grade spiritual seed. If his performance is good in the future, new varieties will be added."

  "Of course, this is enough."

  The thin old man nodded respectfully and pondered for a while.

  "There are currently several first-grade spiritual plants in the hall that are in short supply. I am quite familiar with this kid, so I will make the decision for him without authorization and help him choose one of the first-grade blood jade ginseng. What do you think, young lady?"


  The beautiful girl nodded in agreement.

  Seeing this, the thin old man showed a hint of joy on his face and left the room with Lu Xuan, who was in a daze.

  (End of this chapter)