
Chapter 200 - Small but cute

  "Got it!"

  "My understanding of the Four Seasons Sword Art is not deep enough, but don't I have the best tool in my hand?"

  "The Yangxuan sword sheath can temper the sword energy and increase the power of the sword energy. Then I can put the corresponding sword energy of the Four Seasons Sword Art into the sword sheath, and release it after a short period of warming and purifying to nourish and stimulate the sword grass."

  "In this way, the sword energy will be improved from poor to above average, but it will take a little more time. However, preparation in advance can stagger the cultivation time."

  Lu Xuan looked at the ancient sword sheath tightly wrapped around the Red Flame Sword and thought excitedly.

  The Four Seasons Sword Art has four basic sword energies. He plans to nourish and cultivate two sword grasses for each sword energy according to the different nature of the sword energy.

  The spring rain sword energy is continuous and endless, suitable for planting next to a small lake full of spiritual energy. The

  summer sword energy is violent and manic, and the earth-drawing technique can be used to build a suitable spiritual field on the magma river generated by the branch veins of the earth fire to plant two sword grass spirit seeds.

  As for the two sword qi, Autumn Wind and Winter Snow, the former can be planted at the entrance of the Black Wind Cave, and the latter can be planted inside the stone cave.

  Under the nourishment and stimulation of different sword qi, try to provide a similar spiritual environment for the sword grass

  spirit seeds, so that they complement each other and grow faster. In this way, there are only two left out of the ten sword grass spirit seeds.

  Just as Lu Xuan was hesitating about what to do, his eyes swept across the Yangxuan sword sheath and he suddenly had an idea.

  "Why do we have to stimulate and improve it after planting? We can induce it to mutate at the spirit seed stage."

  "When we improved the firefly grass before, the probability of getting a mutated spirit plant after induction at the spirit seed stage was much greater than the stimulation change at the spirit plant stage."

  "Similarly, inducing at the sword grass spirit seed stage can probably increase the probability of sword grass mutation, but the price is the complete loss of the sword grass spirit seed, unlike at the spirit plant stage, there is still room for compensation."

  "As for how to induce and stimulate the spirit seed... the Yangxuan sword sheath in front of us is a ready-made tool."

  "If the sword grass spirit seed is placed in the Yangxuan sword sheath, will the sword sheath also temper the spirit seed?"

  "The Red Flame Sword has been inserted in the sword sheath for a long time, and the relevant sword intent remains inside the sword sheath. After it is pulled out, it can be stimulated and induced by this sword intent."

  Lu Xuan did what he thought, grabbed the ancient sword sheath, and pulled out the Red Flame Sword with force.

  The fiery red sword body was pulled out bit by bit, and a faint fire mist seeped out from the cracks between the sword body and the sword sheath. Until it was completely pulled out, there were still a few drops of fiery red spirit liquid on the tip of the sword.

  The scabbard trembled slightly, trying to adapt to the state after the Red Flame Sword was pulled out.

  "The Red Flame Sword has been inserted into the scabbard for a while this time, and the marks left inside the scabbard are a bit heavy."

  Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness probed into the inner wall of the scabbard and felt that it was filled with rich fire spiritual energy, which was strong and hot.

  He pinched a slender sword-like spiritual seed and inserted it into the crack of the Yangxuan scabbard.

  Perhaps because the Red Flame Sword expanded the scabbard, the sword grass spiritual seed slid into the scabbard.

  The scabbard, which was not used to the insertion of the sword, wanted to refuse, but before it felt anything, the spiritual seed had already entered it.

  The Yangxuan scabbard, which was originally trembling slightly, calmed down instantly, stopped vertically in the low air and shook, as if provoking Lu Xuan.

  "That's it?"

  "Uh... small is also cute."

  Lu Xuan perfunctorily said, looking at the arrogant and simple scabbard in front of him, and decided to get a giant sword next time to let this Yangxuan scabbard taste the feeling of cracking.

  His spiritual consciousness entered the scabbard and sensed that the sword grass spirit seed was floating quietly in it, surrounded by a faint fire spirit energy, slowly nourishing the spirit seed.

  "For the eight sword grass spirit seeds, we will play it safe. We will use the four basic sword techniques to stimulate and cultivate two of them each, to ensure that the sword grass matures. At the same time, we will slowly stimulate the sword grass to mutate on the premise of obtaining the light ball."

  "For the remaining two spirit seeds, one will be tempered with the sword intent left by the Red Flame Sword and the Yangxuan Sword Scabbard, and the other will be induced by the Xunlei Sword Pill in the Dantian and the scabbard.   

  This method has a higher possibility of mutation, but once it fails, it will become a waste and have to be abandoned. "

  Lu Xuan thought to himself.

  In the next few days, he planted the eight sword grass spirit seeds in various places on the mountain, and occasionally checked the spirit seeds that had been left in the scabbard.

  Of course, a lot of spiritual power still needs to be spent every day, and time is used to cultivate other spirit plants.

  Life is simple and sufficient, but as long as he thinks that after the spirit plants mature, he can get various rewards from the light ball, the busy Lu Xuan has some hope in his heart. On

  this day, when he was carefully cultivating the spirit plants, a crisp cry came from the foot of the mountain.

  The direction from which the cry came was the grass nest built by the grass puppet for the young wind falcon to incubate eggs.

  "Could it be that the Lihuo dragon egg is about to hatch? "

  This thought flashed through Lu Xuan's mind, and his figure passed through the forest like floating light. After a few moments, he came to the grass nest where the young falcons were incubating their eggs. When the falcon

  saw Lu Xuan appear, it quickly relaxed from its originally tense state.

  Under its round belly, on the light red eggshell, there were more and more dense patterns, forming various fiery red patterns.

  A series of mosquito-like clicking sounds came one after another. Lu Xuan looked closely and saw cracks gradually spreading on the fine lines.

  The sound became louder and more frequent, and there were more and more cracks on the eggshell.


  With a tender dragon roar, the eggshell shattered, leaving only fragments on the ground.

  A fiery red young dragon appeared. The

  young dragon was about one and a half feet long, wet all over, with fine red scales on the back and sides of its body. Its eyes were half open, observing the surroundings in a daze.

  After sensing that there was nothing unusual, the young dragon bit the fiery red eggshell fragments on the ground.

  Pieces of fragments were sent into its stomach. As more and more eggshell fragments were swallowed, the aura of the young dragon continued to rise. As the mucus on its body gradually evaporated, the majestic demeanor of the young dragon slowly emerged.

  Lu Xuan's mind was focused on the young dragon, and a thought flashed through his mind.

  [Lihuo Jiao, in its juvenile stage, feeds on monster meat and spiritual fruits, and has the potential to grow into a third-grade dragon. ]

  [Its physical body is strong, and as its strength grows, it can automatically comprehend low-level fire magic. ]

  "A third-grade spiritual beast, this is the first time I have raised such a high-grade one. When I break through, I estimate that I can get more light balls. "

  At first, he raised a red-bearded carp of no rank, then a first-rank iron-claw crab, a cloud-stepping lynx of a different species, a second-rank wind falcon, and then a third-rank fire dragon.

  Although the ranks of spiritual beasts did not rise as quickly as spiritual plants, they could barely keep up with Lu Xuan's progress.

  While he was thinking, the young dragon ate faster and faster, and soon swallowed all the fragments of the huge eggshell into its stomach.

  It cried out in a childish voice and slowly crawled to the round belly of the young wind falcon next to it.

  With its eyes closed, it leaned on the soft belly with a satisfied look.

  "...This wind falcon is still a minor, but it is regarded as a mother by this young dragon?"

  Lu Xuan couldn't help but sighed.

   Short ones are also cute →_→

  (End of this chapter)