
Chapter 187 - Never Have I Planted Such a Rich Field

  Bold words, naturally need to be fulfilled by practical actions.

  Lu Xuan immediately began to transform the spiritual mountain and transplant spiritual plants.

  He first took out the fourth-grade black insect vine from the Shengsheng bag.

  The Shengsheng bag is only third-grade, and the effect on slowing down the loss of vitality is not so obvious for the fourth-grade black insect vine, so Lu Xuan transplanted it as soon as possible.

  He swept the mountain with his spiritual consciousness and found an open space at the node of the branch with the most abundant spiritual energy, and planted the black insect vine.

  The terrain around the open space is complex and the environment is humid, which is suitable for the growth and reproduction of various monster insects.

  On the strange plant, the insect chambers formed by the three types of monster insects, the hidden wing cicada, the silver-line mantis, and the black beetle, do not interfere with each other and maintain a symbiotic relationship with the black insect vine.

  Then, Lu Xuan took out the third-grade spiritual plants in the Shengsheng bag first according to the grade.

  He planted the three fairy peaches in a slightly remote place on the mountain, so that no fellow disciples or spiritual beasts would be accidentally affected by them and make a joke.

  Pink leaves have grown on the branches of the white peach tree. Not long after it was planted, a faint miasma spread from the trunk of the fairy peach tree, and the surrounding air was filled with a scent of lust.

  "Don't be astringent."

  Lu Xuan cast a purification spell on himself and said to the fairy peach righteously.

  Next, there was a sword-raising gourd and two dragon vines. Lu Xuan planted them in the special spiritual soil to see if there would be any effect.

  He also brought the abandoned flying sword from the cave abode before, and used the waste to build a bracket for the sword-raising gourd.

  The two dragon vines, nourished by the abundant dragon essence and blood, grew much better than the first generation of dragon vines. The

  remaining third-grade jade scale fruit was planted in an area with sparse vegetation, where there were many minerals, which was more suitable for the growth of jade scale fruit that loved jade spiritual minerals.

  After the third-grade spiritual plants were processed, Lu Xuan began to transplant the second-grade spiritual plants in the life bag. Two gloomy Yin Huai trees were planted near the cave entrance where the black wind was howling.

  Four ice radish fruits were planted around the small lake, and ten flame fruits were planted on the surface of the underground fire, nourished by the scorching breath day and night.

  Two sword grasses were also planted in the special spiritual soil. The sword body was straight facing the sky, and it was already two feet long. The fine sword intent flowed freely around it, cutting out tiny sword marks.

  The remaining two streamer woods were not too particular, and were planted in a spiritual field with rich spiritual power.

  Finally, the remaining ones were the non-grade spiritual firefly grass.

  Fourteen mutant spiritual fireflies with ice spiritual power and the fifty spiritual fireflies planted in the cave at the beginning were planted by Lu Xuan around the entrance of the black wind cave, stimulated by the cold black wind. Twelve

  fire-type mutant spiritual fireflies were planted on the surface of the underground fire river, and the remaining 166 ordinary spiritual fireflies were planted normally.

  After all the spiritual plants were transplanted, half a day had passed. Lu Xuan wiped the non-existent sweat stains on his forehead, stretched his waist, and his bones crackled, and he felt relaxed all over.

  His spiritual sense swept over the mountain. After planting many spiritual plants, the mountain did not show any obvious changes, as if a river flowed into the sea, everything seemed natural.

  "I have never planted such a rich spiritual field..."

  This made Lu Xuan sigh.

  From the half-acre spiritual field in Linyang Market, to the small courtyard with more than an acre of spiritual field containing spiritual springs, to the cave in the Tianjian Sect, although the area of ​​the spiritual field has been expanding, it has always seemed a bit cramped and crowded due to the excessive number of spiritual plants.

  For the first time, I felt the vastness of the planting area.

  He released the grass puppet that broke through to the second level, flicked the gray grass tumor on its huge head, and said with a smile.

  "Your tasks will be much more difficult in the future. The mountain area is larger and the terrain is complex. It will probably take a lot of time to patrol it."

  "Do a good job, and I will reward you with spiritual stones."

  The grass puppet shook its head blankly, took slender steps, and began to familiarize itself with the environment of the mountain.   

  "Guard the spiritual field!"

  With his mind focused, Lu Xuan sensed the only thought in its huge head.

  "The original spiritual field on the mountain is not very large. If you want to plant more spiritual plants, you must cultivate the spiritual field yourself."

  Lu Xuan thought to himself, and checked all the newly planted spiritual plants to confirm that their growth was not affected during the transplantation process.

  "The only disadvantage of a large spiritual field is that the spiritual plants are planted too scattered, and it takes more time to travel."

  After carefully cultivating all the spiritual plants, Lu Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

  But he could only do it himself, and couldn't ask the sect monks to help him plant spiritual plants, because if his participation in the cultivation process was not enough, he might not be able to harvest the light ball reward.

  "I don't know what effect it will have on the spiritual plants if I let my own spirit beasts or puppets help me take care of them.

  Perhaps, when I reach the Jindan realm, I can refine something like an external incarnation, and then help me farm, which would be the best."

  With this currently distant fantasy, he came to the small lake and threw down a handful of spiritual rice.

  The plump spiritual fish attracted to it scrambled for it, and Lu Xuan learned detailed information about them.

  The spiritual fish were of average species, originally ordinary fish. After being placed in this lake with rich spiritual energy, they gradually became a bit strange, but they were not yet of high quality.

  However, Lu Xuan learned that the huge black turtle was a first-grade spiritual beast, with rich spiritual energy in its body, which was extremely nutritious.

  "Raise it first, as a reserve food."

  The species was average, and there was no light ball reward, so Lu Xuan directly decided their future fate.

  At the peak of the mountain, there was an elegant courtyard. Because no cultivator had lived there for a long time, it exuded a bit of decay.

  However, the overall situation was still intact. Lu Xuan renovated it a little, checked it, and moved in directly.

  He made some preparations and planned to invite a few familiar fellow disciples for a small celebration.

  Baili Jianqing, who had known each other before entering the sect and got along easily, Xu Shaoze, a neighbor in the cave before, who often sought opportunities in life and death trials, Huang Yuan, who had frequent exchanges in Qianlong Lake, and Yao Qing, who went out together to deal with the pests of Shuize Lingtao.

  He cast four communication talismans, explained the reason, and informed them of his current cave location.

  Qi training disciples are generally not allowed to enter the inner sect, but it is different if they are personally invited by inner disciples. It is no problem for them to stay for a short time.

  The next day, Lu Xuan received the communication talisman early in the morning. He used his new identity nameplate to pass through several magic arrays and came to the designated location.

  "Brother Lu, uncle master!"

  As soon as he appeared, Baili Jianqing squinted his eyes and greeted him, with a warm smile on his face and a gesture of embrace.

  "What the hell is that name?"

  Lu Xuan pretended to kick him away.

  "Just call me Brother Lu as usual."

  "Yes, Brother Lu, no, Brother Lu!"

  Baili Jianqing responded quickly. He didn't expect that Lu Xuan, who had joined the sect together before, had progressed so fast and had become an inner disciple. The difference in strength and status between the two suddenly became very large.

  However, with the understanding between the two, this did not affect his attitude towards Lu Xuan, but only strengthened his idea of ​​holding on to this thigh tightly.

  (End of this chapter)