
Chapter 136 - The Hundred-Eyed Tree

  "Thank you, Junior Brother."

  Hearing Lu Xuan's words, a hint of joy appeared on the face of the feminine young man, and he hurriedly handed the strange tree to Lu Xuan.

  This strange tree was obtained by chance. Although he could see its extraordinary features at a glance, he knew nothing about the species of the tree, let alone how to grow it.

  Therefore, he could only keep it in the storage bag and helplessly watch the vitality in the tree slowly fade away.

  Now, he was able to stop the loss in time and exchange three pieces of Qingmiao Lingcha tea leaves and a rare second-grade dark marrow ganoderma from Lu Xuan. For him, it was already a good result.

  Lu Xuan was also satisfied and handed the Qingmiao Lingcha tea leaves and dark marrow ganoderma to the feminine young man.

  The Qingtan meeting ended quickly, and he said goodbye to Baili Jianqing and returned to the cave.

  In the room, he counted the gains from this meeting.

  He paid eight pieces of Qingmiao Lingcha tea leaves and a dark marrow ganoderma, and got the second-grade monster beast Barbarian Armor Ox skeleton, four second-grade Bingluo fruit spirit seeds, a good alchemy furnace, and the most important strange tree.

  They are all what he needs at the moment.

  "Refined cultivation still has a good effect. The quality of spiritual plants has been improved, and their value has also risen."

  "If those Qingmiao Lingcha tea leaves and Ansuizhi were only of ordinary quality, it would be much more difficult to exchange for these things."

  Lu Xuan thought secretly in his heart, thankful that he could grasp the current state of spiritual plants and give the most detailed cultivation conditions according to their state, so as to improve the quality of spiritual plants when they mature and gain more benefits for himself.

  He took four Bingluo fruit spiritual seeds and strange small trees to the spiritual field.

  With a thought, the earth-inducing technique was performed, and the structure of the spiritual soil kept changing, revealing a long and thin crack.

  Lu Xuan buried a Bingluo fruit spiritual seed in the crack, controlling the changes in the spiritual soil and covering the spiritual seed just right.

  Then, his mind focused on the spiritual seed in the shallow soil, and a thought flashed through his mind.

  [Bingluo fruit, a second-grade spiritual plant, has a natural icy taste when mature and is extremely delicious. ]

  [After consumption, it can quickly replenish the spiritual power in the body. At the same time, it has an excellent healing effect on external injuries caused by fire magic and internal injuries caused by fire poison. ]

  [When cultivating, it needs to be nourished with ice spiritual power. ]

  "Nourish with ice spiritual power? This is quite simple."

  Lu Xuan sighed. Although he did not have much time to practice, he had just started to learn the "Small Five Elements Gong" and had mastered some basic five elements magic. It was natural for him to release a magic containing ice spiritual power.

  He followed a specific route and circulated the spiritual power in his body. Suddenly, a spiritual rain filled with ice mist appeared above the ice radish fruit spirit seed.

  He guided the ice mist to penetrate into the ice radish fruit spirit seed in the spiritual soil.

  Then, he planted the remaining three ice radish fruit spirit seeds in the spiritual field and also used ice mist spiritual power to nourish and warm them.

  After planting four ice radish fruit spirit seeds, Lu Xuan shifted his sight to the strange little tree.

  He planned to plant the strange tree with pupils in the spiritual field to see what information he could get. If it was just born strangely, but its cultivation method and daily habits were normal, then he would plant it in the cave.

  If its cultivation method was sinister and bloody, and its growth habits were eerie and terrifying, then he would put it in the small courtyard rented in Jianmen Town and let it grow.

  Lu Xuan used the earth-drawing technique to plant the strange tree in the spiritual field.

  With his mind focused, a thought flashed through his mind.

  [The Hundred-Pupil Strange Tree is a fourth-grade spiritual plant. When mature, its fruit is like a strange pupil. It is an excellent material for refining pupil techniques and magic tools. It can also be taken directly to enhance the eyesight of cultivators and monsters. After taking it for many years, it can enable the pupil to gain the ability to see through illusions. ]   

  [Every once in a while, it needs to be cultivated with fresh monster eyes. The later it is, the higher the grade of the eyes needed. ]

  [During the cultivation process, you cannot look directly at the eyes on the spiritual plant for a long time, otherwise it will cause the cultivator to lose his mind. ]

  "Fourth-grade spiritual plant?!"

  Lu Xuan was shocked. This strange little tree called the Hundred Eyes Weird Tree was actually a fourth-grade spiritual plant.

  He cultivated so many kinds of spiritual plants, but this was the first time he encountered a fourth-grade one.

  Fourth-grade spiritual plants have a great effect on the middle and even late stages of foundation building, especially the mature fruits of this Hundred Eyes Weird Tree, which are no different from rare treasures in the eyes of some cultivators who practice special techniques.

  "The only regret is that it is indeed an evil spiritual plant. Not only does it need fresh monster eyes to nourish it, but it may also hurt the spiritual plant master if it is not properly cultivated."

  Lu Xuan thought of the information that emerged in his mind. Looking directly at the Hundred Eyes Weird Tree for a long time may cause the cultivator to lose his mind. It can be seen that this spiritual plant is evil and weird.

  "It can only be placed in the courtyard of Jianmen Town."

  Lu Xuan thought to himself. The cave house is not suitable for cultivating such spiritual plants. In order to get the light ball reward, it can only be planted secretly in the courtyard of Jianmen Town.

  As for the strange growth of the Hundred Eyes Weird Wood, Lu Xuan didn't care much. No matter whether it was a normal spiritual plant or an evil spiritual plant, it was a good spiritual plant that could bring a light ball reward!

  He dug this Hundred Eyes Weird Wood out of the spiritual soil and planned to find time to go out in the next few days and plant it in the courtyard of Jianmen Town.

  "Hey, planting spiritual plants is like a cunning rabbit with three burrows. I need two spiritual fields, one for normal spiritual plants and one for evil spiritual plants."

  Lu Xuan smiled bitterly and shook his head, knowing that this was a helpless move. After all, his current identity was a disciple of a famous sect. If others knew that he was cultivating those underworld spiritual plants, it would have a bad impact.

  However, this helplessness would disappear with the generous rewards of the light ball in the future.

  He took out the alchemy furnace he had exchanged from the storage bag and put away the prepared spiritual medicine materials one by one.

  "After absorbing so many experience packs of Pei Yuan Dan, it's time to practice."

  Lu Xuan was like a novice who had watched his teacher practice countless times. Finally, it was his turn to practice. He was half nervous and half expectant.

  After the initial awkwardness, his movements became faster and faster, and more and more skilled, as if he had simulated countless times in his mind, and he knew every move that followed.

  After a long time, a warm current gushed out, and the lid of the alchemy furnace was opened with a bang, and five round and full white pills shot out.

  Lu Xuan's spiritual power was activated, and the pills fell into his palm.

  "It worked!"

  "I got such a good effect in my first time refining the pill, which is worthy of the experience packs of Pei Yuan Dan formula I absorbed."

  Lu Xuan smiled and exclaimed.

  The quality of the five Pei Yuan Dan pills was very good, and it didn't seem like the pills that could be refined by an alchemist who was refining the pill for the first time.

  "If any senior from the sect saw that I was able to refine pills so smoothly for the first time, and even obtained a high-quality pill, I would have to sigh-"

  "A genius in alchemy, so terrifying!"

  Thinking of this scene, Lu Xuan couldn't help but smile. He knew his own background very well. The reason why he could refine pills so smoothly was entirely due to the effect of absorbing the pill formula experience package.

  Therefore, he was even more looking forward to cultivating spiritual plants that reward high-grade pill formulas.

  (End of this chapter)