
Reincarnation and trailer-kun

Today was a day like any other I woke up, I went to the bathroom and then I got ready to go to school.

While waiting for the bus a trailer tried to overtake a car, it derailed and fell on me ending my life.

That was the last thing he remembered, now he was in a crib in what appeared to be a cabin and outside he could hear the sound of the rain.

Suddenly an old man came into the room with a plate, he came up to me to feed me, he tasted like milk so I took it quickly, because he was hungry, he started talking to me in a strange language, when I finished the dish I finished asleep that was a baby

The next day

I woke up hungry and cried, the old man came back with another bowl of milk and I went back to sleep, this cycle repeats itself for many days eating, shitting and sleeping.

And after so much listening to the words that spoke the old man began to learn the new language, when suddenly I heard a ringing sound in my head

[Skill acquired "Human language"]

And from there I knew I was in another world

The days passed, it turns out that I was in the world of kenja no mago, first I did not realize because the old man in the manga and the old man who looked after me had no apparent resemblance, every time he spoke to me, he recognized "Shin" and "Grandpa" "So I put the connections together and I knew I was in kenja no mago

Another thing I learned is that it is not necessary to study magic if you have a good understanding of physics, also with so many novels that I have read about martial arts and energies such as "manna", "chakra", "Ki", ​​"etc", I wanted to practice it in advance, but as a baby, it would not be normal, so I decided to practice at night while my grandfather was asleep

I closed my eyes and focused on my surroundings, I could feel something moving inside my head, I put more concentration and after a few minutes I found a small ball of energy, it looked like a white sphere, then I connected to that sphere with my conscience and I felt something new

[Ability acquired "Magical sense"]

[Skill acquired "Magic control"]

From there I practiced every night, since I was a baby I could only practice a few hours before I fell asleep

Time skip no jutsu 3 years

Now I was 3 years old and I was allowed to go out of the house, but I did not go very far, in these years I continued to practice my "Control and Magical Sense", now I could feel a lot of mana and manipulate it

Another thing he discovered was that he could enter a status screen similar to a game

Shin Walford

Passive skills

Human language Max

Regeneration of mana Lv 8

Active skills

Magic control Lv 15

Magical sense Lv 15

At first he asked me if I had been like in the games, because I listened to system warnings when I upgraded one skill or learned another, as happened with mana regeneration that he got after a lot of effort, as he fainted every time he used the Magical control, at first I could only control the mana very little, like moving a grain of sand from a desert the size of the world, every time I woke up it started to become easier and over time its magic regenerates faster, giving me access to be able to control more mana

Another thing I knew was that the level limit was 100, thanks to learning to read and write at 2 years of age

For the time being I was in the forest exploring and seeing the difference of the ecosystem compared to that of the earth

I found different kinds of very exotic birds and animals that you could find in the forest of any normal forest on earth, I had not yet found wolves or bears because because I did not have how to defend myself, but not for long

First I tried to form a fireball of about 10 cm, which was quite easy but the problem was that after a while it started to destabilize but I focused and it stayed, I felt like I got tired more and more, so I stopped supply magic and disappeared

that's what I learned after a lot of effort, the world is full of mana, but it's the magical control we have that allows the phenomena known as magic to occur, so when you burn a tree with fire produced by the flames of a fireball will remain burning until the origin of the one who wanted the fire to occur ceases

Another thing I learned is that in this world, all creatures have a magical core which is possible to control the mana

So after an accomplishment, I knew that the demons went crazy because of the large amount of mana they had in their bodies and more specifically, on their forehead, which is where I first felt the white sphere which changed when it passed. the Lv 10 in Magic Control, had some blue dots inside that filled a tenth of the sphere at that time

also the grandfather told me that someone will train me when he turns 6 and while he is going to teach me the basics of magic

Time skip no jutsu 3 years

I'm sorry for taking so long, I work from sunrise to sunset and I have not had time to write

I'm going to try to upload new chapters but for the moment it's going to be sporadic since I get very tired from work

LeviathanJrcreators' thoughts