
[GL] Quick Transmigration: Change of Fate

Sarah owned her own company, learned how to use a sword, knows how to cook, knows how to fight, but after saving a little girl from a truck and a thief, she died protecting the little girl. She was dying on the concrete, bleeding out, while the little girl cried. Then she got connected to a system to help females change their fate in different worlds. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first book and my first time writing so please don't judge it too harshly. Thanks. *Warning* If you didn't check the tags or read the title carefully, this is R18 and GL. *If You Don't Like It, Don't Read It.* Thank You for reading if you did.

rainbowbow_beautys · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

The Queen

*Victoria POV*

I'm so nervous. What if she says no. What if she doesn't fell the same way. What if she laughs at me, even though I don't think she is that kind of person, but what if. Ugh, so many what ifs, I should just tell her, but...that is so much easier said then done. What am I going to do? I never should have brought it up to her.

Sarah: "Uh...my queen? My queen...YOUR MAJESTY!!"

Victoria: "Huh, oh right, um... let's go to my office when we get back. I'll tell you then."

Once we got back, me and Sarah went straight to my office room. I was so nervous the whole way back, my hands were shaking a little.

Get it together Victoria. If she rejects you, then it's fine, it's her loss. Yes just think like that...I can't. I don't think I can-

Sarah: "My queen. Now that we are in your office, what did you want to tell me?"

Ugh, you know what, here goes nothing.

Victoria: "Well, what I wanted to tell you was that I...I...I see that the weather is great today, don't you think so too?"

Sarah: "Uhm...well yes, the weather is great today, but if that's all you're going to say, you could have just told me that while we were walking back. I'm going to go now if that is all."

Victoria: "WAIT!! I...I...I LIKE YOU!! Not just as friends but romantically."

I finally did it.

*Sarah's Pov*

As soon as I heard the queen said that she likes me romantically, my face started to heat up. I didn't know what to say, I was frozen shock. Do I like the queen that way too? What if I don't and she gets hurt? What if she only likes me a little bit? What if-

Victoria: "You don't have to answer me right now. I'm willing to give you 2 weeks to think about it. if after or during the 2 week, you don't feel the same, then we can forget any of this happening, but if you do feel the same way, then we can be together and I would like to announce our relationship at the banquet."

Sarah: "Okay, I'll think about how I feel for you."


*1 Week Later*

After a week of thinking, I'm kind of sure of what I think or more like feel about her, but at the same time, not really. As I was walking into the queen's garden for some fresh air to continue thinking about this, I heard someone talking.

I turned my head and saw the queen talking with some girl I have never seen before. They seem close, maybe a little too close for my liking. Wait, why am I feeling like this. Is this what jealousy is? Why am I jealous? Is it because I like her too? I don't have to be jealous, what if she is a friend? or a relative?

Looking back at the queen and the mysterious girl, they were both laughing, and the queen was blushing. Wait. What am I doing? I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be spying on her, but thinking about Victoria being with some else makes me full of rage and makes my heart ache.

I walked away from them and went somewhere else to clear my head and rethink.

Do I like her? Maybe. Would I get jealous if she was with someone else? From what happened earlier, I probably would be. Would I be okay to see her like someone else the same way that she likes me? No, I would probably be angry or jealous. Does this mean that I like her the same way she likes me? Yeah, I must like her the same way if this is how I'm feeling about seeing her with someone else. I should go tell her before it's too late.

I walked around asking the guards if they have seen the queen. They said that the queen is in her office, so here I go. I'm so nervous, what if she changed her mind? No, I can't think like that. I have to be positive. Reaching Victoria's office, I knocked twice waiting for her to let me in.

Victoria: "Come in."

I went into the room to see that the mystery girl was here with Victoria, making me jealous. She was sitting across from Victoria looking like she was trying to seduce Victoria.

**Warning, It gets a little heated**

I couldn't think about anything else at this moment, when I saw the mystery girl trying to make her move on Victoria. I rushed to Victoria's side, and grabbed her face. I kissed her. I had to show that Victoria was mine. That she belongs to me and no one else.

I kissed her hard. I could feel her plump soft lips on mine. I swiped my tongue on her plump lips, asking for entrance. Once she let me in, I explored her mouth. She tasted sweet, I liked it. I could hear her moan a little here and there, but I myself could not hold back either. I also moaned a little here and there from how good it feels.

Sadly, we had to break apart for air. Once we broke apart, we put our forehead together.

I was so in the moment that I forgot that the mystery girl was still here, until she cleared her throat. This made me and Victoria blush. I'm embarrassed about what I did, but I couldn't control myself. All I thought at that moment was to make sure Victoria knew she was mine.

*Victoria Pov*

I heard a knock on the door and let them in. I was surprised that it was Sarah. I hadn't seen her for a couple days now since I wanted her to think about her feelings alone and didn't want to influence her feelings by being there.

When Sarah came in, she didn't say anything. She just stared at the person sitting across from me and myself then she rushed over to me. Before I can say anything to Sarah or explain anything to her, she grabbed my face and kissed me hard. Oh God, her lips feels so good on my lips. I didn't think that she was this bold to put her tongue in my mouth, but it feels too good. I'm losing focus, I can't think straight with her kissing my lips.

Once we broke apart, I heard someone clear their throat. This helped me clear my head a little, but I blushed from how good that kiss was and how I totally forgot that she was here with us. She was also blushing a little, probably from seeing what happened in front of her.

Victoria: **Cough** "Uhm...Sarah, I would like you to meet..."


(a/n: I know. I know what y'all are thinking. Why the cliff hanger? Well, because, it's more entertaining that way for me. Hehehe. Anyway, see y'all at the next chapter.)