
[GL] Quick Transmigration: Change of Fate

Sarah owned her own company, learned how to use a sword, knows how to cook, knows how to fight, but after saving a little girl from a truck and a thief, she died protecting the little girl. She was dying on the concrete, bleeding out, while the little girl cried. Then she got connected to a system to help females change their fate in different worlds. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first book and my first time writing so please don't judge it too harshly. Thanks. *Warning* If you didn't check the tags or read the title carefully, this is R18 and GL. *If You Don't Like It, Don't Read It.* Thank You for reading if you did.

rainbowbow_beautys · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

The Queen

Victoria: " Alright. I'll stay since you want me to. "

*No One's POV*

Sarah was getting close to finish cooking after a couple of minutes. The aroma of the food smelt so delicious that some of the people in the kitchen started to drool with saliva going down their mouth. The food that Sarah cooked was one of a kind, no one had ever cooked like that before. The people in the kitchen were eager to have a taste but, so did the queen.

The queen had to try hard to compose herself so that she doesn't drool or act desperate to try the food that had been cooked. She tried hard to not make a fool out of herself.

Sara: "All done. Alright, so who want to try first? Since your majesty is here. would you like to have a taste first?"

Victoria: "The head chef may try first, won't you, head chef?"

Head Chef: "Uh...yes, your majesty, it would be an honor for me to try the food first."

The head chef took a fork and took a bite with the meat and the vegetables together. After he ate it, he stood up from his seat and stood frozen by his seat.

Head Chef: "What is this?!?! This is so good. Where did you learn to cook like this? I have never tasted anything like this before. Are you willing to share your recipe with me?"

Victoria: "Let me try and see what the fuss is about?"

Although the queen, Victoria, was trying to act like she doesn't care at all, on the inside, she was very eager to try some. After the queen had some, she froze on the spot, not moving.

Sarah: "What's wrong? Is it bad? I thought that my cooking skills were pretty good, and I thought it tasted fine. Does it not suit your taste, my queen?"

Victoria unfroze when she heard Sarah said, "my queen." She looked at Sarah with an unfazed reaction, but if one was to look closely, you could see her ear turning light pink.

Victoria: "This is not bad. I'm willing to listen to any reasonable condition you may have in order for you to become my personal chef."

When the queen had said this, all the people in the kitchen was shocked speechless. Their queen had not once made an offer like this before. Whether a person wants to do something she request (not order) or not, she wouldn't care or give it a second thought, but now the queen is trying to get Sarah to become her personal chef. This was a surprised to not only Sarah, but also the people in the kitchen.

Victoria: "How about we discuss this with some tea in another room? Someone make some tea and bring it to my study. As for the food, save some for me and the rest of you can have the left overs. Now, we should be on our way Sarah."

As Sarah and the queen make their way out of the kitchen and into her study, the queen asked Sarah a couple of questions here and there, wanting to get to know her better, but not trying to show that she likes Sarah. Once they reach the queen's study someone brought in tea for Victoria and Sarah to drink.

Victoria: "Let's get down to business. What are your conditions so that you can become my personal chef? As long as it is reasonable, I am willing to fulfill your conditions."

Sarah: "I don't want much. No matter what happens, I want you to be on my side. I also want to come and go as I please but, I will cook for you when you need it. As long as you give me your word and keep this promise, I will cook for you and do whatever you ask as long as it is reasonable. Do we have deal?"

Victoria: "Hmm...alright. You have yourself a deal. Let's put this in paper so neither can go back on their word."

Party A - The Queen, Victoria

Party B - Sarah

Party A is to always be on Party's B side no matter what as long as it isn't something bad and Party A is to let Party B come and go as they please. As long as Party A keeps their word, Party B will cook for them and do anything they ask as long as Party A's request is reasonable.

Victoria: "Is this enough to reassure you? If you want to change anything, tell me. If you are okay with this, then put your fingerprint on the paper using your blood."

After Sarah looked through the paper and found no errors, she put her fingerprint on the paper in blood and so did the queen.

Victoria: "I will have a maid show you the schedule of when I eat so you know when to cook for me. You may use the kitchen as you please."

Sarah: "Alright. Since we're done, I guess I'll be seeing you around my queen."

After Sarah left, Victoria was left in a blushing mess, but still tried to push her feelings aside to finish all her paperwork that was left on the table.