

There was an ancient being known as the Author, sitting lazily at his desk inside of a dimension that he had created just a few eons ago. Long story short... Boredom had struck once again, and so, feeling somewhat rejuvenated but also rather distracted by a new idea that had recently popped into his head, he eventually opened up to the first page of a new book, which was completely blank and readily awaiting to be written on. ---------- I'd advise you to read the entire description! Just saying... ---------- [Disclaimer #1: I do not claim ownership of any pictures that are seen within this story. All of the credit goes to their creators, whoever they are.] [Disclaimer #2: I do not claim to be a good writer, nor have I ever done that. I write because it provides a good distraction for me to avoid thinking about certain aspects of my life. Not only that, however, but it's always felt relaxing for me to do in my free time. As a result, there isn't really a consistent upload schedule in my works. I just do it whenever I feel like it.] [Disclaimer #3: I'm just going to put this here, at least for the people who seem to get the meanings mixed up, but I'm talking about the three variations of NTR. It's divided up into three types. I'll just give the really basic definitions. 1. Netorare: Your partner is stolen away from you. 2. Netori: You steal someone else's partner. 3. Netorase: You allow your partner to be with someone else. Just to add some clarification, the MC will be doing the second one: Netori. He is not a cuck whatsoever, so there's no need to be afraid of that sort of thing happening.] [Disclaimer #4: This is a work of fiction. While a story can be realistic, there are just certain things that you shouldn't bother trying to apply realism to. Just give it some thought and then rethink your decision about making such an insignificant complaint.] [Disclaimer #5: Do not be surprised by the amount of smut that may be included within this story. I plan on implementing quite a bit later down the line, so I've just decided to throw out a premature warning in case there are complaints about it in the future.] ---------- [Tags: Harem, Romance, Action, Adventure, Situational Power Levels, R18, Magic, Superpowers, Wish Fulfillment, Apocalypse, Netori, Alternate Universe Elements, Positive Tones, Dark Tones, World Travel, Possible Crossovers, Shota, Breeding, Tragedy, Slow Pace, Fast Pace, Major Character Death, Gender Switches, No Yuri, System.] (The tags might either change or expand as time goes on.)

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25 Chs


The air in the bustling village was warm, a stark contrast to the cold, snowy remnants of Dante's past. Two weeks had passed since he found refuge in this larger settlement, but the weight of the traumatic events still clung to him like a persistent shadow. Dante had been merely existing, going through the motions of each day, haunted by nightmares and the lingering pain of the weapon he last fought against.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the cobbled streets, Dante found himself trudging through the marketplace after another day of labor. The faces around him blurred into a sea of strangers, each engaged in their own pursuits, oblivious to the turmoil within him.

Suddenly, a familiar figure caught Dante's eye. A short old man with long white hair, wearing an eye-catching dark green coat, and somewhat discreetly carrying an old-looking gun and a sword approached him. Recognition flickered in Dante's eyes as he realized who it was.

"You!" Dante exclaimed, surprised and somewhat relieved to see the old man. The old man's keen eyes studied Dante for a moment before breaking into a warm smile.

"...Dante, correct? It's certainly been a while. What brings you to the east?" The elder's voice was both gruff and comforting, a strange mix that Dante remembered well.

They exchanged a few pleasantries, and then the old man suggested they find a more secluded spot to catch up. They moved towards a quiet alleyway, away from the prying eyes of the crowded streets.

As they leaned against the cold stone walls, Dante's eyes betrayed the turmoil within. The memories of the destroyed village and the separation from Asirpa weighed heavily on him. The white-haired elder, perceptive as ever, sensed the boy's unease.

"Something troubles you, Dante. I can see it in your eyes," Toshizou said, his voice low and understanding.

Dante hesitated for a moment, glancing around to ensure their privacy. Then, with a heavy sigh, he began to recount the harrowing events of that fateful day.

"The village... it was attacked. A ruthless army, masked soldiers. Asirpa and I fought back, but we got separated. I... I don't know if she's alive," Dante confessed, the pain evident in his voice.

Toshizou's expression quickly grew somber as he absorbed the gravity of Dante's words. The two fell into a contemplative silence, the only sounds being the distant hum of the village and the echoes of Dante's story.

"I'm sorry, my boy. War brings forth both the cruel and the courageous. But you mustn't let the shadows of the past consume you," The old man advised, placing a hand on Dante's shoulder.

Dante, his eyes reflecting a mixture of grief and determination, looked up at Toshizou. "I can't just forget. Asirpa saved my life."

The old man nodded, understanding the weight of duty and friendship. "Then, we'll find her together. But first, you need to regain your strength and purpose. You can't help anyone if you let despair take hold."

With a newfound resolve, Dante nodded in agreement. The encounter with Toshizou sparked a glimmer of hope in the depths of his despair. The journey to uncover the truth and reunite with Asirpa was a daunting one, but Dante was ready to face the shadows of the past head-on.


The days passed, and Dante found himself growing more and more restless the longer he dwelled around the area where he had sought refuge after his unexpected but much-appreciated reunion with Toshizou.

Toshizou, the old man from his past, stayed within the safety of the settlement, offering guidance and support to Dante while also seemingly tending to a few other things that he didn't really care enough to ask about. However, after Dante regained the majority of his purpose and willingness to search for Asirpa, the boy had been wanting to leave the area as soon as possible.

One morning, after finally leaving his meager job behind, Dante felt a strange but very familiar sensation. It was the system, the mysterious interface that only he could perceive. Translucent screens appeared before him, hovering in the air.

Dante focused on the system's menu, his eyes scanning through the various options. With a determined glint in his eyes, Dante accessed the system's shop. Rows of items and skills appeared before him, each with its own description and cost. He scrolled through the options, searching for something that would aid him on his journey.

And then, he found it – something called Gintoki's Bokutō, a wooden katana that briefly displayed an unusual aura surrounding it. The description intrigued him – as it apparently possessed an unnatural durability despite the material it seemed to be made of. Not only that, but it also supposedly contained the memories of the original owner's incredible swordsmanship, and with the knowledge of all that dwelling within the simple-looking weapon, Dante made a decision fairly quick.

Without much hesitation, Dante purchased the wooden katana. As he did, the interface responded with a subtle glow, and the weapon subsequently materialized within his hands an instant later. Gintoki's Bokutō felt weighty and real, the memories of its previous owner echoing in the recesses of Dante's mind. He felt it was a reasonable purchase, and considering Toshizou offered to teach him some tips and tricks, or in other words, lessons, once they left the area, he figured it would last long enough until he eventually bought something even better.

It did come at a bit of a price, however. The boy would no doubt reflect on it later, but now just wasn't the time, nor did he honestly feel like he would be as negatively affected as some others might assume as a result of his admittedly-quick decision.

With Gintoki's Bokutō at his side, Dante felt a subtle surge of energy. The wooden katana practically became an extension of himself, a vessel of untapped potential as he swung it through the air. Testing its balance, he sensed a resonance with the memories that had recently embedded themselves within his mind, and couldn't help but smile slightly for the first time since...

The time he went on his first hunt with Asirpa, if he wasn't mistaken.

Just like that, the smile was gone in a flash, and quickly replaced with a somber determination instead. For the rest of the day, the boy decided that he would try to get used to his newly-acquired weapon.


As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the village, Dante continued practicing with Gintoki's Bokutō on the secluded outskirts of the settlement. Toshizou eventually began observing him from a distance after finishing up with whatever it was that had been keeping him busy, his experienced eyes noting Dante's progress and the connection forming between the young boy and the wooden katana.

Even though Dante hadn't told him where or how he had obtained that wooden katana, and he wasn't going to bother asking either since it really didn't matter, it was clear to Toshizou that something was different about it. What that was, he wasn't sure just yet. However, not only that, but the old man also took notice of the boy's sudden adeptness at the sword, and quickly concluded that the weapon had a part in that unexpected development. There was no fooling an experienced swordsman such as himself, or at least not at this level.

The rhythmic sound of the blade slicing through the air echoed throughout the grassy field. Dante's movements seemed to gradually become more fluid over time, his mind aligning with the memories embedded within the weapon, the latter part unbeknownst to the old man. Toshizou nodded approvingly, suspicious yet uncaring of the possibilities as to how Dante might've obtained his newfound skill with the blade. Nevertheless, he recognized the potential slowly awakening within the sixteen-year-old.

"You appear to have a natural aptitude for that, Dante." Toshizou remarked, his gruff voice carrying a sense of acknowledgement. "But remember, a weapon is only as good as the one who wields it. Skill and determination will shape your destiny."

Dante acknowledged Toshizou's words with a determined nod. The old man's teachings, coupled with the unique properties of Gintoki's Bokutō, would no doubt mold Dante into a more formidable force. It wasn't just a weapon; it was a conduit for the skills of its previous owner, a legacy that Dante was eager to use to his advantage.

As the night enveloped the village, Toshizou approached Dante, a serious expression on his weathered face. "Tomorrow, we set out on the road. Got it?"

The boy simply nodded.


The journey stretched before them, a series of casual encounters and brief training sessions under Toshizou's watchful eye. The old swordsman insisted on balancing progress with moments of rest and skill improvement. They veered off their path from time to time, finding picturesque spots to sleep under the stars or to engage in spars.

As they traversed the road ahead, Dante had the chance to interact with a few strangers who ended up crossing their path. Some were fellow travelers with stories to share, while others were locals of the area providing directions or tales of the lands they had explored. Admittedly, the old man was more sociable than him, but a few of those people had caught his attention long enough to make for brief distractions along the way. He supposed he needed it every once in a while.

Toshizou chose idyllic spots for training, the air filled with the rhythmic sound of Gintoki's Bokutō slicing through the air. The old man's gruff voice offered guidance, his eyes keenly observing Dante's progress. "Remember, Dante, a true swordsman is not only skilled in the art of combat but also in understanding when to rest and reflect."

The wooden katana, once an unfamiliar weight in Dante's hands, began to feel more natural over time. The memories within it whispered to him, guiding his movements as he swung through the air. Each session brought a gradual improvement, and Dante found himself appreciating the bond forming between him and the wooden katana.

As they rested under the stars, Toshizou shared stories of his own journeys, battles fought, and the lessons he had learned along the way. In the end, the boy had somberly realized just how much the old man had gone through, and it was humbling to learn about. Dante, in turn, spoke of his complicated connection with Asirpa, the destruction of the village, and the void that had subsequently been left in its wake.

One day, they approached the outskirts of a village, an air of slight mystery surrounding it. Even the atmosphere felt tinged with an ominous energy. Dante couldn't shake the feeling that the place felt like that for a reason, and the villagers, though seemingly welcoming, had a watchful gaze that hinted at something he couldn't quite distinguish for whatever reason.

Entering the village, which he realized was apparently called Kyoroch by one of the villagers, Dante and Toshizou were greeted by someone every once in a while as they searched for a place to eat. They eventually found a spot, and it was decent, but they didn't really stick around for very long since Dante couldn't help but feel a little creeped out by how much people would stare at them from time to time. He figured it was due to a lack of new visitors, but he wasn't sure.

As night fell, Dante and the old man had already found themselves an inn to stay in, each with their own room, as they decided to treat themselves for the first time since leaving the other village.

The boy stared out a window, eyeing the village and the people walking along the streets. Everything seemed okay, but he just couldn't get it out of his head that something felt weird about the place. Either way, the boy was tired, so he eventually hopped into bed and fell asleep shortly after.


The next morning, Dante prepared himself for another day and made sure to take a shower, but once he was finished and dressed again, he sat down on the edge of his bed and examined a familiar item within his hand. It was the pendant that the old man had given him, and the thing that actually took him out of the snowy environment he had grown somewhat accustomed to.

[Dimension Formation: Shambhala]

A support-type Teigu that takes the form of a hand-sized pendant. Its user is granted the ability to manipulate space, allowing them to teleport people and objects over large distances, but at the cost of a period of time being required to pass before it can be used again.

Dante's heart broke nearly every time he looked at the thing now. If he had just known beforehand, the boy figured he could've prevented his separation from Asirpa. He was angry at himself, and had been for a while at this point. Not to mention, and shockingly enough, Shambhala and that soldier's weapon he picked up amidst his escape were apparently a part of the same set. They were essentially the same thing, just in two different forms.

A Teigu.

The name confused him, as well as left the boy curious for more information. However, rather than lingering in his room, Dante put the hand-sized Teigu away and made his way over to Toshizou's door, intent on letting him know that he would be heading out to explore the village and most likely get some training in.