
[Fanfic] Mass Effect: Reincarnated with the Raven Branwen Template

Life is Pain Hope Fails now you understand... ~ Sylvanas Windrunner. Honestly growing up on Omega in the Mass Effect Universe will turn anyone into a terrible piece of filth... So lets watch our terrible girl F*ck sh*t up all over the Mass Effect 1-3 universe striking unholy fear into the council and the Systems Alliance as well while she's at it. Oh and she will definitely give a Visit to TIM causing him to have many nights of zero sleep... So yeah Cerberus the Terrorist Organization of the ME Universe is going to be terrorized in return xD

Crimson1997 · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Boneweave, No more time limits! And songs that echo the past

"Raven you don't have to do this you know? You already outclass all races when it comes to strength, speed, endurance, combat prowess, intelligence and strategy... Why do you need to put yourself at risk like this?" Aria shows a concerned face.

"Preparing for the worst she is." Mordin Solas is preparing the [bone weave V]

"I know! I saw it through are meld... But she has already gone beyond human limits... What if something goes wrong!?" Aria slams her fist covered in biotics into the wall.

"You don't have to worry, Aria. I have taken care of everything. I have a 100% chance of coming out of this, okay?" Raven cups Aria's left cheek and Aria slams her lips onto Raven's.

"I swear if you're lying I'll... I'll..." Aria tears up, which is very rare for her and hasn't happened for over a century.

"I know." Raven holds her hand with a genuine smile, not the fake ones that Raven usually shows.

"The Pain will be immense. I advise you to bite onto this." Mordin hands Raven a specialized cloth meant to cushion the teeth for soldiers who are undergoing field surgery on the battlefield.

"I won't be able to take any more Gene Mods after this... If I take any more after the [Bone weave V], my body and DNA will collapse. Additionally, my bones will be enhanced five times... More importantly... There will no longer be a time limit." Raven sighs and then the bone weave gets injected into all her bones, including her skull and spine so she bites the cloth and screams.

/// three weeks later.

"My bones don't feel any different, but since I can punch through Silaris Armoring and only get deep cuts and bruising, I'd say the bone weave is working well." Raven smirks, not at all bothered that her hand is being stitched up by Mordin.

"Reckless! Needlessly reckless!" Mordin shows a furious expression.

"Hey it's only thin Silaris armor! It's not like I am going to be punching through starship plating! Give me a break." Raven smirks.

"No! Keep you away from Silaris from now on! You are Galaxy's only hope! Can't have you losing a limb! Bad Raven Bad!" Mordin growls.

"I'm not a Varren." The corners of Raven's lips twitch.

"Act like a feral one! Will keep an eye on you from now to ensure you don't recklessly throw away life!" Mordin sighs.

"At least I won't have to run away from prolonged engagements anymore... Without bone weave my muscles due to [Muscle Weave X] were creaking from the strain... If I fought any longer with Anderson my bones would be breaking all over... I plan to go back and kill that evil scum Udina! This time I won't fail due to my Gene mods. His days are numbered. Anderson and those N7's are going to be fighting me at my peak if they discover me again!" Raven narrowed her eyes dangerously at the end of her speech.

/// A week later.

"Since Valeera was so adamant about not conforming, I figured I'd do the same as her but since I'm a galactically wanted woman, I will be doing this from Omega... My genetics are strongly tied to Japan so I will be singing Japanese music from a bygone era where humanity did not conform to the wider galactic community. Enjoy the music and if you don't, I will hunt you down and kill you." Raven couldn't help but have a bout of nervousness since this is the real her and not just a facade/fake identity.


Ash By LiSA


Dark Seeks Light

"these two songs are called Etoile and Orion... It is a song that conveys my deepest feelings for the woman I love... Aria T'Loak... My dearest please prepare to be embarrassed!" Raven smiles.

After the two songs Raven was bonked on the head by a Thessian Red Temple which costs 50,000 credits courtesy of Aria. Raven shakes her head to get rid of the shards of glass.

"Anyways~ Now these songs are very close to my heart and unfortunately describe my life up to this point in order..." Raven gives a defeated sigh.

'Metal Gear Rising Revengeance songs have never been so close to my heart as they are now after this entire decade... From cared for to slave from slave to master from mercenary to cripple from cripple to assassin and killing the one that crippled me that I acknowledged that we weren't so different and now finally having a love for killing and hope for war... My life has been a fucking rollercoaster... If it were any other kid that grew up like this they would be dead inside... Instead I ended up broken hoping for atonement...' Raven sings the songs that she loathes but also holds dear.


I'm my own Master Now

The Only Thing I Know For Real

 It Has To Be This Way

Red Sun


"I'm exhausted and am done..." Raven leaves a sorrowful audience. The Audience don't see a ruthless killer but a broken woman. People from around the Galaxy given solemn faces or simply cried their tears out. Crime in the galaxy dropped by 1% music is a powerful thing for the alien races and has strong cultural significance to all the aliens and so they think of music in a much different way than humans.

'Damn... A 16 year old should not be this damn tired of life... I know mentally I am an adult woman but my teenage hormones are starting to become a real problem... I can't fucking wait until I'm done with puberty! ...I can't do it! I can't cause this kind of pain to the galaxy! No... I have to do it... No one else will.' Raven wipes her tears and sniffs.

"Get your shit together Raven! Don't be a little bitch and just do it!" Raven psychs herself up and starts walking toward her apartment with her usual confidant steps not the faltering ones she was using minutes ago.

So the next chapters will be basically flash backs. It will show how a young Raven was cared for by a retired blue suns merc and then captured and sold as a slave and the second chapter will detail how she was crippled and struggled for three years to come up with an invention to fix herself among other things. I can't go into too many details since I just finished this chapter but I have a rough idea on the next chapters that will show the past and then onto killing Udina.

Crimson1997creators' thoughts