
[DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils

[Congratulations, You are now a Criminal!] WHAT--? Branded as an untouchable genius by some, a madman by the majority, and a worthless piece of trash by all, he was just another jaded teenager trying to survive in the chaotic world of the 21st Century. Just one insignificant individual out of 1.3 Billion. But when fate twisted his path and forced him into the clichéd trope of transmigration, he naively hoped for something different. Yet again, reality proved to be a brutal disappointment So what could a worn and weathered book possibly do to change what fate has ordained upon him? "And WHO ARE YOU CALLING CRIMINAL?!?!?!" ******************************* Current World - Highschool DXD, Jujutsu Kaisen, Harry Potter & Lord of the Mysteries. You can support me on Patreon. Link: Patreon.com/Midwintersnow

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58 Chs

Chapter 24: New Identity

[Third Person's Point of View]

"Hmm" Augustus sunk into the couch, his eyes trained on the TV as it broadcasted news about Democratic Party member and Colorado Governor - Garrett Walker. The topic at hand? His plans for the 2016 US Presidential Election, which were already in motion a month ahead of time

He was staying in one of the luxurious top-floor suite rooms at the Willard in Washington D.C.

Being his first time in America, it was only natural that he wanted to stay at one of the most renowned and historical hotels in D.C.

Once he had obtained everything he needed for Underwood, he erased his memories and teleported away with Lennox's corpse in his spatial storage.

His Teleport could take him to places only he had been before, so he had to formulate some frankly complicated plans to cross the space-time barrier 'Iunctio', which separated the Underworld from Earth. However, he was summoned at a perfect time, saving him from having to spend another month navigating and strategizing.

In addition to the information he wanted, Augustus also obtained essential details about the present condition of America from Francis.

The existence of the supernatural world was common knowledge among the elite circles of Washington D.C. Wards, designed to prevent teleportation, were placed around the homes of important government officials and would alert the Federal Bureau of Arcane Affairs a.k.a the FBAA if anyone attempted to break in.

Being a US Congress Majority Whip, Underwood was protected under even stringent measures and wards. But for this particular occasion, he made an exception and disabled the barriers in order to summon his contracted devil, Lennox. It wasn't uncommon for Congress members to have contracts with devils; in fact, it was quite prevalent. Those who didn't were usually supported by the Vatican on the International Congress of Magic (ICM), which served as the magical equivalent of the United Nations in this world.

Except this UN had real powers.

Even the President of the United States had a direct line to Satan Leviathan, the Pope and the Grand Wizard of ICM.

The very familiar Grand Wizard whose name had sent Augustus straight to shock-town.

ICM's Grand Wizard, the Strongest Special Grade Magician in the world - Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. 

He was uncertain of his emotions at that moment. As a child, he adored everything about Harry Potter. But now, the timeline deviated from what he remembered reading in the books.

The Dark Rebellion led by Voldemort was quickly squashed under a year by Dumbledore and the ICM when it began to gain traction. Following the end of World War II, any and all Dark Lords met a similar fate as the ICM did not want to risk another rise to power like that of Grindelwald's.

He was torn between feeling proud that his original homeland, the British Isles, remained one of the most prominent and oldest magical communities in the world, and feeling disappointed that his beloved book had been destroyed in this world.

The Global Magical Power Index site showed that England had the second most number of magicians or wizards in the world, just behind the USA.

Yet, there was one small island nation that stood firmly at the top with the sole possession of the world's only Transcendent-Grade Sorcerer, Gojo Satoru.

"I need to get there as soon as possible" He felt a sense of urgency as his determined gaze reflected the rapid pace of his thoughts as he processed the new variables and adjusted his plan accordingly.


Edward Moreno was far from being an average person. With a wealth of knowledge and experience gained through his years as a high-ranking official in the Department of Homeland Security, he has unparalleled expertise in the intricate workings of the U.S. immigration system.

Living in a luxurious mansion located in an affluent D.C. neighbourhood, the 46-year-old man would never have been able to afford such opulence without his underhanded deals.

Those who knew him all called him the ghostwriter, the nation's foremost authority in creating fake identities. His work was truly flawless, undetectable to even the most stringent of checks, a testament to his mastery and understanding of the system.

From his window, Moreno observed the sun sinking below the D.C. horizon as evening approached.

As the Presidential Elections drew closer, it was evident that the country was in a precarious political state.

"Should I move to my farmhouse in Texas...." he said to no one in particular and he continued to sip his coffee in peace.

He waited for a brief moment before turning around and stepping into his connected office. Inside, he saw an unassuming man with brown hair sitting in his chair and casually flipping through his paperwork.

"How did you get in here?" Edward questioned the man as he calmly took a seat in front of him. The windows were bolted from the inside and he hadn't noticed the office door open at any point. This could only mean one thing.


Being a former High-ranking official of Homeland Security, he was well-versed in the existence of supernatural forces. As a precaution, his home was protected by wards to prevent any unauthorized teleports inside.

The presence of a stranger in his office was a clear sign that he possessed greater power than the wards could obstruct. And the fact that the FBAA had yet to arrive meant that he was facing this alone.

Augustus glanced up from the papers in his hand, meeting the gaze of the unnaturally composed middle-aged man standing before him.

"I have a favour to ask of you, Mr Moreno"

Edward was aware that the man could have easily taken his life without revealing himself, so the fact that he was still breathing meant that he possessed something valuable to the other person. His hunch was confirmed when the stranger's words gave him a sense of assurance.

"Ah, nothing much. Just need to browse through your.....memories"

[Search Memory]


"Phew. Finally done!!" Augustus yawned as he plopped on his bed in his suit in the Willard. For the last four days since the meeting with Edward, he got insanely busy running around to get his new documents made.

His plans and calculations had finally solidified in his head and he needed proper identification documents to proceed with them.

He could have easily left the matter in the hands of Edward Moreno and enjoyed a few leisurely days in his hotel suite. But that would have been too obvious, and someone smart enough could easily trace it back to him. It was a gamble he couldn't afford to take.

So he had to do the entire process manually. He got the information from Edward on his entire network of contacts, each specializing in different aspects of the identity creation process. These were master forgers who could craft documents with meticulous attention to detail, hackers who inserted digital records into governmental databases, and insiders who ensured that any attempt to verify Alex's new identity would confirm its authenticity.

He meticulously went to every single person and altered their memories to ensure that there was never a trace of manually creating August Blackwood.

Only the last step was left to make his identity foolproof; to become August Blackwood.

But that he would do tomorrow, for now, he needed to sleep.


As the sun rose and cast its light upon the dark world, Augustus sat in his room preparing for what he knew would be an important day. It was the beginning of his new life, the first step on the path towards his carefully crafted plan.

When he came back last night, he finally had all the necessary paperwork: a driver's license, a Social Security card, and a passport. Each document looked like any other issued by the government. To anyone who saw it, Augustus appeared to be a true and legal citizen of the United States, with a background just as valid as anyone else's.

But in such cases, people always tend to go for a low-key profile, trying to give as little area of scrutiny to others as possible.

However, Augustus made a bold decision to take the opposite path. He was going to be involved in the world of sorcery, where the first thing they do when he comes in contact with them is to check his background. If there was even a hint of doubt, he would never be able to proceed with his plan, so he decided to take a brand new path.

Augustus teleported to the superintendent's office at New Trier Township High School, the alma mater of August Blackwood who had recently graduated only a few months ago.

Dr Dennis Scott, the incumbent superintendent got up from his chair to greet Augustus.

"Welcome August", As soon as the black-haired man with purple eyes teleported into his office, Dennis greeted him warmly. Augustus had prioritized this visit to the school when he was teleporting around, making sure to solidify his new identity.

"Have done what I've asked?" 

"Yes. Exactly as you told me to."

Augustus modified the memories of the staff to make it seem like he always studied at this school.

With consistent top grades and a long list of extracurricular achievements, August Blackwood was a model student. Not only excelling in academics but also as captain of the swim team and star debater for the school, he was depicted as a bonafide genius.

However, he knew that not all of it was fabricated. Augustus understood the impossibility of his current-self altering years of a person's memories with such precision without leaving any evidence or causing harm to other memories. 

So almost everything he implanted was taken from his first life, where he was indeed everything written on his now fake report card.

"Every document has been perfectly modified. I oversaw everything myself"

He nodded satisfactorily at the man's response. 

'It's time then'

[Anti-Detection Barrier]

A transparent barrier spread out from him and covered the entire school campus. Its main function was to prevent the detection of the large-scale magic he was about to cast.

[Conditional Memory Magic: Memory Addition]

The students and faculty present on the campus stood frozen, their eyes dull and unseeing, glazed over like dolls in a trance. But in an instant, the glazed look receded and they resumed their normal activities, unaware of the spell that had just been cast.

They continued with their life, with the only difference being memories of a raven-haired amethyst-eyed boy added to their mind.

The magic worked differently on everyone, granting them each their own personalised set of memories about the person named August.

Easily the most intricate spell he had ever attempted, it took him a full four days to perfect after its initial conception.

"Thank You" Augustus flashed a grateful smile at the superintendent, making sure to erase any trace of his magical presence on the campus before teleporting away to his final destination.

His new home; the Blackwood Mansion.


[Omake 1.1]

Augustus walked up to a lavish English manner that read 'Blackwood Estate'

'Hehe. Once I complete this step, no one can identify me', he walked up the lawn to the front gate of the mansion and pressed the calling bell.

~Ding ~Dong

"Coming!" a female voice responded from inside. 

'Yes. Come and get hypnotised hahaha. How evil!'


The door opened revealing a stunning lady with blond hair and violet eyes glowing like amethyst under the sun.

"Yes? Who..."



"Emma. Who is it....Son!??" The shocked voice of Alexander echoed throughout the hallway as he shakily walked up beside his wife.

"What are you doing here, sweetie?" Emma asked, shocked to see her son at the doorstep.

"What am I doing here? What are YOU guys doing here?!?!?"

"Ahaha. April Fool?"

"You think I'll buy that?!"

Tears welled up Emma's stunning eyes giving her an angelic look. "Waaah! I wanted to give you an anime protagonist backstory! Wahh! I am soo sorry!"


[Omake 1.2] [Probably cannon in some other omniverse]


[Congratulations, you are the chosen one!]

[Ascendance System fused with your soul]

"Yes yes! Here comes my cheat! Woohoo!" Augustus yelled out in elation. Finally, his future was looking bright.

[Based on your initial race, the Demoness Pathway has been selected for you.]

Or not.

"Fuck! Fuck this shit!! F************"

(Some of you explain why this is bad. I am too lazy rn.)

[Comment Here]


[Omake 1.3]

"You," the muscular devil started, built at a huge 7'2, the man could intimidate anyone by his physique alone. "Join my peerage"

'Huh? Is this fucker dumb?'

Seeing the confusion on the silver-haired devil's face, Lennox continued, "You have a good face, body, hair and height. We would have good times together. If you join my peerage within the next minute, I'll call you daddy!" 

The muscular man averted his eyes as a shy look appeared on his face.



Augustus' transformation changed as he took on a disfigured female look; "Ahh sorry. I am actually a female" 

Her new high-pitched tone was unpleasant to the ears of everyone present.

Lennox's face fell at the revelation. "Then you can go..."

"Wait", Hailey suddenly interrupted them and shot near Augustus. She bit her lips as she eyed him up.

"I don't mind" 


'I am done with this shit!'

[Material Burst]


[Omake 1.4]

[Memory Search]

Augustus went through Francis' memory at a rapid pace, before tossing the unconscious man on the hard floor.

An evil smirk ran up his face as he locked onto his next target

"Guess I am running for the presidential election"

[A few months later]

"Congratulations Mr. President!"

"Congratulations President Ashford!"

Congratulations from all around poured in as the newly sworn-in 45th President of the United States of America walked into his Oval Office.

"Mr. President!" Directors and Generals all saluted him as he entered the office and sat at the iconic desk.

"What will be your first directive as the President?" 

Claire, his running mate and the Vice-President asked him.

"We are going to invade The Underworld"


Sharp gasps sounded from all over the room as voices of denial and objections made themselves known to him.


The room slowly descended into silence as their President banged the table like a judge banging his gravel on the bench.

"I got confirmed news from the AIA" He paused and looked around the faces in the room, who waited for him to continue, "Gentleman, they have OIL"

Silence stretched out for a brief moment before all of them yelled in unison

"Sir Yes Sir!"

"We gotta introduce them to democracy!"

"Freedom. Underworld needs freedom!!!"

"Your orders Sir!" 

He smiled in satisfaction at their enthusiasm.

"Better than any hypnosis. Now your turn, Underworld"


Author-san here!!!

Happy Easter and April Fool's Day (Ik it's late)

And new world introduced ---- dadada it's - Harry Potter. (Tho this one will be a lot divergent from the cannon)

Anyways, early chapter since you guys Stoned me to death (Sorry. Bad Pun :*)

The next chapter is on Friday. The last one of the week.

But if you guys want it early (IK you do).....for that we need 

350 Powerstones

(hahaha. Me evil)


My Patreon has been under review for the last 2 days, so as soon as it's done, I'll update you guys.

Byee, See Ya :)