
[DC] A New Life (dropped)

A child that has lived a terrible past life sacrifices themselves for a grown man and you would think that would get some brownie points with whatever God or gods there where but no his life gets turned every which way when he is reincarnated in Gotham City with his parents heads hanging over him literally. by the way this is my first time writing so if you notice any mistakes please do let me know I will try to fix it as soon as I find out and if you have any tips those are also appreciated WARNING:I don't own any of the characters or story this right is reversed for the creators of the DC universe I only own the main character.

Shadow_Fan_9247 · Seni bela diri
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8 Chs

Batman ???

after the MC calmed down he started to think of how to get out of this situation.

but he couldn't think of a way to get out of this, he was stuck. he could barely move as a toddler and even if he could get out of his crib the guys had guns.

while the MC was thinking that he heard the sound of fire slowly growing and saw the door produce a faint but ever increasing glow.

when the fire finally broke through the door the MC already had his blanket covering his mouth to prevent the smoke from entering his lungs.

suddenly as the fire broke through and touched the floor the ground burst into flames. consuming everything in its fiery glow wakeing up the adults tide to their respective chairs and the girl who was on the floor.

the fire quickly covering the adults as they let out terrifying screams of pain the girl who has some fire on her pants quickly runs to me and puts out the fire on her pants.

she quickly picks me up and tries to get to the window but the fire blocks her path and makes her back away.

as the fire slowly creeps toward us. she gets on her knees in the one corner that wasn't completely engofeld in fire with me and she covers me with her body.

as she does this she whispers to me "it's going to be ok nico, it's going to be ok".

as the fire creeps over to us the fire starts to burn her back causing her to scream and me to try to move my arms to cover my ears. but as I do my sleeve catches fire burning my arm causing me to scream out in pain.

when I was about to lose hope and except the fact that we where going to die the glass breaks and a figure comes rushing in and picks us up in there arms and rush out the window completely ignoring the fire and right to a puddle near by.

the person who I think just saved us throws us onto the puddle quenching the fire a little bit and as the last of the fire is put out on us. I pass out next to the girl who had passed out a while ago.


A unknown amount of time later

I woke up in a jolt and quickly looked around to notice that it was bright wherever I was and it smelt like chemicals and a mix of food. There was a steady beeping noise to.

Finally after my eyes adjust I notice that I am in a hospital room and my arms are burnt like I just survived a burning house level burnt but I don't really feel any pain or anything just slight aches here and there.

of course that all changes when I try to get up using my arms. "aaaaaagh" nico screamed in pain causing him to fall back on his bed and a nurse to come running in.

"you shouldn't move too much your arms are severely burnt" as she says that nico just looks at her with the most deadpan look that just screams the words "nooo really"

when the nurse sees that she becomes a little flabbergasted but quickly recovers from her shock as a doctor comes in.

"hello nico my name is Dr dezballs and you and your sister amber just survived a house fire can you tell me what was the last thing you remember".

when he says that nico just stares at him like he's crazy

"right your 2 sorry I just recently started treating children" he nervously chuckles a bit not sure what to say next and he decideds to leave but not before stuffing a pop in Nicos mouth and telling Nico not to move his arm to much.