
[Completed] He Loves Dogs, Ducks And - Maybe Me!

Chou Tzuyu was an ordinary college girl who wanted to have a relaxing vacation. Because her internet connection was suddenly cut off, she found herself on the lake where she met a handsome young man who was feeding ducks. Is this a sweet love story of a young girl? Or... Is everyone hiding their true selves? (This is my first romance novel. Give a chance to this story and feel free to critic however you wish)

LordFinn · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


Another week passed.

I am already missing my happy moments from my last vacation. My lessons are mostly about memorising and it is really difficult if your mind at somewhere else. I am suffering. I am sleepless and I am impatient. I cannot stop to think about him. This was a feeling first time I am experiencing. It really hurts to bring so many question marks stabbed in your brain to everywhere you go. Why I even think about him? Why I cannot stop this? Really this hurts. Jisoo looked at me as she was enjoying my despair.

"Tzuyu loves Taemin~~" She sometimes would repeat this sentence to my ears. Love? What a headache. No, maybe heartache better way to describe it? Anyways…

I don't know what she wants. Is she trying to annoy me? She is too cute to be annoyed.

Since there is nothing else to do, I wanted to search for a song to listen. However Jisoo told me go and prepare.

"Oh my god, where is my mind?"

Jisoo smiled me as she cannot believe that I forgot this. Previous week, Jisoo managed to get a date for today with Taemin. This whole week I thought about him but forgot this event? What is wrong with me?

I ran to my closet to prepare but Jisoo was messaging at her phone. I surprised because we made a deal. She would be leaving room to me and Taemin. She must do this as my dear roommate. Yup, we must understand and help each other, right? After a slight struggle she accepted. So I cried from inside.

"Jisoo, when you are leaving?"

"…Soon." She said. Hmm okay.

I was in hurry so after tidying my room, I started to prepare some potato chips, drinks and other kind of junk foods.

"We must invite someone every night to let you clean regularly ahahaha" Jisoo said sarcastically while passing by to her room. Ah well, I admit I'm not the best roommate. I am a hooman. I can be lazy, okay.

*Ding Dong*

"Jisoo! You are late. He already came." Grrrr. This girl. Why so slow?!

I ran to the door and opened.


"Hi Tzuyu, Jisoo here?��� In front of the door, there was a tall man with long black hairs. He was not extremely handsome but there was a weird charm on his face. He had a dead serious look even though he was chatting normally and his eyes… Yes, his eyes were very soul catching.

"Welcome V. Yes, Jisoo is inside. Come in." I invited him.

His name is Kim Tae Hyung. But everyone calls him V. I don't know really why. He is childhood friend of Jisoo and the current leader of the art and cinema club of our college which is also the club of Jisoo. And Taemin!

Yes he must know a lot about him! Wait, I have no time to chat with him. "Jisoo, come. V is here"

Jisoo comes out with a very eye catching dress and hugs Kim Tae Hyung. "Welcome V. Why did you come here today? I told you I was going out"

I swear I saw Jisoo winking at Kim Tae Hyung. I must be wrong.

*Ding Dong*

He finally is here! I ran to the door as if flying to stop in front of the door five seconds to check my clothes and hair. I slowly opened the door with my best smile.

"Welcome Taemin" And here. Taemin, he is perfect as always. There is a formal suit on him. Hmm maybe he came here from a meeting.

"Hello Tzuyu." Taemin smiled at me, he smiled at me! "You look pretty" What did he say?=!

"Yoo. Tae, welcome mate. I didn't know you would be here. What's up?" V waved at Taemin from living room.

"Hey V. I completed the photo-shoot with the party you told. I left them in the office" Taemin entered the room and sat next to Kim Tae Hyung to start a chat while Jisoo was filling drinks for them.

Eh? Hm? Everything looks pretty nice. No? Why Jisoo still here? Why there is also a Kim Tae Hyung with no intention to leave? What happened to our deal? Jisoo?!

I tried to make eye contact with her but obviously she was avoiding me!

I do not know what is going on but there was nothing else to do, I also joined to the chat. I learnt Taemin was actually a real professional photographer which astonished me. According to Kim Tae Hyung whenever there is a photographing contest, Taemin would be winner or second. So their club teacher also forces him to join any contest. I looked him with awe. I must definitely preserve our photos well!

As the our small party goes on, I found a chance to catch Jisoo in kitchen and looked at her in the eye.

"What is happening?"

"What do you mean Tzuyu? I'm taking out more drinks" She smiled me sweetly.

"Jisoo, were you not going out today? And now V is also here. Why?" I asked her with lifting my one of eyebrows.

"Ah well… Okay. I didn't want you to do any mistakes, sweetie. I know you are excited. But you have no experience. You must not let your guard down against any males!" Jisoo pointed her finger toward me and warned.


"Ahaha. Sorry honey. Okay my fault. But you must build a strong relationship and know him better. This would be better in crowd. I'll not block your way next time. Deal?" She asked me with wronged look.

My heart melted at this side. I hugged her again. "Okay J. You are best. Thanks for thinking me about me".

We went back to boys with drinks Jisoo brought out and another chat session started from various topics. She was right. But the more I know Taemin, I actually liked more him. He has a pure heart that can spare his time every morning to feed the ducks. He has talents. He is this, He is that, uwuw he became everything in my mind. I'm blushing. ?? What are we drinking btw. Oh I asked this from inside my mind and outside at same time.

"What are we drinking btw?"

"…" I saw Taemin was already sleeping on armchair. How cute he looks!

"Yes Jisoo. This looks like an alcohol mix." Kim Tae Hyung said.

"Oops. Looks like I took wrong bottle." She smiled sheepishly.

"Taemin sleeping. What we must do?" I asked as I poked Taemin's cheek taking advantage of his situation. His face is really smooth and soft and *cough*

I turned back to see smirking of two other people in the room.

"Will he sleep here?" I asked before they can ask anything.

"He can sleep on my bed. I have home works to deal with until morning." Jisoo said.

"No!" I said automatically I don't know why. Jealousy? Ahaha *cough* Of course not.

"Then he sleeps on your bed and you can sleep here in the living room." Jisoo laughed with no shame! So you will sleep with him in same room?? No way!

I looked at the half drunk V with pitiful eyes.

He laughed loud and said: "Alright, I willl take him to his room. But you owe me this time. Don't forget. Okay?"

"Thanks you V."