
She is one strange lady!

Coming out of the exam centre, Hirvan exhaled deeply, feeling as if a massive weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

'Finally! I am done!'

Before he could enjoy this moment, Benji draped an arm on Hirvan's shoulder and said with a silly grin on his face.

"Let's go do something Fun!!! I don't want to see another book for the rest of the year!"

"Me too… if I hear one more word about exam or studying, I think I might throw up!"

Hirvan laughed and nodded in agreement.

As they walked a little furthur down the street, they spotted Natasha standing by the sidewalk, her eyes darted around, searching for them in the sea of people. 

As soon as she caught sight of them, she rushed over, her face full of curiosity.

"Hey! How did it go? Are you confident you did well?"

She asked looking at the two boys.

Before Hirvan could answer, Benji threw his hands in the air dramatically and wailed.