
The Fox hears concubines' grievances

The only throne in the throne room was the King's, as well as the Queen Dowager's lounging sofa behind the beaded curtain, but in certain occasions, another throne could be brought in for the Royal Consort.

Chu Yun told the servants to do so, and asked them to place it right next to Xiao Zai's throne. He sat down and told the guards to let the concubines in.

They streamed in orderly, impeccably dressed and well-mannered, some dozen women and about five men. Chu Yun noticed immediately that Min Sezhui wasn't among them.

The concubines all prostrated themselves at the foot of the dais. "Greetings to his Royal Highness, the King Consort," they said as one, their voices rising harmoniously.

Chu Yun greeted them, and bid them to rise. "I'm afraid the his Majesty is otherwise occupied, but I'll be happy to hear what the noble concubines have to say."