
World 6.19


Yang pressed the magical pen hanging on his neck. A flashing light delivered him to a different place. 

He scanned the surroundings and found out that he was inside a house. His eyes went to the sofa with a figure lying quietly. A kid sleeping soundly caught his attention and based on his face, he was totally Gung Weixi.

"Are you crazy?! What the heck are you trying to do with our son?!" A middle aged woman entered the area followed by another middle aged man wearing a white gown and glasses, he was like a doctor. 

"Gung R-Rouhan?!" Yang exclaimed with surprise

"But it's for his own good.." Gung Rouhan defended himself

The woman slapped his face "Rouhan!!" she yelled "Stop this nonsense! Are you insane?!! He is our son! He's not a test subject!!" she yelled with his hoarse voice.

Gung Rouhan pulled her shoulders "But I'm doing this to cure our son! His excessive pheromones are not normal!" he exclaimed