The village market was busy and noisy as always. Some were running errands while the elders were talking about the gossip in town. The kids were carelessly playing and running around. The other people are asking for their everyday needs and stuff.
Ru Xian jolted sensitively the moment a kid ran in front of him. He was wearing simple old clothes he borrowed from an old man the moment he sneaked out, his face was covered in its hood.
"I should be more careful" he thought as he continued to walked in the sideways
He was so desperate to find the male, he could change his status real quick for Wuwu. Nobody will find out that he was the crown prince. He was so good in his disguise.
"Have you heard about the crown prince's prisoner?"
"It was Xiao Wu,right?"
"Why did he take an interest in that mad man?"
Ru Xian stopped and then he turned his gaze to them "Uhh..Excuse me?" The three women looked at him at the same time. "What is it, young man?" One if them asked
Ru Xian asked "Did you know where this Wu-- Xiao Wu lived?"
One of those women twitched her brows "That crazy prick is homeless, but he's always spending his time alone under the bridge, in the dark alley." She replied
Ru Xian decided to go there, the place was so unfamiliar and uncomfortable to him. As a prince, filth is prohibited inside the palace, all the maids and servants are spending their everyday lives cleaning even the little pieces of dirt.
And now he is facing an old dumped hut with a stinky smell coming from its surroundings.
There was a kid who ran to him the moment he reached the entrance "What brings you here, Mister?" The child asked
The child was unpleasant to Ru Xian's eyes, he got torn clothes, he was pale and thin. His skin was covered in bruises and reddish wounds.
Ru Xian ignored his thoughts " I am looking for Wuwu" he said
The child's smiley face turned to a gloomy one "Brother Wu hasn't been home in days, he was the one providing our food" he said in a very down tone
Ru Xian felt pity for them, this was the first time he had left the palace without a guard or anything to worry about. And this was immediately the first he saw, people like Wuwu. He can tell that the people in front of him have a good heart and the fact that Wuwu feeds them is a heart-warming scenario for him.
Ru Xian wanted to show them that he was the prince, he wanted to tell them to go with him back to the palace so that he can order the maids and servants to serve them food until they're satisfied. But according to the gossip of being the merciless prince, he can't reveal his face under the hood.
Ru Xian took the bag of gold coins from his waist and then he handed it to the child "Buy some foods until you're satisfied" then he turned around
The child opened the bag with his confused look, he was delighted after seeing the tons of gold coins inside it. His eyes beamed in so much awe like it was the first time in his life. He sprang happily "Thank you so much,Mister!!!" He was smiling very widely
Wuwu was walking freely in the market, and they let him go. He was so lost in thoughts that he didn't care whether he was bumping into someone. The sun was already out and he was feeling thirsty so he decided to stop by the familiar shop he was passing by everyday.
"You stole it!!"
People gathered around when a voice dominated the area, it was coming from one of those bread shops.
"I didn't steal it!! Mister, give it to us so that we can buy food!" the kid was thrown on the ground
"I should compensate you for causing trouble in my shop! I will charge you some gold!" the old burly man said gripping the bag of coins in his palm
The child stood up and then he ran towards the burly man to get his bag of coins back, but a forceful kick landed on his stomach that caused him to curl back to the ground. The child cries in pain. Wuwu didn't want to interfere not until he heard the familiar voice. His feet suddenly moved on it's own, running to the crowded area.
"Wait a minute!" Wuwu exclaimed
The people looked at him with disgust in their eyes, while Su Bei, the child crying in pain on the ground hurriedly ran onto him, clinging on his waist "Brother Wu! I didn't steal anything! That young Mister gave us the bag of gold and tell us to buy a food" he explained
Wuwu glared at the burly man, he knew that Su Bei is not that type of child to lie. They're been together for years, including the real Xiao Wu. He was feeding them everyday from his volunteer work.
Wuwu hid Su Bei on his back "This child is not lying!" he said sternly
The crowd looked at each other's face,some twitched their lips and some laughed. Who would believe Wuwu, he was known for being a madman.
The burly man smirked "Tch! How could you tell me that this child is not lying? No one will believe a crazy person like you!" he said
Wuwu 's eyes became sharp and cold, the people indeed are cruel towards them, they are homeless and some of them are sick but they will never trick other people. Wuwu hated people like them the most, using their power to abuse those who had no rights.
Before they could answer, the people screamed some unbearable words and curses.
"Kick them out!"
"They should have died in filth!"
"Beat them up!"
Wuwu wrapped Su Bei into his arms when the other men gathered towards them with their woods spanking them, while the others were throwing some tomatoes, eggs and rocks on them. Wuwu protected the child with all his might.
Wuwu received their punches and kicks. He couldn't fight back because of Su Bei's sake.
A deep and husky voice stopped them from beating the poor male..
A man wearing a yellow daoist robe swayed his hands, his guards picked up Wuwu and Su Bei.
"The crown prince from Chen Clan!!" The people chant in unison, they all kneeled down and bowed their heads.
"Such cruelty!" Chen Lou exclaimed in anger
The burly man kneeled down "My lord, this child over here stole a bag of gold" he said
Chen Lou gave him a cold gaze "I don't care, cruelty is not an option! You should pity the child!" He yelled
His voice gave shivers to the people, they turned their backs one by one as they went back to their business. Chen Lou, together with his guards were left there.
"Hand me another bag of coins" Chen Lou ordered and then his servant immediately put a bag of gold coins onto his palm. He gave it to the burly man and then he ordered his guards to carry Wuwu and Su Bei with them.
They stopped by the famous food house in the market, Wuwu and Su Bei quietly took the chair, with their eyes lowered down.
"What do you want to eat?"
They were both surprised by Chen Lou's melodic voice; they felt embarrassed and scared at the same time.
"Fear not,young man and child...I'm not going to hurt you" Chen Lou said
{You didn't tell me that we have another character in this world}
AUTHOR: It was included in the twist
"My lord, I don't steal any gold! That burly man is just blabbing things out of his---"
"Shh...Seal your lips, young child...I'm not here to ask about what happened" Chen Lou said
They were interrupted when the food arrived on their table, Chen Lou smiled at the maid and then he gave her an extra tip of gold coins. The servant went back to the kitchen with a smile on her face.
"Eat, please eat until you are satisfied, If you still want something I can ordered another bunch of foods for the both of you"
Wuwu jolted with embarrassment "B-But Crown Prince! This is enough" he said in a mannered tone
Chen Lou glanced at him "Xiao Wu? Right? The madman...they say" he said, fixating his eyes to Wuwu
Wuwu nodded quickly and bowed his head.
"I have heard that Prince Ru Xian captured you months ago..Do you have any idea where he was going?" Chen Lou asked
Wuwu flinched but he didn't let Chen Lou saw it, he lowered his head "I don't have any other ideas" he replied
Chen Lou smirked "Heh?...But I heard he sneak out because he was looking for you...Xiao Wu"
Wuwu's heart skipped a beat and then he sprang up from his seat, he clenched his fist with a worried face.
"He's looking for me?!" He exclaimed
Oh my!! You two better find each other..quickly!!!
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