
World 2.13

"It's not what you think it is!!"

Luke walked towards them and saw the situation. "Seriously, what the hell are you two doing?" he said as he helped them to stand. "I'm sorry! It's my fault! I stumble upon him" Yang exclaimed

"He sober up a little bit, so you can take him home now" Isaac says looking down and as he saw the broken glasses on the floor "And I need to clean this mess" he added

"Isaac! I'm really sorry for causing so much trouble!" Yang exclaimed, bowing his head. Luke patted the other man's shoulder "Thanks dude, I owe you one" he said

"It's okay..Now go and take a rest, it's late already" Isaac said so the two didn't bother him at all and headed home straight.

The man was left alone, the face of Yang closer to him was still fresh on his mind. He grabbed his chest as he felt something prick his heart. The memories of the past suddenly played vividly on his thoughts. His gaze went to the old picture frame near the bed, he smirk "What am I even thinking right now" Isaac said

Luke and Yang went home safely. Yang was really wondering because the moment they got out of the car, Luke carried him upstairs without a word. They went straight up to their room as Luke locked the door.

"H-Hey, Luke? W-What are you doing--hmmpp!!" their lips touched the moment they lay down on the bed. Yang pushes him gasping for air "Luke?!" he exclaimed

{What the hell did I do?}

AUTHOR: He's being possessive

{I thought we already sorted things out?!}

Luke locked his eyes to Yang and slammed both hands beside his omega's head. "Am I not allowed to touch my wife?" he asked in a very intimate tone. Yang swayed his hands in the air "I-I d-didn't mean that!" he stuttered. "It's been so long since we last did it" Luke said as he showered Yang some pepper kisses on the neck. 

{I'm telling you! If we're going to do it right now I need compensation!}

"L-Luke...it t-tickles" he blabbed out, Luke smirked at him "Can we do it right now? My love?" he asked, which made Yang sprang "Wait a minute! I-I'm really tired a-and s-sleepy!" he exclaimed

AUTHOR: Such excuses

{E-Excuse me?! This is my body we're talking about here!}

Luke seemed sad as he made puppy eyes "I understand" he snorted. Yang dashed to the side of the bed and hurriedly buried himself into the blanket "I-Im sorry, it's just that I-I'm n-not in the mood right now" he mutters 

AUTHOR: Liar! Your thoughts say that you want to be tied up and then--

{Shut up! I'm not that pervert!}

Luke sighed and stood up, then he gave Yang a kiss on the forehead "Goodnight my love" he said before heading out. 

The next morning, Yang didn't have any shoot so he stayed home with Darryl while Luke didn't go to the office and chose to work from home instead. Yang and Darryl were at the playroom. He was reading the story of 'Rabbit and the turtle'

"Okay, the story ends here" Yang said after flipping the last page of the story book. Darryl looked at him with a sad face "Ryl wants more.." he mumbled so Yang patted his head "But the story has ended, don't be sad" he comforted him

Darryl crossed his arms "Mama! Let's play! Let's play!" he exclaimed like a bright idea came to his mind. "Okay, What do you want to play?" he asked

"Mama will play the rabbit! Ryl will be the turtle!" the child exclaimed happily. "Okay, what do you want me to do?" Yang asked. Darryl went to the boxes over the corner and searched something, then he went back to Yang carrying a 'rabbit ears headband' 

"Mama wear this" then he put the headband to Yang's head. "This is so cute, where did you get this little bean?" he asked as the child sat in front of him "Mama pwetty, Mama cute" then he clapped his hands like a painter after making a masterpiece.

Yang blushed his  face from the child's compliment. He thought that this kid and Luke are really the same, straightforward person. The two continued to play until it was time for Darryl's afternoon nap. Olivia got the child while Yang let himself clean and arranged the playroom.

He strolled around the house before heading upstairs. As he was walking along the hallway, he decided to visit Luke in his personal office.

Luke was blinking continuously, he was sleepy after looking too much at the laptop screen so he decided to rest his eyes for a while. He leaned on the chair and blinked his eyes until a long fluffy and furry rabbit ears blocked his sight. 

"Are you sleeping?" A familiar voice cracked his curiosity as he lifted his head and saw Yang standing beside him with bunny ears on his head. "What are you wearing my love?" he asked 

Yang jolted the moment he noticed that he's still wearing the headband Darryl gave him. "Oh? This one?! Ehehe" he smiled nervously, he was embarrassed. "Darryl and I are playing a while ago so I forgot to remove it" he said

Yang was about to remove the headband when Luke suddenly pulled his hand away. "Don't take it off," he said.


{Ehhhh?! Don't tell me that he finds me cute wearing this thing?!}

AUTHOR: I don't want to say it but it's the truth

"But...What am I gonna do with it?" he twitched his lips. Luke stood up and hug him from behind and then he leaned his head on Yang's shoulder "It suits you, you look very cute" he whispered

Yang didn't know if it was Luke's breath on his neck or his senses that made him feel hot. The alpha squeezed his waist and smelled his hair "H-Hey...Luke, stop" he blurted out as he tried to yank his body.

{Does he really want to score so badly?}

AUTHOR: Score what?

{You know, the thing}

AUTHOR: The thing what?


Luke pulled him closer "Let me stay like this for a while, My shoulders are hurting and my back feels numb, I need to replenish my energy" then he sniffed the male's hair once more.

"Are you that tired?" Yang asked, Luke nodded back. "Sit down," Yang ordered, making the man's brows twitch. "I said sit down" he said again patting the swivel chair.

Luke sat with a puzzled face, he groaned when he felt some fingers pressing his shoulders "This will help you ease some pains" Yang kept massaging him from his nape down to his broad back. Luke closed his eyes and let his thoughts run free inside his mind, each time Yang squeezes his skin it carries a strange sensation that pervades each of his veins. 

Yang's hand went to his temple, pushing it gently with warm and slight force. "Are you feeling better now?" he asked with his sight locked on Luke's back hair. A grin drew behind that head, the alpha slid his fingers reaching the omega's hand. "Thank you my love" then he kissed the male's hand. 

Yang jolted from surprise when Luke's lips touched the skin of his palm. He felt his face flushed red at that moment. He was stunned when Luke pulled him and buried him onto his chest. The moment between them became awkward and the air suddenly thickens. 

Yang felt uncomfortable with their position on the chair, he was sitting on Luke's lap with his hands around the alpha's shoulders. Their eyes locked to each other as they noticed the inches between their faces. 

"Hmghh!...Luke!" Yang flinched when he felt something grope his butt. Luke smirked and kissed Yang's neck, the butterflies on his stomach flattered their wings continuously. His hands freely touched his wife's butt while Yang grasped. "L-Luke! W-Wait a minute! Your hands!!" he exclaimed

{Hey! What should I do?!}

AUTHOR: Bear with it

{H-Hey! What?!}

Yang froze, his soul flew away from his body as if cold water had been poured on him. The thing under him was poking onto his pants.

"Crap! He's really hard" he thought 

Another update is here!!!! They're taking their sweet time ehehe.. *smirk* Don't forget to share your thoughts,gimme reviews!! GIFTS REALLY CHEERS ME UP!! mwaa!

yohan26_creators' thoughts