
World 10.22

    ... cough... cough…

A cold substance made him jolt and gasped. It was water. Xianyu slowly blinked his eyes and the first thing he saw was a brick red floor. There are also shadows penetrating some human figures in front of him. It means that the place was dim and closed. 

When he was about to move his arms, he was stunned. Xianyu realized that he was chained behind his back. He was kneeling on the floor with his head lowered. He spun his eyes sideways and saw the place familiar to him, an underground dungeon. It made him smile when Yuan suddenly popped into his mind. Is this also the same dungeon at that time? Who knows, Xianyu's mind was still spinning that he couldn't think of what's happening anymore. 

"So I guess you are awake now," a cold and stern voice bangs his ears. 

Xianyu saw a pair of leather shoes step in front of him. "Lift your head," the voice ordered.