
The Bond

"Neal, that's enough,"

Doctor Ava stepped in, tapping the vampire on the shoulders. "You don't want to commit human violence, right?" she reminded.

Neal clicked his tongue and threw his hands up as he parted from their position. Matthew immediately helped Knox stand up. He brushed his boss' coat and told him to sit back.

The vampire also took a seat, but his gaze was away from Knox. He is still sulking because of that mark he really didn't mean to put on him. Right now, he's embarrassed and angry.

Doctor Ava cleared her throat. "Now that we are all here, can I get your attentions now?" she sat back on her table and alternatively glanced at Neal and Knox.

Knox, who enjoyed the view of that beauty with bulging cheeks and pouting lips couldn't help but grinned. Neal's ears were red from the side of his face.

Noticing this, Matthew leaned closer. "I need you to listen to the Doctor," he whispered.

Knox blinked and casted his eyes to Doctor Ava. "I will listen," he said.

"Things like this never happened, and you are the first one who got this mark." Doctor Ava sighed. "I don't even know what to say anymore. This is a shock for me and for the Vespion higher ups too."

Knox suddenly got amused by hearing that. "I see," then he recalled something. "How about this officer who lived with him? I thought he's his companion?" he asked.

The lady irked. "It seems like Mr Knox already dug up some information about the Vespion's 2nd rank vampire. You're quite fast to catch up." she gazed at the man with sharp eyes.

Knox gave that glance back. "Of course, who do you think I am, Doctor Ava? In fact, I want to know why that officer didn't get a mark from him."


Neal exclaimed as he sprang up from his seat. "Why would I mark my own brother!" he turned red and Knox could tell immediately that the vampire was shy.

Neal gritted his teeth while glaring deeply at the man who just uttered something that shouldn't be discussed. He clenched his fist and was very enraged.

'This is what I'm talking about,' Doctor Ava thought, hopeless. She looked at Neal. "Will you please calm down?"

Being the hot tempered one, Neal didn't back down at all. If only Knox was nearer, he will surely flip the shit out of him for blabbing things humans can't even understand. The fact that he mentioned Ren's name, it made Neal's heart clenched.


The lady called out again. "We already talked about that temper of yours." This time, her voice was calmer. "Sit down," she ordered.

Good thing, she got these tranquilizers on her desk, because if the vampire became hysterical, she's ready. Doctor Ava knew how sensitive Neal was right now because of his brother's death.

However, instead of sitting down, Neal lowered his head. "I'm out now. You can tell him everything you want, Doctor."

He turned around and headed to the door, but the moment those doors opened, a flowery aura immediately covered the atmosphere.

Hellion's smiling face froze when he met Neal's crimson sharp eyes. Doctor Ava nodded at him secretly.

"Aha~" Hellion wrapped his arms around Neal's shoulders. "I arrived at the right time, right? The captain was asking for your audience," he said.

Feeling that heavy arms around his shoulders, Neal lost it. His arms trembled and he snorted. "Don't touch me!" punching Hellion straight to his jaw.

Matthew's mouth dropped after seeing that forceful punch which led Hellion to the floor. Neal left them as if nothing happened.

Hellion leaned on the side of the door and wiped the blood from his lips. "That hurts," he mumbled. "What happened here?"

He roamed his eyes and the first thing he noticed was those black eyes narrowed at him with a hostile expression. Hellion didn't know, but he felt threatened by those. 'Is this the one he marked?' he thought.

Doctor Ava broke their staring contest. "Hellion," she called out.

The blonde vampire smiled at her. "Yes, Doctor?"

"Thank you for catching that punch. I will give you treatment after this. Would you like to wait in the next room?" she asked.

Hellion waved his hands. "Nah, it's fine. That punch is nothing compared to me." He raised his bicep. "I'm the rank 1, Doctor!" Then he winked.

The lady only shook her head. "Yes, yes. Now if you'll excuse us."

"Oh, sorry." Hellion pulled the doors. "I'm going now, bye bye."

Now the lady turned her gaze to the two men. "If you saw that then you're lucky that you're not the one he just punched. Ordinary humans will end up having their skull cracked by that punch." she explained.

Matthew gulped after hearing this. "He's scary," he mumbled.

Doctor Ava nodded. "He's the 2nd rank vampire for that reason after all. The one who he just punched was Hellion Cassuis, the rank 1. Well, sometimes they have this weird relationship but they're friends."

Her eyes went back to Knox. "Now that you saw that, Mr Knox. Did you finally understand where you got yourself? I won't beat behind the bush anymore. Neal marked you as one of his possessions."

She laid those folders open on her desk. "The reason why he can't drink blood anymore and why he's acting like that is because of that mark,"

"I'm all ears, Doctor." Knox replied.

"He's acting like that and told you that he won't mark Ren because it's a vampire's way of bonding someone with them, so if you got that mark then that means half of your life was already on the brink of death, Mr Knox."

Matthew irked from this. "Then, does that mean that my boss will die?" he asked.

Doctor Ava grinned. "No, but he will yearn for Neal. He will become crazy if he didn't see him or worse, his life was already in Neal's hands. Do you know why this mark is dangerous, Mr assistant?"

Matthew shakes his head.

"Because once you formed a bond with a vampire, you can't live without them anymore," The lady said. "It's like a marriage proposal, Mr Knox,"